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IronEagle Competition 6: Riot Control

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The IronEagle competition, the Ironman competition that welcomes all comers from the casual newcomer to the hardcore veteran, is back again! After last month's single large level, we're back with a more traditional-type Ironman entry from 2011.


This month, IronEagle competitors will test themselves against Riot Control by Dutch Devil (AKA @Dutch Doomer here on Doomworld), an experienced mapper with a number of releases under his belt and a Cacoward in his trophy case.


Riot Control is a relatively short mapset consisting of 4 maps for Doom 2 created using Quake textures. While the texturing may feel like Quake, the action is entirely Doom 2, beginning simple and progressing upward in difficulty. The maps are rather detailed, and Riot Control requires a Boom-compatible port. With the author being a Cacoward-winning mapper (with a runner-up placing as well), you can expect a quality gameplay experience from this short, but perhaps not-so-sweet, set.


The mapset starts at Map 01.


This month's winners (for further details, see below):

UV: Bdubzzz

HMP: Walter Confetti

HNTR: Pegleg



The rules are the same as last time.



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Accepted Ports (any of these are acceptable; there is no preference):





Category System:

Category 1: Blind run.

This explains itself. You have no knowledge of the wad and have not played/seen it before.

Category 2: Non-blind.

If you have played the wad before and/or possess any foreknowledge, your run is non-blind. Basically, anything that is not Category 1 is Category 2.

  • I'm happy to be lenient on this, to a degree. For example, if you die in the first 10 seconds of the first map and you see virtually none of the mapset except the first few rooms, I'm happy to say that your playthrough was Blind. If you die 10 seconds into Map 02 and then play again and go on to survive the mapset, something like that would still be Category 2.


Difficulty System:

You may submit a demo for only one of HNTR, HMP, or UV.

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Only runs from the same difficulty will be pitted against each other. Each difficulty will be graded separately.


When you submit your run, please the include the following information:

The category (1 or 2)

The difficulty

What map you died on, if there are multiple maps (if you survived, just say so)

How many kills you had on the map you died on (if the selection is only 1 map, just record your kill count)


You may include the port you used, but that isn't necessary. If you include specific information about the map, please put it in a spoiler, so that people that want a completely blind experience won't be tipped off.



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Even if you die, you are encouraged to finish the wad.

Attempting to max the maps is not necessary to win.

Ranking for mapsets is determined by: 1) the last map you completed, 2) if you survived, the total time elapsed, 3) if you did not survive, the total kill count on the map where you died, 4) total time elapsed

Ranking for single maps is determined by: 1) survival, 2) total kill count upon death, 3) total time elapsed


All mods used during play must be merely cosmetic.

If you die, please wait a few seconds before quitting.


If you don't know how to record demos, I recommend getting a launcher (such as the ZDL launcher), which may make your life easier (at when it comes to recording demons for Doom).

Once you have the launcher set up to find your IWAD's and ports, you can use the field at the bottom entitled "command line parameters" to record your demo with ease.


Template for PRBoom+:

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Where the skill is 2 for HNTR, 3 for HMP, and 4 for UV.


Template for ZDoom:

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Using the ZDL launcher will allow you to select your skill directly and skip the wad selection and warp by immediately starting you in MAP01 on launch.

This wad uses complevel 9 or Boom (strict).


Obviously, the angular brackets indicate fields where you choose what goes there. Don't actually leave them in your command line.


When recording in ZDoom, double check your compatibility settings. When the compatibility is set from the cmdline, it doesn't always stick, so open the port in an IWAD map and make sure to set it to Boom (strict) to be sure the compatibility settings are correct. ZDoom will remember the settings next time you start it.


Happy Dooming!




Previous IronEagle Competitions



Scientist 2 (Winners -- UV: leodoom85   HMP: n/a   HNTR: Liberation)

Vanguard (Winners -- UV: Bdubzzz   HMP: n/a   HNTR: Liberation)

Crumpets (Winners -- UV: NoisyVelvet   HMP: n/a   HNTR: Pegleg)



Dark Covenant (Winners -- UV: kmc   HMP: n/a   HNTR: Pegleg)

Brood of Hatred (Winners -- UV: Bdubzzz   HMP: Crusader No Regret   HNTR: Pegleg)

Edited by Pegleg
This is IronEagle 6 not IronEagle 5. Copy-paste is fun. Also, winners added on May 2.

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Category 1.5 ( Pretty sure I've seen some1 stream this wad, the name and maps were familiar but I know I never played it till now.) 


Survived on UV in 27:09. IE6-dubz.zip

Edited by Bdubzzz

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  On 4/3/2019 at 2:18 PM, Suitepee said:

Isn't this the 6th IronEagle?



  On 4/3/2019 at 4:02 PM, leodoom85 said:




Yes, it is the 6th IronEagle. I have corrected the title to reflect that.


Last night was evidently not my finest hour when it came to copy-pasting and thread creation.


Thank you both for noticing the mistake. I would encourage you to participate this month anyway (although, as I said, I fixed it).

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  On 4/3/2019 at 6:27 PM, Hellbent said:

Can I do this using zdoom 2.2.0?



Sure. Go ahead.


  On 4/3/2019 at 10:10 PM, Walter confetti said:

So, this is ok?

ironeagle1-hmp-rtctr-l.zipFetching info...

3 deaths (1 in MAP01, 2 in MAP02), quitted on MAP02.





That is fine. The nature of the competition as an Ironman competition means that the first death is what counts when it comes to determining the standings, but I hoped you enjoyed yourself during your continued play.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Nice Suite. Let's see if I can do this faster than you. Gonna do this now since I completely forgot this thing and also lacked motivation to do it heh...

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I'm back with another victory. Survived the wad in 37:06. All blind. Done with GLBoom+

Almost fucked up at last map by shooting a rocket by accident near the exit.


Overall, a nice short mapset inspired by Quake, well detailed and nice gameplay. Fairly hard too and the secrets were well hidden I must say. Just found them randomly by humping. Solid choice indeed for the month. And I took an aggressive approach this time to finish the maps quicker.


Here's the demo: iectrlld85.zip

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Thank you to everyone who joined us for this month's installment. Come back next month and bring some friends!


Here are the results from IronEagle 6: Riot Control.



1. Bdubzzz (Survived)

2. leodoom95 (Survived)

3. Aquila Chrysaetos (Survived)

4. dt_ (Survived)

5. Suitepee (Survived)

6. NoisyVelvet (Map02)




1. Walter Confetti (Map01)



1. Pegleg (Map02)

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