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"New year, new URE" - URE:E2 - E2M2 up!

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Some things are better left un.. uhm.. *shrugs*


So I ran into an old problem again that I thought I had understood.. but in fact I had not.


Vanilla seems to have a quirk which I do not understand and which makes it hard for me to solve my problem because even though

  • I can recreate it and
  • once it's there, it's reliably there..

..I don't fully know what provokes it.



Here I'll show you:


This is the "animation" when it works. A few action lines in succession: a press (action 141) to explode a barrel, a "floor raise to lowest ceiling" (action 5) trick to make parts disappear, then another "normal" version of the same action (5) to raise a containment wall. I could arguably use the same action for both sectors but that's not really the point: https://www.twitch.tv/videos/1497352493



Fig 1: visual aid yay


And here is the same "animation" when something doesn't work: https://www.twitch.tv/videos/1497352494



Fig 2: visual aid nay


At first I thought (for the longest time) that this happens when a different sector somewhere else has an item "stuck" in a ceiling (sector too low for the thing's height value) and it led me as far as mentally resolving that I could only use one of these "press explosion tricks" in the same map, thinking that one press to explode a barrel is somehow "near-breaking" something and using it twice is too much (very technically sound analysis, that). But this map only has one instance of that.


The reason why I thought it was related to the "something stuck somewhere" and could be remedied by avoiding that.. was, that once I moved that "arbitrary other thing", the press would work again. This time, too.. seemingly.


But then I came back to this area and it didn't work. I moved some items around (ammo in a hidden area that has a low ceiling / high floor) but that didn't fix it. I removed the items completely, regardless of their sector's height.. and it still didn't work. I moved them outside of the sector, into the "void".. and it worked.


Which brings me to the conclusion that it is "thing" related but not related to the things' location as much as.. maybe the amount of items in the map?


That theory isn't much more sound than my previous one but here are my clues:

  1. I placed a single health bonus somewhere in a regular passageway in the map (while the explosion was working the way I want).. and that made it stop working.
  2. I started the same map (that was working as desired on UV) on a different difficulty instead (with different amounts of items placed around the map).. and that made it stop working also.


Any ideas what the problem might be?



The good(ish):


Now that I know it's not the press' or the item's / items' fault, I will just continue to finalize the map and then when I am satisfied with everything, I'll check each difficulty for whether the explosion works as desired.. and add or remove single items / set different difficulty flags for one particular "balance item" until it works on all difficulties.


This is mildly frustrating.


Edited by Zylinderkatze

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Pre-release Party!


Alright. So I am.. pretty much.. done? ..with E2M2. 


Not enough to really publish it as a "look the map is done" post like this one, but enough for you to go and check it out (if you like).


No presentation yet, either- no fancy screenshots. This is a "soft launch".. or a "shadow drop".. or whatever else you might want to call it to make it sound fancy and cool xD


You want to check out what I've been struggling to put together? Click here, load it up, idclev22 and go! << download


If you want to know what I've been going on about in my last post (about the "animation" not working right), I recommend going to this area specifically:



It's glowing!


Which you can find in this part of the map:



The upper left, to be exact.


And just walk into the room to trigger the actions on the lines. try different difficulty settings, too. In a "Vanilla engine-adjacent" client, if you want to see the "does it work or nah?"-problem I've had.

Also, I think having pulled the map from the "episode wad" into its own file had yet another effect on the actions (not) working. Or maybe it's random (perhaps RNG-related?), after all?




Or don't. I can't tell you what to do xD


But I hope you'll enjoy it!

Edited by Zylinderkatze

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A much more compact experience this time around, though it still took me ~20 mins to unravel completely. As always, the detailing is exquistite, the atmosphere on point and the sector machinery inventive and satisfying to interact with. It was also very cool to actually see some of the stuff you've been posting about on here for months 'in person', so to speak.


