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Supercharge [gameplay mod | v3.0b 07/16/23 multiplayer fix]


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Just a little suggestion for the Scrapgun in the Ultra-Randomized mode:


Instead of spawning with berserk, scrapgun can spawn with ssg (like stomper with rocket launcher) and some shells can be replaced with scrapdrums. (Just like rockets and stomper missiles). Because it doesn't have ammo much of the time, I can't use it more for this reason.


EDIT: Btw, @TangoDo you have a plan to open a discord server?

Edited by c0mbolynch

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  • 2 months later...

Supercharge v3.0b "No keys" version:



Supercharge has become my default gameplay mod when playing WADs. While most of WADs work just fine or only need a simple compatibility patch (for replacing weapons mostly), I've encountered a few cases that locks don't work despite having the corresponding keys, for example Desecrated Station (broken blue key switch) and Insanity Edged (broken progress in map07). So I made the "No keys" version that doesn't replace keys/locks. No more fancy spinning keys and their unique pickup sounds, but it should have even better compatibility with WADs.


It also has a few minor tweaks:

  • Pistol clip size is now 10 (for the sake of matching a full clip pickup).
  • Chaingun has a new pickup sprite and buffed damage (from 13 to 17, I made a simple spreadsheet comparing ammo costs between SC Pistol/AR/CGun).



"Chaingun Only" mini mod for Supercharge 2.4+:


I know Supercharge itself has an option to toggle between Assault Rifle and Chaingun, but some WADs with built-in SC remove the option. This mini mod will force replace AR with CGun as long as the corresponding files still exist. Just bear in mind that using this mod might break map author's intention.

CGun in Break Point

Edited by NovaRain

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  • 3 weeks later...

I've also made some alternate addons for supercharge. Is it okay for me to post them here? @Tango

The Addons I've made are:

-A Revolver Replacement for Pistol (Magazine size is 6 but damage is same, just like the old supercharge pistol. Sorry, I suck at coding...)
-Green Sights for Pistol and Shotgun.
-Supercharge HUD for other mods (Intended to use with Quickcharge, Minicharge and Vanilla DooM. But one small mistake, I couldn't make the armor icon fit inside the little box, so armor icon looks goofy unfortunately.)


Bonus Note: I am also working on a Heretic Style Weapons Replacement :))

Thank you in advance, and "Godless Night" is super awesome! It's good to see you alive and kicking, friend ;)


Edited by c0mbolynch
grammar mistake :))

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@c0mbolynch you are much too kind, thanks so much :D


yes of course! post away, and I am happy to link to your post in the OP. sounds like really cool stuff!


heretic-style weapoms mod sounds slick, looking forward to seeing that

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https://drive.google.com/file/d/1kECafQsfmlfgs10kVBW0fWS1Jp4SjJSV/view?usp=sharing Supercharge Hud


https://drive.google.com/file/d/1PubyTo8j5TFWHtPPy0dlYww368fRjlUC/view?usp=sharing Pistol and Shotgun Green Sights


https://drive.google.com/file/d/1dl4ohIepjQF2x-_I2Le2L0I-1eYyNJah/view?usp=sharing Revolver Replacement


All of them are standalone, so you don't need to load them with supercharge.

Edited by c0mbolynch

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  On 10/29/2023 at 10:52 AM, Tango said:

@c0mbolynch you are much too kind, thanks so much :D


yes of course! post away, and I am happy to link to your post in the OP. sounds like really cool stuff!


heretic-style weapoms mod sounds slick, looking forward to seeing that


You're welcome! The HeReTiC style weapons will be coming later. I think I will call it Mystic Charge. But don't expect much from me honestly because I am too new to the modding scene and coding. So, right now, I can only change sprites and sounds. I wish I could make reloading animations and tracers too. I know that the community can help me if I need help with a expert level task if I have one :) 

Edited by c0mbolynch

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  On 10/13/2023 at 1:23 PM, NovaRain said:

Supercharge v3.0b "No keys" version:



Supercharge has become my default gameplay mod when playing WADs. While most of WADs work just fine or only need a simple compatibility patch (for replacing weapons mostly), I've encountered a few cases that locks don't work despite having the corresponding keys, for example Desecrated Station (broken blue key switch) and Insanity Edged (broken progress in map07). So I made the "No keys" version that doesn't replace keys/locks. No more fancy spinning keys and their unique pickup sounds, but it should have even better compatibility with WADs.


It also has a few minor tweaks:

  • Pistol clip size is now 10 (for the sake of matching a full clip pickup).
  • Chaingun has a new pickup sprite and buffed damage (from 13 to 17, I made a simple spreadsheet comparing ammo costs between SC Pistol/AR/CGun).



"Chaingun Only" mini mod for Supercharge 2.4+:


I know Supercharge itself has an option to toggle between Assault Rifle and Chaingun, but some WADs with built-in SC remove the option. This mini mod will force replace AR with CGun as long as the corresponding files still exist. Just bear in mind that using this mod might break map author's intention.

CGun in Break Point


I know we have the download links of the older version but can you make a burst rifle minimod too? With the new assault rifle sprites.

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  • 1 month later...
  • 3 weeks later...

I really really like the mod; the weapon strength against demons is balanced in my opinion, the pace is fast, the designs are great.


I would hope for some addon/s like grenades.

