Text File
Title : The Den
Filename : theden.wad
Author : spam
Email Address : spam@bu.edu
Misc. Author Info : umm not a whole lot, a retired deathmatcher
for one
Description : i tried to make this one smaller and
tighter than my previous wads
i took my inspiration from my 2
fav wad series, danzigs and dwellers
and tried to implement my own
style into a similar layout
imo i did a good job...
the switch pillars and the ssg platform
all lower the ssg platform to
stop your opponent from getting the bfg
the pathway to the bfg is closed if the
bfg ledge is reached... it needs to be
re-opened to be gotten again
also if you get killed (or get stopped
via the switches), your opponent has
a chance to get the bfg so dont screw up :)
(that sounds like a strategic, thinking
game to me)
this map is designed for 1 on 1, but i
guess it can be used for 3 or 4 way games
it might be a fun, very fast paced 2 on 2
map. btw this is an unchanged version
from the first public beta. i no longer
have the resources to edit it any further
(pc fried, and im broke), but it is very
polished and offers fun play as it is.
Additional Credits: id software (duh!! of course)
and the following people from #deathmatch for
their input/testing/support/friendship:
galiu, jfl, bahdko, duke, fragmare, and
anyone else who gave me input - positive or
* Play Information *
Episode and Level # : map 1
Single Player : u mean people still play this way?
Cooperative 2-4 Player : why? no starts
Deathmatch 2-4 Player : hellz yea!!!! preferably 2
Difficulty Settings : skill 1/2 - old dm no plasma/bfg
skill 3 - altdeath (yuck!)
skill 4/5 - all guns old dm (yea!!)
New Sounds : nope
New Music : a dream theater tune, ferget which one
New Graphics : 1 new lame texture :)
i never claimed to be an artist :)
* Construction *
Base : new level from scratch
Build Time : too long
Editor(s) used : windeu32 5.24, nwt, wintex 4.2, bsp1.5x
Known Bugs : none unless i missed something
i fixed the vis-plane stuff long ago :)
* Copyright / Permissions *
Authors MAY NOT use this level as a base to build additional
You MAY distribute this PWAD, provided you include this file, with
no modifications. You may distribute this file in any electronic
format (BBS, Diskette, CD, etc) as long as you include this file
im not gonna bother with the where to get this file part... its just
plain dumb, if yer reading this txt file u obviously found it :)