Here's a few things that I particularly liked:

  • The tag 40 headlight toggle - I find any sort of superfluous light-based interactivity oddly satisfying and immersive, and this is a very nice example thereof.
  • The entire barrel loading / canal area in the south-east of the map - a great example of pseudo-realist architecture, through which one can gain a strong intuitive sense of the fallen base's original function.
  • The reactor area - just a cool set-piece in general, with lots of sector machinery to play with.

I could go on, but this isn't a review, heh. I'll save that sort of granular analysis until after the set's full release...


I did find one minor issue: the sector 204 lifts cannot be lowered from the inside, which is a potential soft-lock. Also, a more minor nitpick: I think the 'response' to the player acquiring the chainsaw is comically disproportionate, given that the BFG is present in the map lol. Not a fault, really, but a decision I find slightly odd.

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3 hours ago, Omniarch said:

a decision I find slightly odd.


First of all, thank you for the very welcomed "not a review" review to my "not a release" release of E2M2 ^^;


Secondly: Yes, very true! I do as well. That's the "ambush of sorts" that I was going on about, "in an area that you don't have to go back to anymore at that point". You do also get a (green) armor but yes, it is disproportionate for sure. Also, it's just not much fun because they can be easily avoided / dispoised of from afar if they hear you and spread out, before you run to the armor. It's something that is likely to still change (somehow) before the final release.


I don't really "penalize or punish" the player much, for finding / picking up the BFG. I often just make it hard to pick up (or get to) in the first place. The "double baron" (on UV) reveal upon pickup is, I think, already the most penalizing (yet still not very satisfying) BFG pickup result I've done.. as far as I can remember ^^; So yes, in contrast, the whole Spectre thing is a bit.. crass. It was kind of a late addition that I'm not satisfied with yet, so you're basically storming an open gated castle :)


I'll be sure to check sector 204 as soon as I get back to my "mapping rig" :D


Also, I think as it stands, it's hard to finish the map (fire power wise) unless you find either the Plasma gun or the BFG.. which is a bit uncool as well.


Either way: Thanks again for your time! I really appreciate the feedback~

Edited by Zylinderkatze

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7 hours ago, Omniarch said:

sector 204


Okay.. wow- good find! I made the "the players aren't supposed to go there so of course they won't" mistake. Now there's a switch to lower that sector. Thanks again :)


(not uploaded yet though, because now I'm going to check out what to do about the "Spectre pit")


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It's been less than a year since my last URE:E2 release!


Barely, but who's counting.


Oh.. you are? Stop doing that! Instead, play E2M2! It's here!


Download now: E2M2.zip


There's no comparison between 199X or 20XX with this one, because it's.. all new baby!

That.. uh.. was a figure of speech.. I don't know you well enough to call you that ^^;


Anyways.. Here goes:



Let's gooo!



Something wicked this way comes~ it's you. You're wicked.



Barons AND rockets. What will they think of next?



Ah okay. This looks more like a ZK map now: Dark!



Also: Recycled things uhm.. I mean callbacks to URE2020!


To be honest, there's already been one minor addition / change to this map since I re-packaged it for this release (specifically the area from that last screenshot).. but that will have to wait to be "unleashed" until I put it in with the rest when the episode is done.


Preferrably at a better rate than "1 map a year" ^^; ..but I have a good feeling about this now if my recent mapping speed is any indication. Maybe I can build back up to "1 map a month"? Fingers crossed!


But for now uncross your fingers to go on and enjoy the map!


If you will x3

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Guess what!


I mean.. guess who!


Guess who already gathered the ideas from his.. well.. pile of ideas for scenes and details in Doom maps for his plan to have E2M3, M4 and M5 all lead into one another?


This guy.


Oh wait.. you can't see me point at myself.


But you can see this!



Let's say it's pixely and blurry on purpose *nods*


This doesn't mean that I've started yet, though.


But I will.. soon?



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Another update? In this economy?


