Text File
This wad is a WolfenDOOM scenario for DOOM II; in other
words, a Wolf3D TC. Although created on a Macintosh, it is
fully compatible with PC DOOM, and the included patch file
works with DeHackEd 3.0.
This wad also replaces the original upload called toten.zip
which resides in the /themes/wolf3d directory.
Title: Escape from Totenhaus
Filename: TOTEN.WAD
Author: Laz Rojas
Email Address: filmman@pacificnet.net
Misc. Author Info: web site at
Description: 10-level WolfenDOOM adventure, featuring new
enemies, graphics and ambient sounds. Created on a
Additional Credits to: The guys at id, for creating both
Doom and Wolfenstein. Also Blake Zuckerman
(zuckerma@sfu.ca) for helping install some of the flats.
*Play Information*
Game: Doom II
Level #: MAP01-MAP10
Single Player: Yes
Cooperative 2-4 Player: No
Deathmatch 2-4 Player: No
Difficulty Settings: No
New Sounds: Yes
New Graphics: Yes
New Music: No
Demos Replaced: None
Base: New levels from scratch
Build Time: Two months
Editor(s) Used: Demon, HellMaker, Deimos, MacBSP
Known Bugs: None
It's the spring of 1943, and you're working as an
undercover agent behind enemy lines, passing yourself off
as a German in a quaint Bavarian village. One afternoon,
you're sitting in a tavern sipping schnapps and flirting
with a pretty fraulein when someone identifies you as an
allied spy. Before you can amiably protest and offer to
buy the man a drink, somebody else hits you on the back of
the head, and the lights go out. The next thing you know,
you wake up in what appears to be the basement of a large
mansion. But this is no ordinary mansion. This is
Totenhaus (House of Death), the dreaded location where
Allied spies are taken to be interrogated and executed.
Until now, no one has escaped from Totenhaus alive. Will
you be the first?
Authors may not use this level as a base to build
additional levels.
You may distribute this WAD as long as this read me is
*Where to get this WAD*
FTP Sites: ftp.cdrom.com
BBS Numbers:
Other: http://www.pacificnet.net/~filmman