Text File
Title : Tantrum 2
Filename : TANTRUM2.WAD
Author : Ola Bjorling (With funky dots over the o
in Bjorling.)
Email Address : ola@techno.org
Homepage : http://members.xoom.com/bjorling
Misc. Author Info : Sported a full 10 fingers at the last count.
Go see the homepage for more essential info.
Description : Sweet level with bricks and corroded metal as its
main texture theme. Some wood and marble too.
I've pushed the engine to its very limit in just
about every damn area - enormous level of detail.
A LOT harder on UV than the first version, but
lower skills should suit mortal players fine.
The level is now highly non-linear. Woohoo.
There's no silly plot, just kill stuff.
Other files by author : A few:
venom.zip SP level
talosian.zip SP level (map08)
gothic2.zip Did some graphics
darken.zip Did some graphics
Coming up (as of writing this):
overload.zip DM level pack with new graphics
darken2.zip DM level and loads of graphics
mordeth 3 Some graphics
Slaughter DM Some graphics
Crucified Dreams One level, some graphics
And some minor work on:
Hell Revealed 2 Sky texture
Mortality Sky texture
I might have forgotten some, but these are the main
ones. Check out my homepage for the latest news on
whats released.
Additional Credits to : * Jeff Rabenhorst for the brilliant EdMap.
* Kurt Kessler for a LOT of inspiration.
* Nick Baker, Scott Cover, and Mike Reid for
testing. Eric James Roberts and Mike Watson
for pointing out small flaws.
* id for making YEAHYEAHYEAH you know what I was
going to write.
* Lee Killough for teaching me a lot about VPOs
and slime-trails. Also thanks for letting me
use BSP 2.4 beta.
* Jim Flynn for VERY essential help when EdMap was
acting strange and screwing up my level. The level
might not have been released if it wasn`t for him.
* Julia.
Pointless greetings to
(in total lack of order): Tom "Mystican" Robinson, Mike "Cyberdemon" Watson,
Nick "NiGHTMARE" Baker, Jonas "Chrozoron" Feragen,
Gaston "Mordeth" Lahaut, Eric James "Ricrob"
Roberts, Malcolm Sailor, Scott "Covaro" Cover,
Andrew "Linguica" Stine, Mike "Prower" Reid and
all those other oddballs hanging in EFnet #DOOM2.
You're all guilty for making my phonebills so darn
big. I'll make you pay.
* Play Information *
Game : DOOM II
Episode and Level # : MAP 01
Single Player : Yes that was my original intention.
Cooperative 2-4 Player : Nope, haven't had the chance to test
Deathmatch 2-4 Player : Yah right. Pffft.
Difficulty Settings : Yes, UV is kinda tricky, lower skills for
people with real lives. You wont actually
miss out on anything on skill 3 or 2, it'll
just be a bit easier.
New Sounds : No
New Graphics : No
New Music : No
Demos Replaced : None - tantrum2.lmp included as a separate
file. Recorded by Andy "Aurican" Kempling,
Skill 4, 100% kills 100% secrets 17:13
Recorded using mouse+keyboard on a P200
* Construction *
Base : New level from scratch with inspiration from
several different pwads and other games.
Build time : Some 250 hours I guess. Hard to estimate though.
A lot of that time was learning and just running
around in the level. Most areas have been rebuilt
about 3 times, some as much as 7, before I was
editor(s) used : In the beginning I used DoomEd v2.60 beta 4 but
as soon as I got EdMap 1.20 I used that one.
IDBSP 1.0 was also used. (Better than 1.0.1)
When the level got bigger than 150K IDBSP crashed
and I had to use WARM (another bsp), but it did
something strange - the map disappeared! (Not the
level - the map you get when you press TAB.)
Got rid of it using BSP.
For the new version I used EdMap 1.40, EdMap 1.31,
WinDEU 5.24 and BSP 2.4 beta.
Jim Flynn applied some magic with DETH 3.92.
Known Bugs : Pffft, silly.
* Copyright / Permissions *
Yeh yeh, go on, use this as a base for another level if you want to, but
it would be nice if you included this text file and a pointer to the
original version. Also, you should send me lots of money.
You MAY distribute this WAD, provided you include this file, with
no modifications. You may distribute this file in any electronic
format (BBS, Diskette, CD, etc) as long as you include this file
intact and dont make any profit from it.
* Where to get this WAD *
FTP sites: ftp.cdrom.com and its mirrors
BBS numbers: aaaw, come on