Text File
The Chaingun FAQ By Ryan Watt
This is FAQ that explains chaingun tactics and use.
There wasnt much to write on it, beacause some of it
is obvious, but why not?
Q. How powerful is it?
A. It does about 3 points of damage a bullet, about the
same as an Imp fireball. The rat of fire makes up for
the weak shots.
Q. Who should I use it against?
A. The Zombie Men, Shotgun Guys, Demons, Imps and
Cacodemons. The rate of fire stops them from fighting
back if all your shots hit.
Q. Does it work in deathmatch?
A. Yes, and very well too. Hard to dodge and rapid fire
are the best things about it. Surprise your opponent
and you can kill him in seconds.
Q. Whats with this demo and wad?
A. It shows tactics with the chaingun like:
Strafing aroud the corner to kill eemies fast
Killing a Cacodemon at short range
Surprising another player(The cacodemons supposed to
be a player.)