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Schism - A Limit-Removing Doom 2 Map (now in /idgames!)

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It's a good map. I gave it a run through in GZDoom 1.8.2 and everything ran just fine.

I ran around a lot longer than necessary to figure out how to get the blue skull, but that's not an issue.

The combat was easy, but fun, and the end was certainly a surprise.

I liked it.

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Happy birthday! here's a blind demo run, died near the end since i was low on health and i was dodging the cyber on damagin floor hehe

It leans a bit into the easy side of things (ironic for me to say this, since i died on my demo run) but overall really fun stuff, really liked ammo balance for most of the map, since i had to conserve most of it. Only issue i found was a stuck sargent near the beginning


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Happy Bday! This was good stuff, very much has the spirit of the playful, abstract 90s (Mark Klem track helped). There is some decent architecture and texturing work, liked it how you make the brown look nice and cohesive while still maintaining variation. The gameplay was mostly a laid back shotgunfest, but was engaging enough for me to plow through.

Minor bugs with the sergant at the crate area and the vile in another crate area are prone to getting stuck in one place.

Rockin for a second map. This style of yours has great potential.

Edited by Catpho

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Glad to see you mapping again.

Some random mid-play observations from Ultra-Violence:

  1. "windows" at beginning are misaligned
  2. I really like the starting area with the different rocky textures and the structure built into it
  3. I like the key switches near the skull gate toward the beginning showing me in advance some of the flow of the map
  4. minor misalignments on the brick below the scrolling crackle
  5. I appreciate that there are a lot of no traps in standard trap spots
  6. I rather enjoyed the berserk secret showing me some of what to expect later on
  7. Seems like too much plasma and not enough shells early on - makes it a bit easy
  8. I like the subtle non-linearity. There's enough to explore but you never really get sidetracked
  9. I liked the rocket launcher section and how it appeared to be optional. I thought a supplementary texture to the SP_ROCK there would have been appropriate.
  10. Perhaps a bit too much backtracking after getting the red key
  11. I liked the arch-vile placement. It can be hard to walk the fine line between unfair and trivial.
  12. significant SP_ROCK misalignments in final section. It's also too monotonous again, in my opinion.
  13. there's a lot of brown in this map. They are different browns, but I think just a few of them could maybe swapped out.
  14. Spoiler

    The cyberdemon ending was somewhat unique, given his placement, but it was pretty easily skippable.


Overall, I rather enjoyed it. Thanks and happy birthday.

Edited by HAK3180

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I played on UV and enjoyed it quite a lot. I wasn't looking out for textures or anything like that, and the only real comment I have is that it might be worth locking the player in the final room so they can't run back too far and just wait for the exit to open.

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Updated it a bit. Moved some enemies around they won't get stuck and fixed the difficulty flags for the blue key vile and HK so they aren't stuck together. Keep the feedback comin'!

Edited by Sparktimus

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Fun map. I had troubles getting the red key because initially I didn't get close enough to the switch that opens it and was actually pressing the trigger line in front of it (you can't press "through" trigger lines). So I figured there must be some other way. Then I finally looked in the editor after running around for a while. I also didn't like the final area since it's completely disjointed from the rest of the map and clashes stylistically. I understand the desire to have a boss battle but it just seems tacked on. The rest was cool and unique at times, I'm curious to see more from you.


Here is a demo:



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