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*2020 HAKAWARDS* I'm Also Looking to Play and Record Your Maps 2 *CLOSED*

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@HAK3180 thanks for the video feedback, I saw that a line action didn't work, I saw that happened to me too. I'll see to fix it, together with changing some medikit in the manc room with stimpacks or something else. That project is on hiatus for now, but I have some idea for more maps, it will follow a hellish theme in the vein of latter Doom E2 Maps and Doom 2 episode 3, more a twisted reality place than the classic hell (sure, some levels have the classic hell feel).

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Please try mine. The compatibility is MBF. I don't know why but it gets an error on prBoom+. But it works well on zdoom based ports. Use doom 2 as IWAD.Screenshot_Doom_20200723_230411.png.9fbe22734be6f8cf5fb51dc9b2ded847.png


The length is around 15-20 minutes. No freelook, jumping, or crouching needed. No custom weapons and monsters, just new textures, sprites and music.


Just try MAP01 (Because that's the only map available for now lol). I haven't set it for easy and medium difficulty, so just play it on any difficulty. It doesn't matter.


Download link :

https://www.dropbox.com/s/y0fldrd49yb8i5d/Eleven Zero.wad?dl=0

Edited by Dranyan

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Would love you to give my map a try. Old-school DOOM 2 style.


Boom compatible. No freelook, jumping, crouching needed.


Playtime: ~25 minutes



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I'm interested to see a quick playthrough of my Toxin Refinery remaster.


Created for GZDoom, tested with a relatively recent version (4.3-ish I think). Jumping or crouching is not needed, I imagine it's probably fine to play without freelook, just keep in mind that I do always test maps with it on.

Base IWAD is Ultimate Doom. Remember to type in "map e1m3" in console to jump to Toxin Refinery.


It's a pretty faithful recreation, even the difficulty levels are roughly the same (UV is made marginally harder). If you're going for all the secrets I can't imagine it taking longer than 10 minutes. I'm mostly just gunning for feedback on the visuals.



Edited by HQDefault

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On 7/22/2020 at 9:40 AM, HAK3180 said:

["Pain" by Walter confetti]


Bottom line: Seems like a Tyson episode opener or something. Nice design, short, easy.


Yeah the caco attack windup is pretty negligible, which makes punching them tricky. There is a sort of repeated zigzag motion one can make to minimize danger, which I show in this video. At one point, a caco attacks several times within a couple of seconds and none of those attacks hit, which is the main advantage of that motion. The main disadvantage is that it's tricky to land punches that way. 

I think practically, if a map actually forces you to punch the odd caco or two, treating it as a probable payment of health/armor and just rushing the caco is an option too. That is the one way a caco is forgiving in Tyson scenarios -- the other projectile mid-tiers won't play as nicely with you deciding to tank all of their attacks. 

Edited by ‹rd›

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Hello, I invite you to play and record your gameplay of my maps and give me a feedback, that would help me a lot to improve and continue the development of the wad.

Going To hell is a wad designed to play with the Iwad Doom2, you can use the Zdoom or Zandronum port to play it. It consists of a wad with three different themes, starting with tech-base followed by hell and finally castle. So far I have 13 completed maps (10 tech-base, 3 Hell maps) Below I add some Screenshots:





























MAP14 *(Do not play this one still unfinished)*



At the moment it is playable with "Ultra Violence" and "Hurt me plenty".

Download Link: https://www.dropbox.com/s/tw30nkq5ws06pfl/GTH_TEST_13.wad?dl=0


Thank you, I hope you like it!

Edited by Walkerrr

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On 7/24/2020 at 12:10 AM, Dranyan said:

Please try mine. The compatibility is MBF. I don't know why but it gets an error on prBoom+. But it works well on zdoom based ports. Use doom 2 as IWAD.


The length is around 15-20 minutes. No freelook, jumping, or crouching needed. No custom weapons and monsters, just new textures, sprites and music.


Just try MAP01 (Because that's the only map available for now lol). I haven't set it for easy and medium difficulty, so just play it on any difficulty. It doesn't matter.


