Text File
Title : Castlevania Deathmatch v.01 for Doom2
Filename : vania.wad
Author : Josh Ray
Homepage : http://www.geocities.com/SunsetStrip/Alley/9785
Email Address : xdaemon@juno.com
Misc Author Info : Uhh, well I'm not really
that interesting
You are Simon Belmont, well ok, you are still a space marine. The
general atmosphere is castlevania-ish and after I found the music
I just had to include it. I hate to put this here, but this is my
first RELEASED wad. Please send me any feedback (good or bad) on it,
I'd be happy to change some things to suit others. If anyone else
would like to collaborate on future DM wads based on this series,
feel free to contact me.
Additional Credits to:
All the people in the r.g.c.d newsgroups, Thanks for all the help
and advice, Thanks to Eric James Roberts, for advice on fixing visplane
overflow errors, to rpgfan (www.rpgfan.com) for the music, oh yeah,
I guess I have to thank id software for making Doom
(no thanks for quake though!)
*Play Information*
Episode and Level # : Map01,Map02
Single Player : No
Cooperative 2-4 Player : Nope
Deathmatch 2-4 Player : That's the idea here
Difficulty Settings : Not Implemented
New Sounds : No
New Graphics : Yes
New Music : Yes (sounds awesome on a wavetable)
Demos Replaced : None
Base : New levels from scratch
Editors used : DCK (yeah!!), Wintex, Deep97
(for texture aligning)
Known Bugs : Why is this here? Shouldn't be any,
let me know if there are any, thanks.
*Copyright / Permissions*
Authors may NOT use these levels as a base to build additional
Aside from that, you may do whatever you want with this file.