Roofi Posted October 10, 2020 (edited) October 2020, The yearly leader board Standard Leaderboard 1. 7-S-S Roofi 2. 7-?-? Leodoom85 3. 6-?-? ReaperAA 4. 6-?-? Anima Zero 5. 5-?-? Suitepee 6. 4-?-? RjY 7. 4-?-? SSGMaster 8. 4-?-? Beginner 9. 2-2-6 Pseudonaut 10. 2-2-4 Major Arlene 11. 2-2-4 Crusader No Regret 12. 2-?-? Vince Vega 13. 2-?-? dt_ 14. 2-?-? Andromeda (HMP and HNTR demos are cat 3 because you must start the new demo where you died) 15. 2-?-? John Wheel 16. 2-2-2 Pegleg 17. 1-2-3 Fadri 18. 1-2-3 Horus 19. 1-2-2 Davidn 20. 1-?-? NoisyVelvet 21. 1-?-? ragerat 22. 1-?-? Austinado (the other attempt counts as cat 3 because of UV difficulty) Prepared Leaderboard 1. 2-?-? Austinado 2. 2-2-2 Pegleg 3. ?-4-10 Andromeda If you want to continue the wad on lower difficulties , you must start your demo from the level where you died. What is the Doomworld Ironman League? The DWIronman League is a monthly competition in which participants aim to survive for as many levels as possible in the given map set, preferably in one sitting. Click the spoiler tag at the bottom of the post for a detailed list of rules. Players of all levels of ability are welcome. It could change the way you play Doom! I am taking over until Naza returns. Dark Resolution 2008 is a community project of 11 maps. After the ironman on Hell Revealed, it seemed incongruous to me to propose another megawad of 32 maps. In any case beware, the difficulty is rising quite quickly and the last two maps by Death-Destiny may cut you to pieces ! The one who will succeed in finishing all the maps will be a real champion ! *Record a demo/video starting from the first map in UV as per usual. If you die, record a second demo pistol-starting from the same map you died on, this time on HMP. If you die a second time, drop down further to HNTR. There is no subsequent drop-off: a HNTR death will signal the end of your run. Times are cumulative. You will be required to provide all the recorded demos in a zip file. Your ranking will prioritize UV first and in descending order. Only players who win through on UV will have "survived" according to the leader board. This is the first time I'm organizing an ironman, I apologize if I make mistakes. I hope you go well @NaZa. Suggestions? If you have any more suggestions for the future of Ironman, feel free to comment. Essential Info Doom II: Hell on Earth as the IWAD selected. Compatibility level 9, or "Boom" for ZDoom derivative ports. Time estimate: 2-3 hours I think 11 maps > Download Dark Resolution 2008 (bex file in the zip is just for map names) Quote prboom-plus.exe -iwad doom2.wad -file DR2008V2.wad -complevel 9 -skill 4 -record demo_name.lmp Expand Reveal hidden contents There are two competitions: Standard and Prepared: To compete successfully in the Standard competition: your first play of the selected WAD(s) constitutes your one and only attempt for the month. To compete successfully in the Prepared competition: your one and only attempt for the month is determined BY YOU immediately before play and may follow any prior number of active (playing the set) preparation that is strictly for practice/inspection purposes only. You cannot compete in the Standard competition after submitting a run to the Prepared competition. You may submit the first of your practice attempts to the Standard competition. UV only (excepting 1CC format), continuous recording. No pistol-starting each level. Demos (PrBoom+, GLBoom, Eternity or Chocolate), stream highlights and video recordings are the only accepted proofs. You must link to these runs in the thread. No additional WADs may be loaded. No inspection of the WAD(s)'s content in an editor if you are submitting a Standard run. No cheat codes and no features that result in behavior beyond what is possible in the intended source port (e.g. freelook, jumping and crouching in a boom set). This includes dynamic lights and brightmaps. If streaming or recording videos using an advanced source port with compatibility options, you must display these settings on-screen before your run. In ZDoom derivative ports, "Doom/Boom(strict)" will suffice. If you choose to stream/record your run for video rather than provide a demo and you die before completing a single level, either on the first map of a set OR because a single level was selected for the month, you must display the number of monsters killed/remaining in the level before you quit. You do not have to play the secret levels in order to register a complete run. However, a player who finishes the game having completed more secret levels than his/her competitors