Had a very short little stream (on twitch, I mean.. you weirdo) turning this:



So scribbly


..into this:


A little less scribbly


It's a start (and, in that, getting me actually started and lowering the threshold to get into E2M3) but it's really just that. A lot of it will change about this look, even though I did follow my designs almost obsessedly. It will get a lot more detailed, too. Vanilla permitting, that is xD


This is the part of the map that you will pass through at least twice throughout E2M3, E2M4 and E2M5.


One thing I noticed is that the entrance for the building (on the left of the in-editor shot) is too wide. I did follow the original scribble's dimensions but that makes it more domineering than I think I had envisioned it.. or at least more so than I would like it to be now ^^;


But yeah.. it's a start!

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Concerning E2M3 - E2M5


I'm basically just thinking out loud.. or- well- "thinking out written" because.. writing about my thoughts to an audience of sorts.. helps me sort them a bit. Don't mind me xD


So.. even though I did have some map transitions before (between E1M2 and E1M3 in URE2020 for example), doing it now as a "greater" concept (of three connected maps), I am still musing about how to best do it "my way". I mean- more than I did before posting about it in October last year.


Here's a graphic that kind of shows the way that the maps are actually aligned (because- in line with URE2020- "North" on the map is in the lower left corner of the traditional intermission map screen).. as in "top" on this realigned image is "North" in game:



This is even more twisted (literally) than what I posted in October xD


So in order to keep with the displayed center of each "you are here" and the "DONE" bloodsplat graphics, it'll go like this: The map of E2M3 will be in the middle(ish), E2M4 will be some ways off to the North East from it.. and then to get to E2M5 you basically walk back towards E2M3 (perceivedly), past it.. and then further to the West, because E2M3 and E2M5 are basically next to one another at that angle.


Does that make any sense? It does, to me.. so maybe consider yourself lucky if it doesn't make sense to you xD


Also, as an easter egg, you might just be able to see the outside of the E2M2 complex, from E2M4.



So why.. are you writing about this again?


Uhm.. well right now I'm just contemplating whether to build everything into one giant map and then just split it afterwards.. or whether to copy and paste the few "shared" bits of level between maps.


It won't be exactly the same, of course.. because once you exit E2M4 to go to E2M5, of course you won't be able to walk back into E2M3 again. So there will be closed doors or collapsed walkways or.. *shrugs* ..a toll bridge and you have no small change?


Don't put me on the spot like that >_<


I do know that UDB has a "Paste Special" mode where you can choose to "renumber" (or even fully remove) tags from something you copied, when you paste it.. so if I do make everything as one giant map (bigger than URE2020's E1M5 or E1M9) first and then split it up, I presumably won't have any trouble with 100+ tags~


I'll see how it develops.. I barely just started with E2M3 after all. Still some ways to go xD

Edited by Zylinderkatze

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[[END OF E2M2]]


8<--------------------------------------- cut here




Phew.. almost forgot ^^;


It's only been a day (or two) that I've worked on E2M3 so this isn't too bad, right?


Besides, it's my project so I make the rules! Yeah!




Remember the first preview of that road from yesterday's post?


It looks like this now!



Ohh! Tarmac.


The first "building" you see along the road is now narrower and lower.. and somehow more fitting.


The thing is that I remembered that later on (in the factory area further down this road), I had clear plans for the roads to actually look like roads, so I thought I'd better start early. For the time being, I still like the "cobblestone" look for the sidewalks, though. If they'll even stick around.


Chances are that different sections of the map will have different variations of this look (wider pavements, different surfaces, etc).. but for now this is good enough for me to move on from here ^^


Speaking of "moving on", I also dabbled a bit with the area in which you arrive here.. since I don't want to drop the player just in the middle of the road. Lookie here:



Oh another boat?


This is a very very (very!) early draft but since you do kind of "open a gate to progress with a boat down a tunnel" (at least suggested / in my mind), you should arrive here in one.


However (exclamation mark), E2M3 is of course going to be a map all by itself, too- and not just a case of "here's the road to E2M4".


