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⭐ Rank Your Favourite Wads

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180 Minutes Por Vivre(my first love...kinda)

Alien Vendetta (the eternal legend)

Deus Vult (haven't played Deus Vult 2 yet, but this is my favorite slaughter wad by a looong way

Ancient Aliens (cool aesthetic, and overall one of the best

Eviternity (like Ancient Aliens but less so

Memento Mori II (one of the best classic wads

Eternal Doom (cool atmosphere, and the modern jaunts add quite a bit

Doom: Way Id Did (exploiting Doom 1 style to it's finest

Going Down (godafather of cramped yet kinetic co,bat

Arrival: Pavera's mapping and AD_79's music come together to create an absolutely fantastic work of art essentially within the confines of Doom

1000 Lines Community Project 3 (definitely among the best modern Doom examples

Memento Mori (I'm not that different from valkiriforce, but I do recognize it's not consistently entertaining

Skulltiverse: I actually like this one better than Going Down, but I'm realizing the fights don't necessarily stick with me. Still very fun

Phobos: Anomaly Reborn - The wad that launched Chris Lutz into the stratosphere. For Doom 1 it may have been but it shines especially toward the back end.

Back to Saturn X Episode 1: Maybe just slightly overrated. Some maps (Bingo Pool Hall of Blood, Tough Skin River) are absolutely fantastic though. Otherwise, it's not considerably better than most above-average megawads.

Base Ganymede: Ultimate Doom goes speedin'

New Doom Community Project: Bland visuals, but some maps are excellent

Combat Shock 2  (over the top slaughter

Combat Shock (um, I'm not sure, I just know I really liked it past Map 01

DBK01 (this does some truly innovative and excellent things.

Jim Flynn's Titan maps (I like almost all of them, actually the concepts seem more realized than whatever is in Enigma (Gulch and maybe one of the latter levels excepting!)

Rowdy Rudy's 2: Fun arcade stuff

Doom 2 Way Id Did (want to see a Doom II with more time in the oven? Go right ahead!)

No Rest for the Living: I did like the scale presented at certain points. I did find some maps that were just boring however

Enigma Episode: Inscrutable, but excellent stuff

PUSS VII: Rowdy Rudy's speedmapping. Only map I didn't really like was 04

Zone 400: Excellent for what it was but really little to say otherwise

Icarus: Alien Vanguard: Um, the music's cool, and settings are occasionally inventive I guess

PUSS IV: Twelve Days of Doomas: Insane mapset that packs in Pain Elementals Cyberdemons and arch-viles like there's no tomorrow

Beyond the Aether: A TNT replacement that came out last year. First few maps aren't so interesting, but things start picking up around 5. Last map is excellent.

Community Chest: @Kaiser and @Use maps can't unfortunately save this one.

Khorus' Speedy Shit: I'm honestly not the hugest fan of this one. Visuals are boring and with some exceptions, I didn't find the Doom II roster utilized in a way that went beyond the annoying.

Beyond the Hell: A handful of great maps can't save the rest

Armagedn: So what if one person made a megawad that's basically shovelware? You get this! Though little is broken as such I suppose.

Edited by LadyMistDragon
added PAR, BTSX1, and Arrival

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5.Swim with the Walles                                                                                                                                                               

6.Nostril Caverns                                                                                                                                                                        7.Slaughterfest 2011                                                                                                                                                                8.Slaughterfest 2012                                                                                                                                                                9.Fractured Worlds                                                                                                                                                                  10.Judjement                                                                                                                                                                         

11.No Reason's Speedmaps 3                                                                                                                                               

12.Death in Excess                                                                                                                                                                                       

Edited by Red Recluse

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1. Valiant


3. Heartland

4. Plutonia

5. Doom

6. Sigil

7. Doom II


Yeah I haven't played alot of wads

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I haven't actually FINISHED a lot of stuff, so here's everything I have


#01 - Sunlust

#02 - Struggle: Antaresian Legacy

#03 - Tangerine Nightmare

#04 - Toilet Of The Gods

#05 - Plutonia 2

#06 - Rowdy Rudy II: Powertrip!

#07 - Italo-Doom

#08 - Heartland

#09 - Ancient Aliens

#10 - Back To Saturn X Episode 1

#11 - Lunar Laceration

#12 - 1000 Lines 3

#13 - Ultimate Doom The Way Id Did

#14 - The Plutonia Experiment

#15 - Lunatic 

#16 - Ozonia

#17 - Rowdy Rudy's Revenge

#18 - TNT: Evilution

#19 - Doom The Way Id Did

#20 - Doom II

#21 - Doom I

#22 - Community Chest I

#23 - Hell Revealed I

#24 - The Master Levels For Doom II (It counts if you want it to)

#25 - Hell Revealed II

Edited by NiGHTS108

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Here's some wads that I love that I have mentioned in the top community wads of all time thread, they are in order:

1-Speed of Doom 



4-Scythe 2

5-Going Down

6-Plutonia 2 

7-Alien Vendetta

8-180 minutes pour vivre 

9-Tangerine Nightmare 

10-Ray Mohawk 2


Now here are some honorable mentions without any order:





3 heures d'agonie 2 and 3

Good Morning Phobos

DBP37: Auger Zenith

Nova 2 and 3

Ancient Aliens


Japanese Community Project



Ray Mohawk's manic monday

Struggle: Antaresian Legacy

TNT: Revilution

100 Line Massacre



Edited by tonytheparrot
added 100 Line Massacre

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  • 2 weeks later...