will rank higher than them. You cannot load a game having progressed past the save point. You cannot consult Doom Builder during your run to check for map details. If the recording of your official run is interrupted due to technical difficulties, you are not permitted a second attempt. Any surviving recording may be used to register a DNF result. Accidentally restarting a level before a death exit takes you to the tally screen will disqualify your run. If you are competing in the Standard competition, you are required to affix one of three numbers to your run informing the League of your degree of familiarity with the map/set played. Note that your evaluation should only take into consideration the content covered in your run (e.g. if you remember only one part of a level in a set you haven't played before but never reach that level, you should list your run as a [1] instead of [2]): This is a blind run. If I have played or watched any of the level/set being played before, I cannot remember any details that would offer a reasonable advantage over truly blind players. * This is not a blind run. I have familiarity with the set - played the level/set before, or watched it being played, and can remember some details that would offer a reasonable advantage over blind players. This is not a blind run. I have passively prepared for the competition - watched the level/set being played via stream, demo or video after it was announced as this month's challenge. * "Reasonable" in this instance asks you to consider whether the details in question are worth committing to memory. As in, you would thank the person who gave you this information with a straight face and not expect to be laughed at for being an utter berk. Reveal hidden contents 2016 07 - Jenesis (winner: Demon of the Well) 08 - Crusades (winner: Ribbiks) 09 - Nilla Doom (winner: Demon of the Well) 10 - Khorus' Speedy Shit (winner: Bloodite Krypto) 11 - Perdition's Gate (winner: Bloodite Krypto) 12 - UAC Ultra (winner: Bloodite Krypto) 2017 01 - Jade Earth (winner: Bloodite Krypto) 02 - Legacy of Heroes (winner: Bloodite Krypto) 03 - Back to Saturn X E1 (winner: dew) 04 - Mapgame (winner: Bloodite Krypto) 05 - Vae Vactus 1 & 2 (winner: Demon of the Well) 06 - Disturbia (winner: Bloodite Krypto) 07 - Insertion (winner: Bloodite Krypto) 08 - Unholy Realms (winner: Bloodite Krypto) 09 - Osiris (winner: Demon of the Well) 10 - Endgame & Endpoint (winner: Bloodite Krypto) 11 - Oscillation (winner: Ancalagon) 12 - Doom the Way id Did (winner: kmc) 2018 01 - Combat Shock 2 (winner: Bloodite Krypto) 02 - Coffee Break E1 (winner: Bloodite Krypto) 03 - Warlock's Hearth (winner: Demon of the Well) 04 - 50 Monsters (winner: Bloodite Krypto) 05 - Double Impact (winner: Bloodite Krypto) 06 - Rush (winner: WH-Wilou84) 07 - The Darkening E1 & E2 (winner: Veinen) 08 - The Plutonia Experiment (winner: Bloodite Krypto) 09 - Community Chest 4 - MAP19: Interstellar Sickness and MAP20: Shaman's Device (winner: ledooom85) 10 - Doom 64 for Doom II (winner: Bloodite Krypto) 11 - TNT: Renascence & TNT: Resistance (winner: Bloodite Krypto) 12 - Ultimate Doom the Way id Did (winner: Bloodite Krypto) 2019 01 - Hellfire: Dreams (winner: Bloodite Krypto) 02 - THT: Threnody - MAP10: Fomalhaut (winner: Bloodite Krypto) 03 - Stardate 20X6 (winner: Bloodite Krypto) 04 - Base Ganymede: Complete (winner: Bloodite Krypto) 05 - The DWIronman League died waiting for SIGIL (winner: John Romero) 06 - SIGIL (winner: leodoom85) 07 - Vanguard & Lunatic (winner: Bdubzzz) 08 - 2017 Collection (winner: an_mutt) 09 - Revolution! (winner: NaZa) 10 - Monster Hunter Part I & Part II (winner: Bdubzzz) 11 - Abcess (winner: Demon of the Well) 12 - Scythe (winner: Spectre01) 2020 1 - Hellscape (winner: Bdubzzz - prep winner: Archi) 2 - No Sleep for the Dead (winner: Ancalagon - prep winner: Anima Zero) 3 - Baker's Dozen (winner: Bdubzzz - prep winner: Pegleg) 4 - Occult Secrets of the Third Reich & Biotech is Godzilla (winner: joe-ilya - prep winner: Horus) 5 - Bloody Rust (winner: Bdubzzz - prep winner: dt_) 6 - Vrack 1, 2 and 3 (winner: ReaperAA - prep winner: Bashe) 7 - Running Late 2 (winner: Roofi - prep winner: Pegleg) 8 - Epic (winner: Bdubzzz - prep winner: Crusader No Regret) 9 - Hell Revealed (winner : Roofi - prep winner: Bdubzzz) Edited November 1, 2020 by Roofi 19 Quote Share this post Link to post
