Text File
Title :BSTGRU16.WAD aka
The Bastard Guru (v1.7)
Author :Jim Oldland aka Sparkle Tom
Email Address :sparktom@bigfoot.com or sparktom@juno.com
Misc. Author Info :send comments/bug reports please
Description DOOM II Pwad. Excellent for Co-op, but plays in
all modes/skills. Remember: when you get to the
elevator - get ready to rumble!
Additional Credits to :Kevin Thierry & Bruceness for playtesting
Rich Sham and his better half - Alice
* Play Information *
Episode and Level # :DOOM II, Lev 1
Single Player :Yes
Cooperative 2-4 Player :Yes
Deathmatch 2-4 Player :Yes
Difficulty Settings :Yes
New Music :Yes, Roxy Music's "Love is the Drug"
* Construction *
Build Time :Ghastly
Known Bugs :none, note this rev (1.7) previous releases of
As this was my very first level, try to forgive
some of the texture choices and alignments.
*Copyrights / Permissions *
The Bastard Guru was part of my learning the construction of wad files,
therefore plenty of ideas have been borrowed.
I'm not too fussy about what people do with this level. I want credit
anywhere that it is used/altered. It may be combined with other levels in a
complete episode WAD file. If my work is used in other projects, submit
a copy to author (sparktom@bigfoot.com). It may not be played by those who
do not enjoy it.
Note - This is an update of v1.6, music has been added.