1. Zzul Bases

2. Sunder

3. Going Down

4. Miasma

5. Resurgence

6. The Ana's Dream

7. The Sky May Be

8. Haste

9. Scythe

10. Counter Attack

Edited by lunchlunch

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Out of every WAD I've ever beaten so far, here's how I would rank them, with number 1 being the best


16. Scythe (I'm not a fan of WADs that have that old 90s vanilla look with nothing interesting to offer, the only memorable thing about this WAD is the final level)

15. 25 Years on Earth (Pretty much the same critique as the above WAD. The levels look way too old/vanilla/boring in my opinion, with the gameplay also not being interesting at all for me. Overall, nothing really memorable about this WAD)

14. Back to Saturn X: Episode 1 (I also remember being really bored while playing through this WAD. It's a considerable step up from the previous 2 entries on this list, but from my memory, all I really remember is just techbase levels that looked largely very similar to each other for the most part)

13. 180 Minutes Pour Vivre (This WAD is also not the greatest in terms of looks in some levels, but the gameplay really makes up for a pretty big portion of it. I remember the gameplay in this WAD being really engaging and also a good challenge)

12. Rush (I like smaller/bite-sized slaughter maps, it's a pretty solid WAD overall, nothing too memorable or outstanding about it though)

11. Stardate 20X6 (I like the pinkish/purple theme that this WAD has, some of the fights are pretty annoying though, I'm glad there's only 8 levels of it, otherwise this would probably be worse on the list)

10. Going Down (I really liked the gameplay of this WAD, good difficulty, good fight/gameplay design, and I also like how bite sized the maps are. The storytelling of this WAD is also really cool)

9. Plutonia 2 (I really like the original Plutonia, so it's pretty natural that I would like this one as well, I still prefer the original Plutonia though)

8. Back to Saturn X: Episode 2 (This is a HUGE step up in quality from the 1st episode. The environments in this one are way more varied and interesting, and the gameplay/fights are way better overall)

7. Eviternity (I really love the environments in this WAD, I also think this is BY FAR the WAD that does new enemies the best)

6. UAC Ultra (I like the slightly more gritty atmosphere of this WAD, with it also having some pretty fun gameplay)

5. Microslaughter Community Project (As I said earlier, I'm a huge fan of bite sized slaughter maps, not only is that what this WAD is centered around, but the environments are really cool and the fights are really well designed)

4. Refracted Reality (Absolutely beautiful environments and really engaging gameplay. This WAD feels like a true journey. Not to mention the really cool hub map)

3. The Slaughter Spectrum (Beautiful environments, amazing music, and really fun slaughter gameplay)

2. SigmaX (This WAD and the number 1 spot are honestly interchangable in my opinion. This WAD presents really unique and beautiful environments, some of which are very rare to see in Doom WADs, not to mention that the WAD utilizes GZDoom features in order to add even cooler gimmicks/mechanics to the maps that make them feel even more alive, plus some really cool and unique end-level screens, as well as an absolutely AMAZING bossfight that really is not easy to forget. And on top of all that, the WAD is only half finished, there's still 5 more levels to be released. This is another one of those WADs that really just feels like an epic journey, which it is REALLY RARE and difficult to find WADs that are like that in my opinion)

1. Sunlust (This WAD features really cool and varied environments, very fun, difficult, and engaging gameplay, and is a whole 32 levels long, you can't really go wrong with that)


(I'll keep updating this post whenever I beat new WADs)

Edited by Jiggahertz

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  • 3 weeks later...
On 7/26/2020 at 3:13 AM, Pixel Fiend said:

Here is my list with continually updated personal ranking:


Just some questions for interpreting this list because it's huge:


- what qualities you generally like in Doom wads? dislike? 

- you say the list is wads you consider "worthwhile," but what does "worthwhile" translate to for the last wad that made the cut (currently #235): is that in your mind average (like 5/10 or so), decent, or good?  

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3 hours ago, baja blast rd. said:


Just some questions for interpreting this list because it's huge:


- what do qualities you generally like in Doom wads? dislike? 

- you say the list is wads you consider "worthwhile," but what does "worthwhile" translate to for the last wad that made the cut (currently #235): is that in your mind average (like 5/10 or so), decent, or good?  


I maintain such list to justify why the game is worth playing. I wanted to keep it short but I like the maps you guys make so the collection keeps on growing. The emphasis is in judging if the wad is fun enough to toss out other forms of entertainment in favour the time it demands of you to play it. I appreciate eye-catching custom textures, good music, creative and fluid gameplay that cuts to the chase, rather than seeing more of the same. If you feel like playing a map again it's a good indicator it's worthwhile for you. So while "No End in Sight" and "Deathless" comprise maps I'd consider good, some of which I really like playing, I'd rather leave them out because if I spend time on those wads I'll feel weariness from not choosing to entertain myself with something more satisfying. The ranking is just a reflection of that, rather than an evaluation with hidden grading.


But the list keeps pushing and soon I'll also add those:





Edited by Pixel Fiend

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