Pegleg Posted October 10, 2020 (edited) Thanks for posting a replacement for this month @Roofi! Hopefully, you (or someone else) don't have to do this again, because that would mean @NaZa would be back. The OP looked fine to me, Roofi. All the necessary information was there. You could have added the bex file to the command line, but that's a nitpick because I think it's almost a certainty that the people that would really care about reading the map names as they played through the set will already know how to load the bex file. And it might be nice to add a hyperlink to Hell Revealed, so if someone wanted to look at past DWIL months, they could do so, without you having to manually add them all. Now, on to Dark Resolutions 2008. I decided to give it a shot. Category 1 UV Died on Map 02 Kills: 41/221 Time: 17:37 HMP Died on Map 02 Kills: 32/202 Time: 1:45 HNTR Died on Map 02 Kills: 124/184 Time: 11:41 49.09 kB · 83 downloads I wasn't sure what to make of it when I saw on the text file that a number of the maps were rated as very, easy, or medium. I spent over 14 minutes on the first map, although that was owing more to my wandering around trying to figure it out. The monster count was low and even though it seems a bit cramped and awkward, there's actually enough room to move around in the middle, which is the only place you really need it. The second map, which is by Death-Destiny, didn't seem as though it would be so ball-bustingly difficult as I usually find his maps to be, but the monster placement is enough to trip up those who don't take care (or who tangle with the wrong end of a chaingunner). Looking a bit ahead after my untimely death, the monster counts don't appear too oppressive, and the maps look pretty nice. I could see the more experience, better skilled players cruising through this mapset for a bit before encountering serious resistance. Good choice! By the way, Death-Destiny definitely more than makes up for his relaxed attitude in Map 02 with his last two entries in the set, just as Roofi said. EDIT: Two things I forgot to add. 1. I'll submit my HMP and HNTR soon, and I'll just add them on to here. Hence the addition of "UV." 2. I forgot to mention that it was a zombieman that dealt the final death blow (or shot) in my UV run. Good fun was had by all. 3. I added my HMP and HNTR runs, and I replaced the zip file to one that includes all 3 difficulties. By the way, when I said, "looking a bit ahead," that meant skip to the other maps on UV and look at the monster counts and the starting room. These runs were both Category 1. Edited October 23, 2020 by Pegleg Added Edits 1 and 2 (10/10). Added Edit 3 and the other two difficulty runs (10/21). 8 Quote Share this post Link to post
NaZa Posted October 10, 2020 Yikes... I am so, so, so, so sorry. I can't even begin to say how sorry I am but uhhhhhhhhhhhhh... this completely out-of-the-blue absence of mine shouldn't happen. I had a bit of a rougher last few weeks (at least time-wise) and I, well... as a consequence kinda forgot about this all. @Roofi, your selection I will approve of, and @Pegleg your proposal is good as well. I just apologize for my absence and me not even mentioning how I won't have time. This absolutely shouldn't happen. I basically said I'll try to keep it up better than Alfonzo but after less than a year, well... I don't know what to say except I'm sorry. I welcome this set and announce it as the official Ironman, @Roofi. If you think this is a bit too difficult you can also re-introduce the 1CC rule. Thanks for organizing a new thread, I would probably have gotten around to it but this set I never played before so it's interesting. As for the ordeals last month, Roofi won - congrats! More congrats to @WH-Wilou84 for a great return performance as well. Hope to see a good amount of participants this month as well!! :) 10 Quote Share this post Link to post
Suitepee Posted October 10, 2020 Oh god, isn't this the mapset with Death-Destiny's allegedly hardest ever map? Anyways good to see the Ironman League make it to 51 months! 4 Quote Share this post Link to post
Pegleg Posted October 10, 2020 On 10/10/2020 at 3:46 PM, NaZa said: If you think this is a bit too difficult you can also re-introduce the 1CC rule. Thanks for organizing a new thread, I would probably have gotten around to it but this set I never played before so it's interesting. Expand If Roofi decides to implement the 1CC ruleset, can I go back and submit HMP and HNTR runs? 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
Roofi Posted October 10, 2020 (edited) I will implement the 1CC ruleset for this wad eventually , so yes. Edited October 10, 2020 by Roofi 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
