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Beat/Fill '94 PWADs Month

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Murder2 by Lawrence Britt <Critical Edge>


NM Speed in 0:53 murdn053.zip


Grating glide. I'd have tried to improve it, at least to equal my old Pacifist run, but the wait for the steps to build sucks some of the fun out of it. I shoot the imp because I thought I'd need to shoot stuff later anyway, but that wasn't the case. Blah.


Edit: this map is based on a real cave; this video shows people getting around Butt Ledge, a feature that also appears in the demo. Looks like they lost even more time there than I did, but then again their penalty for falling at that point would have been rather greater. Just as well I hadn't picked up the backpack. :p

Edited by Grazza

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5 hours ago, Bob9001 said:

So @4shockblast, will it still count if I do demos for the one without a complete table?


Different versions counting largely depends on the extent of the differences; if the two wads are distinct enough to count separately, they can count separately, otherwise they're the same wad. In the context of '94 maps, an example would be the-keep.wad, which received a relatively substantial update in thekeep2.wad (which ultimately made it into WADPAK3). Recording the-keep.wad vs thekeep2.wad would be different maps as far as I'm concerned, so they would count separately, but the latter version of it is identical to the one in WADPAK3 AFAIK, so those two do not count separately. I'm not sure what the version differences are between the 1994tu wads, but I suspect they are minor and apply to the tuned-up maps and not the original versions, which could have only been changed if one map was swapped out for another. The tuned-up maps are not from 1994, so they don't count for this thread.


Also, I'll get to counting the points up for this thread eventually...

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UV Speed in 0:39

UV Max in 2:56

NM Speed in 0:49


The max run skips secrets because you have to do 3 teleport lineskips to get them, hope it still counts.

Also tried to do a tyson but I died after killing the cyberdemon lol.


Edit: Forgot to modify the textfile for the max so it was just a copy of the UV speed.

New zip -> chris.zip


Edited by elmle

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On 4/17/2018 at 7:08 PM, GarrettChan said:



E1M1 UV Max in 4:28


This is the same as afro.wad by Tim Scott, which has two versions with maxes on DSDA, so no points, sorry :/ (I assume one of these versions was used for heroes.wad).

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Actually, I think the version in Heroes had extra monsters, and at least one other change (removing the trivial exit option). Of course, that also makes it a 1995 map in a sense. That applies to quite a number of maps in Heroes, actually.

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55 minutes ago, Grazza said:

Actually, I think the version in Heroes had extra monsters, and at least one other change (removing the trivial exit option). Of course, that also makes it a 1995 map in a sense. That applies to quite a number of maps in Heroes, actually.

Interesting, then I'm not sure how to count it exactly. I guess it's fine. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

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1 hour ago, 4shockblast said:

Interesting, then I'm not sure how to count it exactly. I guess it's fine. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

It's fine. I ran these for fun , so I don't want to give extra trouble to you. Just do whatever convenient/you want, no problem.

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11 hours ago, 4shockblast said:


Different versions counting largely depends on the extent of the differences; if the two wads are distinct enough to count separately, they can count separately, otherwise they're the same wad. In the context of '94 maps, an example would be the-keep.wad, which received a relatively substantial update in thekeep2.wad (which ultimately made it into WADPAK3). Recording the-keep.wad vs thekeep2.wad would be different maps as far as I'm concerned, so they would count separately, but the latter version of it is identical to the one in WADPAK3 AFAIK, so those two do not count separately. I'm not sure what the version differences are between the 1994tu wads, but I suspect they are minor and apply to the tuned-up maps and not the original versions, which could have only been changed if one map was swapped out for another. The tuned-up maps are not from 1994, so they don't count for this thread.


Also, I'll get to counting the points up for this thread eventually...

Hmm, I'm going to say that there is not much difference. Oh well I'll have a look for something else.

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HOPE.WAD (Part of the Maximum Doom Reference, wad dated September 1994)


Map 01 - UV-Max in 1:53, UV-Speed in 0:54, Nightmare Speed in 1:04 & Pacifist in 2:10.