I do have a shipyard of sorts in mind.. which would give better reason for why the "ship trip" ends here.. and for not including more ships / boats throughout the rest of E2.. but I'll see how it works out alongside the other ideas, for M4 and M5.


Basically this scene above is something like a scribble, in map form. It'll not look like this when it's done, I'm pretty sure.


Anyways- I'm out to meet real fleshbags people I call friends, so I won't be back for a while.


Take care!

Edited by Zylinderkatze

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Short(!) update


I did a little bit of mapping today (see previous post) but mostly I just mulled over ideas in my head.


One of them being how to realize the access to the secret map (E2M9, that is).. since it'll be from E2M5 (traditionally), which is one of the 3 maps in this group of maps I am working on as a.. well.. compound of sorts.


I do have two ideas already, actually, which both involve marine elements (a ship or a submarine, respectively) but since my current idea is to make E2M3 the shipyard, E2M5 can't also have ships all over the place xD


Also, I already know what the bonus level will be (in line with what.. well.. almost everyone does, it'll be a concept map - details later).. and it doesn't really start off with being accessed by a shipor anything ^^; Although now that I think about it, it does have a "secret research" feel to it so.. maybe it's underwater? :o


I'll give it some more thought.. I might actually make it an underwater map.. ~~~~~~ 


But not today.. it's already 11pm.



Edited by Zylinderkatze

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Quick afterthought


Because often when I have an idea like this, it spirals out of control:


16 minutes ago, Zylinderkatze said:

maybe it's underwater?


And turns into something like this:



Hmm~ blub?


Now if only I was making this for a port with colored light and/or semi-transparent textures.. then I could make it look more.. underwater-y.


But it's an idea.. maybe fair use in a bonus map.

Edited by Zylinderkatze

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So no map?


Hello! So, yeah. I didn't map yesterday- because I stumbled into "20 Minutes Till Dawn". Don't look it up. It's addictive. Even though I am not into "Survival" game concepts.


However! It gave me an idea for a map.. or a map type.


Again, probably not new, I wouldn't be surprised it it was a(n unofficial) subgenre of Slaughter Maps or such.. and there basically is a type of maps that's "Survival" or survival-adjacent, at least.. but a few things sprung to mind that I think I'll want to explore at some point (but not during URE):


It's kind of a mix of Survival, Slaughter and Puzzle:

  • There will be a whole bunch of enemies,
  • There will not be unwieldy obstacles (like doors with switches). however..
  • There will be safe zones without enemies, but temporary in nature (think doors that open again after a while or damaging floor + rad suit)
  • There will be ways to acquire heavier weapons but at a cost (like loosing health to get there)

It's just a loose idea at the time.. and "no unwieldy obstacles" is not really in character for me..


..but I have a few ideas already.

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I've got the poison~


I've got the remedy.


So I've had kind of a poopy day today but once I dragged myself to the computer, working on E2M3 helped me feel a little less stagnant and more like progress.


At least a little bit:



Things. And stuff.


 Looks like for the time being I am sticking with this provisional arrival area layout. 


Although looking at this now, I just realized that that door in the middle of the screen(shot) can't stay a normal door because there is just barely not enough room for it to move up to open upwards if that was an actual structure.


But there's progress!


Most of it not in this picture though xD

Edited by Zylinderkatze

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If you can't post anything about the map progress..


..don't post anything at all, man.


..post about why you aren't mapping!



So yeah.. "self care" day yesterday after work. I was too exhausted / tired after my work day and didn't do much (other than a task I had agreed to doing for a friend) and went to bed at 10pm ^^


Let's see if I'm more rested today! If so, there will be more posts with screenshots coming soon :)

Edited by Zylinderkatze

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Update tiemz!


Only worked for a little over an hour on this today. Here's some screenshots:



A different angle of the (updated) starting area



A part I was working on the other day but never showed ^^


I'm kind of playing around with the transitions between BROWNGRN and BROWN96 but this is all still the "trying to find out what feels right" phase.