Clippy Posted October 10, 2020 (edited) Can I play with gzdoom? Just to make sure never played in this specific comp before and am unclear what compatibility level 9 means - thanks Edited October 10, 2020 by Clippy 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
Austinado Posted October 10, 2020 Category : 1 Death : Map01 Time : 00:03:59 Kills : 7 Port : PRBoom+ Starts at : 56:23 Category : 2 Death : Map02 Time : 00:14:55 Kills : 112 Port : PRBoom+ Starts at: 1:01:44 Harsh was harsh... 5 Quote Share this post Link to post
Horus Posted October 10, 2020 On 10/10/2020 at 7:06 PM, Clippy said: Can I play with gzdoom? Just to make sure never played in this specific comp before and am unclear what compatibility level 9 means - thanks Expand Yes, but you need to change your GZDoom compatibility options to Boom before starting 3 Quote Share this post Link to post
Clippy Posted October 10, 2020 On 10/10/2020 at 9:22 PM, Horus said: Yes, but you need to change your GZDoom compatibility options to Boom before starting Expand Thank you - I'm not quite sure on that setting but I'll have a look :) 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
Pegleg Posted October 10, 2020 On 10/10/2020 at 9:28 PM, Clippy said: Thank you - I'm not quite sure on that setting but I'll have a look :) Expand Bring up the menu and select "Options." Then select "Compatibility Options." At the top, where it says "Compatibility mode" select "Boom (strict)." Then, under "Gameplay Options" scroll down and make sure that "Allow crouch" "Allow jump" and "Allow freelook" are all set to "Off." 3 Quote Share this post Link to post
Clippy Posted October 10, 2020 On 10/10/2020 at 10:22 PM, Pegleg said: Bring up the menu and select "Options." Then select "Compatibility Options." At the top, where it says "Compatibility mode" select "Boom (strict)." Then, under "Gameplay Options" scroll down and make sure that "Allow crouch" "Allow jump" and "Allow freelook" are all set to "Off." Expand I can't free look ? Thanks for letting me know cause I always play in freelook 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
Fadri Posted October 11, 2020 I tried to participate again in the competition this month and everything was going fine, until something really weird I've never seen before happened. xD First, I fell from one of the pillars that had been raised into a place on the ground with an invisible obstacle that didn't let me go out, no matter how hard I tried. When I was about to surrender and end the run there, SUDDENLY, I don't know how, I was out the place, but the way of my doomguy was moving now was sort of clunky and shaky... and what's even weirder, my PrBoom+ was running at 200% speed! Doesn't seem like the sudden change of game speed can be seen in the demo, but at least you can see all the other weird things happening there. XD I don't know if there's a hotkey unknown to me that would change the game speed, but my reflexes weren't ready to dodge projectiles like that and I was wrecked by a baron in a very open space with a lot of room to maneuver... Oh, welp... The instructions says that you can't repeat after technical difficulties, so sadly that's the end of my run! But what a weird thing to happen right when I tried the challenge! Or just to happen in general. xD Played on UV. Category 1 (never played the wad before). Died on Map01. 4 Quote Share this post Link to post
Anima Zero Posted October 11, 2020 (edited) Made it to map 6 before I got banged up rather bad right before the YK trap. Hitscanners aplenty when you're sitting at 1 health mid trap doesn't end well. A lone imp finished the job with a fireball in the face. Anyone who makes it to map 10...good luck. That one and 11 are real brutal on UV lemme tell you, heh. DWIronman_DR2008V2_AnimaZero.zipFetching info... Edited October 11, 2020 by Anima Zero 5 Quote Share this post Link to post
Horus Posted October 11, 2020 UV: Died on map 1 to an insta-baron (8/14 monsters, 4:20) HMP: Died on map 2 to an insta-HK (142/202 monsters, 13:20) HNTR: Died on map 3 to a revenant that got me stuck in mid-air with no method of retaliation (84/155 monsters, 14:40) 4 Quote Share this post Link to post