Download link :

https://www.dropbox.com/s/y0fldrd49yb8i5d/Eleven Zero.wad?dl=0


Sorry sir. I just noticed i wasn't clear enough :

Jungle themed map. MBF compatible. Please use GZDoom as sourceport and play on UV. It's a relatively hard semi-slaugther map, if you're not okay with that just lower the difficulty if you want to.

No jump or crouch. Freelook is allowed.


I hope you're willing to play my wad now

Edited by Dranyan

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Doomworld forum topic


The run and gun style is very much still alive. No monster has high hp at all, so a complete absence of meat walls means you can just keep moving and keep shooting. That’s fun and all, but I felt it worked better in E1 because of the natural variety of not having an obviously superior weapon. In most of these maps, plasma was all but unlimited and the monster population was dense. This meant the only other logical weapon choice, the rocket launcher, had very limited use. E1 had a lot of good tension of choices: should I punch to save some ammo? Is this a good rocket situation? Chaingun or shotgun? Here in E2, the answer was almost always just use plasma. That being said, I really like M2 and M4, and none of the rest is bad at all. The layouts are there. The action is still exciting; it just starts to be a bit too much of the same.


Bottom line: Same kind of style overall as E1, but less enjoyable to me because of the plasma gun

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@Chief Smokey


Doomworld forum topic


Both good tech maps with perhaps some ammo tweaking to be done. Layouts are great. They are “generic” tech bases, but the visuals are excellent and both maps have a sense of identity and a few easy landmarks. Combat is rather meh – just basic early tech base megawad type stuff. I’m also wondering about the optional stuff here. I’m pretty sure I’ve been under 80% kills in 3 of 4 levels, and that’s not because of fleeing encounters. I like that style of map, but maybe it’s better to mix in some conventional maps where it’s not easy to miss entire areas.


Bottom line: good looking tech bases

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Doomworld forum topic


This one seemed less polished than Map 01 and more basic. Some of the encounters did not seem to go as planned; there was some grind and some waiting for things to happen. It also had a rather simple layout, but it worked and guided you as needed.


Bottom line: Map 03 will have a lot to say about the overall quality of this wad

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@AtticTelephone (note: I had entirely forgotten about the new version. My rage concerning Map 29 is apparently unwarranted.


Doomworld forum topic


There’s nowhere near enough ammo in the majority of maps, and not one of them has any effort put into the appearance. There are a few isolated concepts here and there that are decent ideas, such as eluding cyberdemons at the beginnig and end of a level, but I’ll say it again: go for quality over quantity. The effort to make 32 bad maps could have equaled the effort to make a few decent maps. It’s not good to dwell on maps too long when you’re just getting into mapping, but it is wise to take some time to improve maps before going onto the next one, whether pre or post release.


Bottom line: not worth the time

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Doomworld forum topic


The beginning was cool: run, run, run because meaty monsters are emerging much faster than you can or want to kill them with the pistol. But then you get a super shotgun and it immediately changes drastically from run for your life to boring grind. The cyberdemon fight has a cool idea but poor execution. You are given a ton of space and perhaps the safest weapon with practically unlimited ammo. So while it’s boring to super shotgun them to death, it’s actually much easier and safer than hitting a dozen switches, only to get a BFG with not enough cells to kill them anyway. I would strongly recommend limiting shells to try to force the player’s hand into the switchhunt. The zombie section was fine – a little drawn out, but it was what it had to be for as much space as there was.


Bottom line: Not bad ideas at all, but definite potential for improvement

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47 minutes ago, HAK3180 said:

@AtticTelephone (note: I had entirely forgotten about the new version. My rage concerning Map 29 is apparently unwarranted.


Doomworld forum topic


There’s nowhere near enough ammo in the majority of maps, and not one of them has any effort put into the appearance. There are a few isolated concepts here and there that are decent ideas, such as eluding cyberdemons at the beginnig and end of a level, but I’ll say it again: go for quality over quantity. The effort to make 32 bad maps could have equaled the effort to make a few decent maps. It’s not good to dwell on maps too long when you’re just getting into mapping, but it is wise to take some time to improve maps before going onto the next one, whether pre or post release.


Bottom line: not worth the time


Its better to do a good small map with 20 monsters than going on with all these maps...i think i gave up at map 27. 

You are indeed a survivor...congrats.


