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About the people who aren't here anymore

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19 hours ago, reflex17 said:



Yeah sure, no problem. I don't recall the comics specifically but yeah there were tons of sites like that which would link to one another etc. Another favorite of mine was Age of Kings Heaven community pages. I guess these sites were a logical, organizational extension of BBS directories, webrings and other sites like geocities at the time.


I am amazed it is still up. Some of them are down and redirect to ign.com. It is oddly fascinating, like digital archaeology. Website time capsules. Another one I stumbled across recently is Quake2.com. The last news update reads...

I'll be out of town for the entire weekend (off in the NetJet? ;), visiting some friends at Central Michigan University, so there probably won't be any updates until Monday or so (unless Blitz or Nigel make an update here or there). Feel free to send in your news, and I'll try to get it all up sometime Monday. Thanks!"

Date of update? October 30th, 1998. That is one hell of a road trip. And yet the domain is being renewed and (one assumes) hosting is being paid after 21 years of no updates.

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1 hour ago, Murdoch said:

It is oddly fascinating, like digital archaeology.



Yeah exactly, I still have a few magazines that talk about the rise of ISPs and how that would be integrated into existing phone lines. The start of 3d graphics cards and certain topics like Ultima Online and what is this new MMO genre? and how will they deal with so many concurrent players, that kind of thing. 

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Reading about the people on the memorial page is really saddening, having been out of the loop I had no idea we lost many of them.

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On 1/20/2020 at 10:23 PM, Knee Deep In The Fan said:



I remember Planet Doom. Was just thinking about it the other day and was wondering if it was still around (thanks for providing the link @reflex17). I loved reading the "Doom Toons" comic strips that were on there back in the day. IIRC the guy that drew them said he was stopping because people kept giving him shit about how much they sucked, which is pretty sad. They weren't the greatest things ever, but I enjoyed them for what they were; people didn't need to go that far.

This is the immediate one that came to mind.


LOL not sure why these made me laugh so much back then.  Still, it's good to see them all there (mostly.)


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HA!  I remember that picture!


I remember NewDoom.com and DoomNation.   I was hosted by DoomNation til they expired.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi @fabian! As I recall most of my help with Crispy Doom was cheerleading for it on the forums and asking you to implement features, but I'm glad it was helpful ;) Nice to see that it's still being developed.

Edited by plums

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  • 2 weeks later...
On 2/5/2020 at 10:04 PM, plums said:


Hi I'm alive and relatively well, I was doing playtesting/bugfixing for too many people and also going back to school, and I got rather overwhelmed and kind of just checked out of Doom stuff entirely. Sorry to everyone who I left hanging, in case any of them read this. Maybe I'll get back into it at some point but now is not the time. Nice to see so many people still here!


I only just saw this!! Welcome back :D

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I'm actually totally impressed about members that are STILL here instead of being not and I want to express my deepest respects to all members like @Doomkid @Linguica and everybody else who joined Doomworld in its early days,- and still being active! I've rarely seen such a loyalty from so many members over a long time like that in a community. Most people come in, say Hi, and mysteriously disappear after a couple of days, weeks or months. 5 years of active membership is already pretty cool, 10 years sounds like "wow !" but 20+ years are definitely worth a golden Doomguy trophy or something. I hope you all stay well !




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I really miss scifista42.


Suddenly disappeared from the forums in 2018.

Edited by pcorf

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  • 6 months later...
On 1/21/2020 at 7:12 AM, Doom_Dude said:

Greetings indeed @ReX! Good to see you're still around. Gonna play that Deimos Seven here in a few. Screens sure look snazzy.


Ok so now that I think of all this (again), where did that wooden fellow Planky get to?


Man, keeping track of Doomers, is worse than herding cats. ;)


@Doom_Dude new phone, who dis?

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On 2/20/2020 at 3:20 PM, Doomkid said:

I’m a cheater because I really didn’t get active on Doomworld til about 2011. I think my account has like 10 posts from before then, and it’s only because Linguica is great about data preservation that they even exist.