Roofi Posted October 11, 2020 (edited) Dead on map 07 because of a not-so-hard but deadly platforming section ! Category 2 for me because I played Death-Destiny maps last year for a review project. I was expecting to die in map 10 but the other maps are not so simple. I almost died in map 02, it's much harder than I remember, that's why I let the possibility to continue in HMP and HNTR. The maps are particularly gimmicky. I didn't like map 01 at all, I always had the impression that I was stuck. Map 04 is a big strange mess, I had played a small partlast year, but it's largely playable continuously so it's fine. The levels are mostly not very beautiful, I feel like they're beginner's maps but there are some good ideas overall for boom effects and layouts. On the other hand, map 06 with its rusty basic theme is my favorite in terms of aesthetics. I'll do my HMP demo later! I think that Death-Destiny put an armor for map 11 in HMP and HNTR because the main difficulty of this map is that there is absolutely no armor in ultra-violence difficulty. DEMO Pretty good 2000's wad. Edited October 11, 2020 by Roofi 3 Quote Share this post Link to post
SleepyVelvet Posted October 11, 2020 DEAD - Map01 UV Category 1 (blind) noisy_DR2008V2_ironman.zipFetching info... got infinite height punched by a rev rising out of the dirt, very cool. 3 Quote Share this post Link to post
Fadri Posted October 11, 2020 So, reading the rules again, can we actually try again in a lower difficulty? Since my first run ended that badly. XD 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
Roofi Posted October 11, 2020 Yep , you can record a demo on HMP and HNTR from where you died. So if you died in map 03 on UV , you can record a demo on HMP from this map for instance. However , you can't continue if you die in HNTR. 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
Pseudonaut Posted October 11, 2020 Category 1 UV: dead on map02 with 140 kills at about 18:30 I incorrectly remembered the location of the SSG I saw earlier, and ran toward the wrong place. HMP: dead on map02 with 169 kills at about 13:45. Jesus christ this map is hard to do blind. HNTR: dead on map06 at about 2:10:00. I accidentally broke the map and fell into the void, with untextured walls and a hell knight. The floor here was probably supposed to raise up at some point. Clearly a map that needed more playtesting. Over 80 minutes were spent on map04, where I got lost multiple times. There's a lot to like about it, but I think even Eternal Doom is more intuitive from what I've played of it (the first ten maps). Skipsec is recommended to anyone who watches the demo. I'll have to play more of this wad later, it's pretty cool. drironman-pseudonaut.zipFetching info... 4 Quote Share this post Link to post
Andromeda Posted October 12, 2020 (edited) All demos recorded on PrBoom+ -complevel 9, category 1. UV: Absolutely shambolic performance capped off by a hilarious exit linedef skip (MAP02 death - 214/221 kills @ 18:48) HMP: Textbook example on how not to manage your radsuit supply (MAP04 death - 149/167 kills @ 55:00) HNTR: Could've done better, oh well (MAP10 death - 131/254 kills @ 1:44:15) ironman_andromeda_standard.zipFetching info... Edited October 12, 2020 by Andromeda 5 Quote Share this post Link to post
Fadri Posted October 12, 2020 Added HMP and HNTR runs to my previous one. I changed from PrBoom+ to GlBoom+ this time and I think my computer likes it better. HMP: Died on MAP02 when a chaingunner ambush teleported directly from Plutonia to my neck and got me completely off guard! HNTR: Now that I was prepared to survive the chaingunners from the previous trap and get my revenge, they didn't show in this skill level. :P Died on MAP03 when a group of monsters slowly sorrounded me. Only two barons survived but when they were just at my face, my finger failed me and I stopped shooting plasma. They probably would have resisted the damage and killed me even if I didn't stop anyway, they were too close. Or the cyberdemon far in the room would have blasted me to oblivion. At least my dead body did a cool slide to escape the barons at the end. 2 Quote Share this post Link to post
John Wheel Posted October 12, 2020 Blind run, died on map 2 with 137 kills at the hands of a Hell Knight. I should have run for the SSG, but I couldn't see a safe way in the heat of the moment once I discovered those guys weren't (more) hitscanners. Also, damn, those invisible walls on the first level are annoying. 3 Quote Share this post Link to post
Pegleg Posted October 12, 2020 On 10/11/2020 at 9:25 PM, Fadri said: So, reading the rules again, can we actually try again in a lower difficulty? Since my first run ended that badly. XD Expand On 10/11/2020 at 9:34 PM, Roofi said: Yep , you can record a demo on HMP and HNTR from where you died. So if you died in map 03 on UV , you can record a demo on HMP from this map for instance. However , you can't continue if you die in HNTR. Expand As explained by Alfonzo most recently in the Stardate 20x6 DWIL: "Players are granted three lives in this format, one for each of UV, HMP and HNTR. Play proceeds as normal until death, at which point the player drops down to the next available skill level and restarts the game from pistol start, beginning on the map in which he/she died. Death is final once the player dies on HNTR. Players are ranked either according to the time taken to survive or to reach the map they died on, with skill level taking priority in both cases. Players are only considered to have "survived" the challenge if the set/map is cleared on UV." 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