It's midnight here so I'm off to bed~ goodnight!

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Look mom! He did a thing!


Briefly, for about an hour, the whole "don't really feel like it but I might as well" deal. I've heard / read somewhere that you can kind of coax out creativity by making it a pattern of sorts. Like.. just start, do it for a bit and see if creativity comes, instead of saying "I don't feel like it".


This is the outcome:



Very crude, no detailing (aside from the rounded hinges)..


It's definitely a work in progress but I've had this idea in my head for the longest time so I figured I'd finally put it in here. And even though I think I scribbled it down at some point, I could never actually manage to find that ominous drawing.. so maybe all I ever did was to "draw" it in my head ^^;


It's kind of a mixture between a ship lift (no I didn't make that up) and a nautical lock. Actually much more the latter than the former.


Sadly, I don't fully remember the way I wanted to realize it, just bits and pieces. Like.. I am not entirely sure anymore whether I wanted a lot of interactivity (like actually raising the water level for accessing something)..


..and I didn't check the Drawsegs explorer yet.


So far it's pretty simple but I haven't done any detailing yet.. so..


Enough for now, let's have tomorrow's ZK deal with it xD

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Working, please wait..


So.. I am adjusting the height of a bunch of things in the "lock" area.


Say goodbye to this BROWNGRN to STONE transistion while it's still looking like this:



Though.. chances are, it'll look better when I'm done ^^


Also, I am on twitch right now, to which I am about to return, only a short update for now, because of that~


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The party is over~


After a few hours of mapping, the previous area now looks like this:





Still not done (yadda yadda) but better!



Sadly, I had to reduce complexity already because I ran into Drawsegs problems.



Aw, cute.. that's barely a problem though, right?





These are mostly solved (still a bit of trouble in the area of the second screenshot).. but I am done for now, where "sitting in front of the PC" is concerned ^^;


More later, potentially.

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On 6/21/2022 at 10:05 AM, Bucket said:



I wasn't around yesterday but I will check it out today for sure and see how it "feels" (and sounds) in game, with my maps :)

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Okay. I finally got around to listening to "clamor" with a real sound font and it sounds really athmospheric. Eerie. I feel like I would want to build a whole map just for it, trying to capture that mood.


One map that it might work well with, though, especially because I really only just barely created the starting room and the whole map is still up for grabs:




I'll check it out in gme now, though- and seeing how I am usually focussing on "AVAP" (as vanilla as possible), "clamor" might not be as awesome there as it's meant and supposed to be.


But I'll get back in a bit with an update once I tried ^^

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Oh well. I didn't expect the song to sound any good in OPL FM but maybe I can offset that with some more incidental notes. It's strictly a General MIDI song.

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4 hours ago, Bucket said:

General MIDI


I don't know enough about the technical differences between MIDI and the (stripped) DOOM-internal MUS format.. so I am not even going to try going into detail.. but I think Chocolate Doom stays very close to the capabilites of the original engine and thereby doesn't support the full breadth of MIDI.


It does sound really good in newer engines (results may vary based on the chosen sound font) though. So there's that ^^;

Edited by Zylinderkatze

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More mapping!


So I did a little something asomething and a large(ish?) section of the map is getting closer to being done.


Namely this one:



Sadly, this is about the extend of sector complexity I can do here



Also, there is now a new connection between the existing map and that above-mentioned section:



It's also kind of an easter egg but.. then again not really?


Stop being so cryptic about stuff, man..




Also: Goodnight!

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So I did some "slow mapping" (again: heat and all) and ran into a few Drawsegs problems..


Namely this one:



Sneaky little thing on the very right of the screen.


And that one:



Less neaky, more central.


I found a solution for the first.. but that's kind of what resulted in the second.


So back to the drawing board.. but not today.


This has been enough mapping for a day.


Bye for now!


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