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4 hours ago, HAK3180 said:



Doomworld forum topic


The beginning was cool: run, run, run because meaty monsters are emerging much faster than you can or want to kill them with the pistol. But then you get a super shotgun and it immediately changes drastically from run for your life to boring grind. The cyberdemon fight has a cool idea but poor execution. You are given a ton of space and perhaps the safest weapon with practically unlimited ammo. So while it’s boring to super shotgun them to death, it’s actually much easier and safer than hitting a dozen switches, only to get a BFG with not enough cells to kill them anyway. I would strongly recommend limiting shells to try to force the player’s hand into the switchhunt. The zombie section was fine – a little drawn out, but it was what it had to be for as much space as there was.


Bottom line: Not bad ideas at all, but definite potential for improvement


Thank you so much for the review man, really solid advice You're right - I squandered the cyberdemon and switch concept, when you played I see how I did give way too many shells haha. I always over compensate instead of under. Good times buddy

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pm for you!

the new first 3 maps of Happy, i can't leave the link here cause i still need to complete the episode and to switch map slots, it would create confusion :)

Thanks as usual!

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Doomworld forum topic


These maps just didn’t excite me. I don’t have to have novelty in a Doom map to like it, but here it’s a combination of nothing innovative, somewhat grindy combat, and nothing stellar in the layout or visual department, that kinda just bores me. 14 was short enough, but the longest section of it was repetitive. 15 was a little bit awkward with its damaging floor movement. 31 was probably the best of these, but it too was very standard and got a bit grindy. Part of the combat problem here is the continuous play. I can rocket or BFG just about any hint of a threat, yet there often aren’t any, so instead I’m chaingunning cacodemons and super shotgunning barons, trying to hoard cells for the big encounters that aren’t very prevalent. And there’s 32. Anyone else who plays this, much luck not getting lost. You know you have to lower platforms via switches, but I could never tell what was doing what. Moreover, I never knew how to revisit an area because everything was connected via teleporter. It may amount to a clever layout, but it doesn’t play well on a first attempt at all, and in 2020 without extreme mapping talent, you’re not going to get much more than a few attempts, if that, out of players, unfortunately.


Bottom line: Adequate visuals, subpar combat, decent layouts for the most part

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Doomworld forum topic


This is up my alley. It’s classic-type design and combat with a fresh but recognizable visual experience. The action is fun throughout. It’s not a lot of traps and setpieces, so the pace stays pretty good. Plus you get a steady supply of rockets for some of the meat. On that note though, I could see someone complaining that it’s campy. I thought so particularly on one occasion: opening the blue door. I wondered a few times what the progression was. That was due to a couple significant backtracks and the map covering so much space that I simply forget separately that I had seen the red key and the red door. In reality, the flow is pretty nice if you don’t have fish memory. I thought the end went on too long. You open the last door and see the exit, but it’s another 3 or 4 decent fights before you get there. The length itself is fine, but context matters. This is a Map 01 of a megawad, and in a map where you don’t see the exit until 20 minutes in, it's often quite welcome, so fighting another 40 enemies can seem a bit draining at that point.


Bottom line: great start, maybe a little long

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3 hours ago, HAK3180 said:



Doomworld forum topic


These maps just didn’t excite me. I don’t have to have novelty in a Doom map to like it, but here it’s a combination of nothing innovative, somewhat grindy combat, and nothing stellar in the layout or visual department, that kinda just bores me. 14 was short enough, but the longest section of it was repetitive. 15 was a little bit awkward with its damaging floor movement. 31 was probably the best of these, but it too was very standard and got a bit grindy. Part of the combat problem here is the continuous play. I can rocket or BFG just about any hint of a threat, yet there often aren’t any, so instead I’m chaingunning cacodemons and super shotgunning barons, trying to hoard cells for the big encounters that aren’t very prevalent. And there’s 32. Anyone else who plays this, much luck not getting lost. You know you have to lower platforms via switches, but I could never tell what was doing what. Moreover, I never knew how to revisit an area because everything was connected via teleporter. It may amount to a clever layout, but it doesn’t play well on a first attempt at all, and in 2020 without extreme mapping talent, you’re not going to get much more than a few attempts, if that, out of players, unfortunately.