Roofi Posted October 12, 2020 (edited) Survived in HMP but category 2,99999 for the last two maps. DEMO When I did my reviews on the Death-Destiny maps, I challenged myself to beat all his maps without saving in UV difficulty. In order to beat his maps 10 and 11, I had to die and retry countless times. In fact, playing D-D maps without saving is a great way to progress I find and it makes the maps more exciting to play. The maps in HMP difficulty are simpler, but are still quite difficult, more difficult than the UV difficulty in most of the known megawads (Eviternity...) Brief comments on the last two maps. Map 10 : I love this map for the music and the use of cyberdemons which makes the map very hardcore, especially in UV. "Soulscarred Universe" looks a bit like a slaughtermap when you see the beginning but the good management of the items is essential at the risk of quickly running dry. Map 11 : Probably one of my favorite Doom maps using music from the Heretic/Hexen universe. There's absolutely no armor in UV difficulty, which erases almost all margin of error. Narrow fights tend to require a good RNG, especially towards the end. The most successful passage is the fight below in the big pool of blood. The area is pretty spacious, which is quite rare in D-D maps to be honest. It's the hardest map from D-D behind No Chance. In July 2017 , we did an ironman on Disturbia. Disturbia was clearly easier. For those interested , there are all my UV-walkthrough demos on all D-D's maps I did last year(even No Chance !) Edited October 12, 2020 by Roofi 5 Quote Share this post Link to post
Suitepee Posted October 20, 2020 (edited) Blind run on UV, died on map 5 to my own incompetence in dealing with the double Viles on an otherwise alright map. EDIT: Only just realised this was a 1CC rule run, but I don't have the time to go back and try map 5 on HMP, so I'll just stick to this as my ending. Edited October 21, 2020 by Suitepee 3 Quote Share this post Link to post
SSGmaster Posted October 21, 2020 Died on map 4 with 145 kills to an unexpected nasty trap. Category 1. I don't want to try on HMP or HNTR. So this was the first time I tried to live stream it but I messed up the OBS setup so for reasons it didn't captured the sound effects. if the video is not valid because of that, I would easily understand.VOD link 3 Quote Share this post Link to post
Pegleg Posted October 23, 2020 It took me a bit longer to get back to this than I had thought, but I eventually did. I added the details to my original post, but here are the details of the remaining Category 1 runs. The zip file containing all three difficulties is also in that first post. HMP Died on Map 02 Kills: 32/202 Time: 1:45 HNTR Died on Map 02 Kills: 124/184 Time: 11:41 Yes, just like when we died to Rush, my HMP run was worse than my UV run. That sort of thing happens sometimes. Anyway, I thought I might be able to comment on Map 03, at least on HNTR, but that was not to be, either. As it turns out, I ran into an imp (quite literally) while trying to be clever and use cover to dodge a Hell Knight. Death-Destiny managed to get a decent amount of mileage out of the mostly lower tier enemies, and it all comes down to placement. For anyone who tells you that lower tiers can't pose a threat, tell them to play Map 02 and pay attention to the way the lower tiers are placed and used. That is how you do it. 3 Quote Share this post Link to post
Andromeda Posted October 23, 2020 On 10/23/2020 at 1:41 PM, Pegleg said: Death-Destiny managed to get a decent amount of mileage out of the mostly lower tier enemies, and it all comes down to placement. For anyone who tells you that lower tiers can't pose a threat, tell them to play Map 02 and pay attention to the way the lower tiers are placed and used. That is how you do it. Expand Absolutely, stellar use of low tier enemies - surprised I almost managed to exit MAP02 on my UV run all things considered! 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
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