I was really a child of the long-dead Doom Connector and Skulltag forums, both of which are (almost) completely erased from existence at this point, probably for the best since they were almost the designated “kiddie pools” of the community at the time.. I used to be intimidated by the “adult” conversation on Doomworld (which is hilarious looking back)


Speaking of huge gaps in post history, I think Martin is probably the record holder: https://www.doomworld.com/forum/post/1767865


I know I’m ranting but posts about old Doomy/Doom community stuff hit that nostalgic sweet spot. The days of innocence. It’s funny how much the Doom community and the internet has changed since the 90’s *waves cane*. Kids these days will never know the joys browsing hundreds of home-made GeoCities Doom sites and downloading all the random wads of questionable quality from sites with even more random / questionable design choices..


Everything is so clean and easy now! Back in my day we had to hike 5 miles through GeoCities in the snow just to get our hands on a Simpsons Doom wad!




Ahh, good ol' Skulltag and Doom Connector. Those were the days. Those clan days were something else, even though I wasn't super involved with the inner workings of it. I was just a mere grunt. RB forever lol. The early 2000's was such an odd time for the internet. So much simpler too. All those crappy Geocities sites with built in midi music playing in the background.

Edited by Lizardcommando

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Nothing is worse than taking huge breaks then returning to a forum and finding messages from people who left with +5 years ago tag on them lol (Obviously on other doom forums). I guess most people decide they've been away for so long that they'd get nothing from returning to a forum, Or only use a specific forum for whatever port they currently "main". 

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The only reason I don’t have an earlier regdate is that I was posting on Doom Nation when the current forum continuity was created. I think there was an earlier weird DW forum system that didn’t get migrated? Maybe? I seem to remember posting on DW, then DN, then DW again. 


Why do I keep going to this site? I dunno; habit I guess. No matter how the rest of the world changed, there was www doomworld dot com, largely unchanged. I think I’ve fired up Doom like once this year?

These are my staggering accomplishments from over two decades in the Doom community:

  • I was briefly on a TC team back in, uh, 2000(?) that failed without a trace
  • I contributed like 2 graphics to FreeDoom that have probably (hopefully!) been replaced
  • A stellar average posting rate of 75 posts a year (surprised it’s that high, honestly)
  • I helped out resurrecting a lost DeHackEd feature of Batman Doom - my crowning achievement! At least I’m in the idgames archives now; bucket list item completed


edit: oh and this avatar too. Edited version of some ancient wallpaper I found. Somebody on zdoom.org was using a shitty rescaled version of it and nearly had a heart attack when I showed up out of nowhere to give him the source image

Edited by david_a

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it's sad to see people go, but at one point, they have to. Some people have been regular members here for 20 years! others have left the scene. Even though DOOM is an amazing games, I don't see myself being a common member here in 7 or so years, maybe even sooner. I originally joined to follow the DOOM Unity add-on topic, but decided to stay. I did make a lot of topics before I followed it, but those were mostly questions I had about the main game. I'm sure people like Gokuma who have been here for so long have seen many people come and go, but at one point, it's going to happen to you. 

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3 hours ago, david_a said:

The only reason I don’t have an earlier regdate is that I was posting on Doom Nation when the current forum continuity was created. I think there was an earlier weird DW forum system that didn’t get migrated? Maybe? I seem to remember posting on DW, then DN, then DW again.


Pretty sure DW didnt have a forum to start with




None in 1998 https://web.archive.org/web/19981212013651/http://doomworld.com/


Popped up somewhere in 2000 if archive.org is to believed: https://web.archive.org/web/20000815235327/http://www.doomworld.com/forums/general/thread_closed.shtml


I started with the Legacy underground bulletin board, moved with it to newdoom forums. Too afraid of Ralphis of hacking me if I got too close to Doomworld.



Edited by Planky

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I lurk sometimes but I rarely post. I still consider myself a Doomer even if I'm not really active in the community as much anymore.

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