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  On 9/21/2019 at 8:44 PM, Tango said:



>>>>>>>> DOWNLOAD SUPERCHARGE <<<<<<<<
(last updated: v3.0 - 03/27/2023 | click here for direct link | click here for weapons-only version courtesy of @NovaRain


Supercharge is a mapping resource and gameplay mod for GZDoom/Zandronum, with new and altered monsters and weapons. It is the continuation of the gameplay mod featured in Paradise, and I intend to continue iterating on it and using it in my future mapping projects.


  • Compatible with GZDoom 4.0.0 and up, Zandronum 3.0 and up, and ZDoom 2.8.1; earlier GZDoom versions or LZDoom may also work, but are untested
  • Requires a Doom IWAD to play (doom.wad, doom2.wad, tnt.wad, plutonia.wad, etc.)
  • Hardware rendering mode strongly recommended; non-hardware rendering modes may have visual oddities
  • Probably will not play well with other mods or mapsets that have significant gameplay tweaks



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GIFS: tbd



  • Frills and effects! New weapon and monster sprites, new sounds, bullet casings, alternate deaths, gibs, terrain splashes, two "new" HUDs, and other various things.
  • Automatic pistol starts (GZDoom only)! In game, navigate to "SC Options" from the main menu to toggle this setting.
  • Normalized damage across the board! Each player and monster attack now does a set, non-random amount of damage. The non-random values are generally what the average random version would be. A projectile formerly dealing between 10 and 20 damage would now do 15, for example.
  • Instant weapon switching! Weapon switching is instant for ALL weapons. This allows you to combo certain weapon shots together. Fire a rocket then quickly switch to a super shotgun blast, or hammer away at your pistol clip then instantly switch to a plasma volley!
  • New monsters and tweaked weapons! See the respective categories below for more info.



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Omg thanks you very much!

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Supercharge but with Astral Abstraction weapon sounds. @The Final EventIs it okay for me to post this?

EDIT: I also turned astral abstraction into a gameplay mod by simply excluding maps and replacing bfg with all the 4 variants and removing chainsaw completely. But haven't uploaded it of course. If you give permission, I would like to upload it as a supercharge fork because I loved the gameplay of astral abstraction and I think that it deserves to be a gameplay mod like supercharge itself. Much respect and love :)

EDIT 2: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1c7xDuhV1F8jowpSk2cQotrWZdgTDGMhf/view?usp=drive_link Also here is the updated version of the revolver. With 2x damage. Yeah, I've finally figured out how to increase the damage of the guns :)) So, go Clint Eastwood style sharpshoot those ugly demons like a true gunslinger :DD

Edited by c0mbolynch

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  On 1/23/2024 at 12:03 PM, doomlayman said:

I think that the arsenal is fine and doesn't need any expansion.


I didn't say that the arsenal is bad. The Revolver is for a more western feeling actually in western themed maps with Gothic Shotguns. Of course, it's fantasy western not realistic. And I am still working on a heretic style fork called "Arcanecharge", for more medieval experiences, I just wish I have the ability make a mod compatible with HeReTiC but I'll stick with DooM for now. Astral Abstraction guns really felt like something between minicharge and supercharge. That's why I liked them, feels like gzdoom style minicharge :))

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With the permission of @The Final Event, this is Bulletcharge. If you add it your post, I think that to mention him is much more better and respectable. I've just excluded maps. Work is completely belong to him.

Edited by c0mbolynch

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  On 1/22/2024 at 4:26 AM, c0mbolynch said:


Supercharge but with Astral Abstraction weapon sounds. @The Final EventIs it okay for me to post this?

EDIT: I also turned astral abstraction into a gameplay mod by simply excluding maps and replacing bfg with all the 4 variants and removing chainsaw completely. But haven't uploaded it of course. If you give permission, I would like to upload it as a supercharge fork because I loved the gameplay of astral abstraction and I think that it deserves to be a gameplay mod like supercharge itself. Much respect and love :)

EDIT 2: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1c7xDuhV1F8jowpSk2cQotrWZdgTDGMhf/view?usp=drive_link Also here is the updated version of the revolver. With 2x damage. Yeah, I've finally figured out how to increase the damage of the guns :)) So, go Clint Eastwood style sharpshoot those ugly demons like a true gunslinger :DD


Your download links are not working.

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  • 1 month later...

Most epic!! My humble apologies if I missed it, but may I ask have you made a version that is just monster changes only? Idk why but i reeeeaally wanna fight these monsters with the weapons from quake 1 haha many thanks!

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Just wanted to piggyback off my post in the thread for Break//point// yesterday but this mod is incredible. The attention to detail on especially the gibbing is second to none. I think outside of Brutal Doom, which just changes the game a bit too much for my taste, this is some of the most beautiful I have ever seen Doom. I have tried ALOT of mods (Someday I may release a spreadsheet I have), but this one is the one I come back to the most besides Final Doomer.


Insane work. Insane Detail. Great job.

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  • 4 weeks later...

This mod is pretty fun. After seeing that there's a weapons-only version, has a monster-only version been considered for compatibility with other weapons mods? I'd imagine all that would be needed to do is replace the weapons dropped by the enemies with their vanilla counterparts...

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  • 2 weeks later...

A very cool vanilla-like gun mod. I'm using the weapons-only mod with creature packs. It's great!

But I have a suggestion:
How does it sound to make a separate ammo pool for pistol to prevent it from being useless in the lategame? Several different powerful weapons use the same ammo pool.

Edited by Tekabe

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  • 4 weeks later...

The rockets apparently aren't counted correctly in the automap ammo tally for some reason, but the main HUD keeps track of them just fine. Not quite sure what'd cause this sort of discrepancy.



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