Bottom line: Adequate visuals, subpar combat, decent layouts for the most part

 The faces on stone in level 32 each represent a certain path that have 3 parts (3 hubs where each has a section) that help progression in lowering the flesh pillars to lead to the blue key, you basically almost finished the pentagram face line, had you explored  the downstairs hub more where you entered the spider fight, you would of probrably worked it out, the teleporters where also not just randomly taking you places, it was going up and downwards in the tower, was using telrports in attempt to try and creat the illusion of floors over floors.


The platform you where trying to figure out the purpose for is too kill an icon of sin,

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@Aku, please do not quote videos. 


I understood some of the teleporters to be faking floor over floor, especially the cyberdemon rooftop, but in my opinion, you have to sell them better. First of all, use silent teleporters (are you using at least Boom format?). Also, when these are done well, the scenery is identical at the point of teleporting, so that if you weren't looking at the automap, you could not tell at all. Still, there were several teleporters that were not trying to accomplish that effect and were just taking you to previously unseen/unseeable areas. I think this use of teleporters is best limited. It can be good for starting a setpiece or something or in a much shorter map or more abstract map where locale isn't as important, but my impression is that it's often a somewhat cheap way of connecting parts of the map that also potentially does the disservice of confusing/frustrating the player's progression.

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Its not a technique i plan to use in the future, these maps where originally made in doom 2 format, but since this release i have updated all my maps too zdoom in doom format, so i can do more with the levels , however i plan to use udmf from level 21 onwards, as that has better options available to achieve desired effects that would render using teleports in such a way obselete .


I think i will incorporate an easy death exit in level 32 for those whom find massive levels a bit too much.

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download the .wad


Well, it’s hardly slaughter at all, but (so?) I enjoyed this for the most part. I thought the space itself was very good – the geometry, the architecture, and the detailing for the most part, though there were some crude alignments and things that betray inexperience. The progression was fun: a clear critical path with some exploration options and a good cohesion. Much of the combat was underwhelming, mostly due to the amount of freedom of mobility afforded Doomguy because of the excessive space. Punishing poor movement decisions can be the name of the game in slaughter, but a little bit of it is almost necessary in any map that’s going to be something of a challenge. Well, in this map your space was often virtually unrestricted, so that you had lots of time to react and lots of options how to react.


Bottom line: Good layout and nice scenery. Does need some polish and some oomph.

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1 hour ago, HAK3180 said:

@Dranyan Well, it’s hardly slaughter at all, but (so?) I enjoyed this for the most part. I thought the space itself was very good – the geometry, the architecture, and the detailing for the most part, though there were some crude alignments and things that betray inexperience. The progression was fun: a clear critical path with some exploration options and a good cohesion. Much of the combat was underwhelming, mostly due to the amount of freedom of mobility afforded Doomguy because of the excessive space. Punishing poor movement decisions can be the name of the game in slaughter, but a little bit of it is almost necessary in any map that’s going to be something of a challenge. Well, in this map your space was often virtually unrestricted, so that you had lots of time to react and lots of options how to react.


Bottom line: Good layout and nice scenery. Does need some polish and some oomph.


Thanks for playing my map, man ! Yeah, as you can see i'm a newbie. Believe it or not, this is my very first map ever, so i did few beginner mistakes. I've watched the entire video and took some notes. I will make sure to fix every problem you encountered there.


Also, yeah-- this map is fairly easy, because this is supposed to be a megawad. I thought it would be better to make the first map easy and then add difficulty later on.


Btw, the only secret that you missed is that room with green armor, where you're supposed to shoot a switch which is also inside the room. Also, the switch that you thought don't do anything actually do something. In order to lower the temple bars, you should hit both that switch and also the switch that is guarded by the Mancubus (inside the cave).

Edited by Dranyan

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Doomworld forum topic


This is a different kind of long map. It’s full of 3d flooring and doesn’t have much of an epic factor that longer maps often present. The geometric space is probably not that much. The length comes from encounters and reusing the same spaces in different ways. Sometimes that’s pretty cool and interesting; other times it feels a bit cheap. Overall the progression is interesting. The initial cave section, though a little bit bare, works pretty well, and I really like the area with multiple entrance and exit points via floating rocks “outside.” But overall, the thing could use a visual upgrade; the very first thing you see in this map is stock Doom 2 episode 1 sky in a decidedly hell map and a ton of redrock. Gameplay itself is okay throughout with some good-great and some mediocre. I was never confused for long at all, so that’s good, especially for a longer map, though there may have been a time or two when progression could have been a bit clearer. I really liked one of the big fights. One was quite underwhelming. I also never care for the every progression point is a fight/trap trope, but I realize my opinion on that ain’t changing anybody’s mind.