Hope Demos.zip


(UV-Max has already been done, but the other 3 are unfilled.)



Edited by Bob9001

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On 4/18/2018 at 2:32 AM, Bob9001 said:

Yeah, but still counts if I do it too right?

It's allowed in the thread but counts for no points since it's not a filler.

On 4/18/2018 at 6:32 PM, Bob9001 said:

NJDoom 2 Maps 23-30


Map 24: UV-Max in 9:44, UV-Speed in 4:02 (A secret is tagged as a wall so it can not be registered without noclip).

Map 30: UV-Max in 1:16, UV-Speed in 2:15. (In the UV-Speed demo I managed to get a death exit, which is pretty awesome).

Took a look at map 24, it's actually that one of the stair secrets appears too small to trigger. Map 30 demos are fine to post here but won't count for points since Red XIII's DSDA UV-Speed is also a UV-Max.

On 4/18/2018 at 6:48 PM, Ancalagon said:

megawatt max in 4:26

Was a part of WADPAK1A (E2M8) and HEROES.WAD (E1M4), the former has max and speed demos on DSDA. Can anyone attest to how the versions from the compilation wads differ from the standalone release if at all?

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24 minutes ago, 4shockblast said:

It's allowed in the thread but counts for no points since it's not a filler.

Ok, no problem.


Took a look at map 24, it's actually that one of the stair secrets appears too small to trigger. Map 30 demos are fine to post here but won't count for points since Red XIII's DSDA UV-Speed is also a UV-Max.


So Map 24 counts? Oh really, I didn't watch it only noticed that he did UV-Speed, so I guessed that UV-Max wasn't filled, silly me heh.


Pleasure.wad E1M1 - UV-Max in 11:12, UV-Speed in 0:51, NM-Speed in 1:21 & Pacifist in 0:43



Edited by Bob9001

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@therektafire Strange how when I played back your demo, 5/4 Secrets have been triggered, is it just me? The secret that has been triggered twice is the one next to the Megasphere.


DM2GM3A.WAD, takes the MAP04 slot of Heroes 2 but there are no demos for the map in that WAD.


MAP01 UV-Max in 2:09

MAP01 UV-Fast in 2:05

MAP01 UV-Speed in 0:21

MAP01 Nightmare-Speed in 0:22

MAP01 Nightmare 100% Secrets in 0:58


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Recorded these in september last year but I never got around to posting them.




Episode 2 UV Speed in 8:09

Episode 2 UV Max in 43:25



I screwed up one of the text files in my previous post so I went ahead and edited it.

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Some stuff:


Coloseum by Dean Ashley Svendsen (these demos involved some effort)

UV Stroller in 0:25 colos025.zip

UV Stroller with no forward movement (lol) in 0:32 colosb32.zip

UV Pacifist in 0:22 colop022.zip

NM Speed in 0:17 colon017.zip


The remaining ones are trivial:


Oakland Air Route Traffic Control Center (ZOA) by CJetSki

UV Speed/Pacifist in 0:00 zoa2p000.zip

UV Stroller in 0:01 zoa2s001.zip


Rings by Jim Flynn

UV Speed/Pacifist in 0:01 ringp001.zip

NM Speed/Pacifist in 0:01 ringn001.zip

UV Stroller in 0:02 rings002.zip


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8 hours ago, Bob9001 said:

So Map 24 counts?

Yup, as far as I could tell, all of your njdoom2 maxes without 100% secrets didn't miss obtainable secrets. Nicely done with that wad.

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10 minutes ago, Catpho said:

Hey, can i record on something other than prboom plus? Does chocolate doom (v 3.0.0) count?

Anything that records Doom v1.9 or Doom 2 v1.9 demos (for the Doom 2 wads) is fine. So, ChocoDoom, Crispy Doom, CNDoom, and other (?) Chocolate Doom-derived ports are fine.

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51 minutes ago, Walter confetti said:

Also, demos recorded with vanilla exe are acceptable?

Of course, vanilla demos are accepted as well. :)

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