Bottom line: The longer the map, the higher the standard for quality. This is not bad, but my advice to Alfredo is to try smaller maps.

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Doomworld forum topic


Some first published wads are released after several hours of Doom Builder. Some after several years. Granted. Still, I would never have guessed this to be a first wad. The sophistication is there in all aspects – in combat, in layout, and even to some extent in visuals. It’s a good-sized tech base with a lot of nonlinearity – always another path to explore. It also offers at least two excellently set up bigger fights in the midst of a lot of smaller traps and aptly engaging incidental stuff.


Bottom line: Very entertaining longer base

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@magicsofa (So yeah, I forgot where Warrens takes you, so after M7 I went back to M4. Still to come are 5, 6, 8)


Doomworld forum topic


Some abstract stuff in these, for sure. I wasn’t sure what was going on with the map progression, since E3M9 will always spit you out at M7. And I’m not sure what was up with M7 at all. But there was some fun to be had here, even though tons and tons of rockets, cells, and bosses isn’t really for me.


Bottom line: Short of perfection from M5, M6, and M8, E1 is going to be the clear winner for me

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1 hour ago, HAK3180 said:

Doomworld forum topic


Some first published wads are released after several hours of Doom Builder. Some after several years. Granted. Still, I would never have guessed this to be a first wad. The sophistication is there in all aspects – in combat, in layout, and even to some extent in visuals. It’s a good-sized tech base with a lot of nonlinearity – always another path to explore. It also offers at least two excellently set up bigger fights in the midst of a lot of smaller traps and aptly engaging incidental stuff.


Bottom line: Very entertaining longer base


Man you offer some greatly insightful commentary while you play - it's super informative to hear your thoughts as both a player experiencing the map and as someone who understands map design and Doom in general. To clarify something you commented on, when I say this is my first map, there have been probably two(?) other times in the past that I've installed and booted up one version of Doom Builder or another and messed around, made a few rooms, whatever - but overall, it is legitimately the first map I've attempted to make. That's probably most obvious in how I didn't place walls with consideration for texture width in a lot of places - by the time I started to notice it as a compounding problem, I'd already designed a ton of the map.


I don't know if you have much interest in settling your curiosity about the secrets, but in case you wanted to know...



1) The secret RL is accessed by pressing the computer panel of the large gray mainframe that faces out into the gray room, which lowers a nearby computer with a shootable switch on the back side - that lowers a lift up to the RL

2) In the hallway across from the room where you get the SG (it's where there's a couple imps and former humans shooting you from up on a ledge), there is a secret door hidden as a wall panel (the one with the power symbol on it) that leads up to the ledge.

3) In the small hall right after you get the Super Shotty (right before the big fight), pressing the switch in that small adjacent "utility area" opens the circular doors in the little laboratory room, which takes you to a Supercharge

4) The Supercharge you can see out in the canyon area can be accessed by jumping from the platform with the bridge switch up onto the nukeage fall ledge.

 (also, you were the only person who recorded their FDA that found the secret Berserk)


Thanks again buddy!

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@LVENdead, interesting secrets.



The one soul sphere makes me mad; I should have gotten that. That's absolutely the kind of thing I attempt. The other soul sphere and the rocket launcher are pretty intricate. I'm a little surprised I didn't ultimately work out the rocket launcher but not surprised I missed the baron soul sphere at all. One tip if you didn't know this: you can make any texture (seem to) have a switch sound by putting any SW1 midtexture right in front of it and putting it higher than can be seen, i.e. higher than the ceiling of the room. Then you put the trigger line on that midtexture, rather than on the line that's the visual cue. Maybe an idea for the rocket launcher secret, but you might think that would give it away too much. As for the secret up on the ledge, I feel like I remember humping that. I always try stuff like that. Weird.


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