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TNT Goes Boom! Episode 1 - Vanilla TNT Evilution Replacement

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I instantly fell in love with this, pal!

Gonna feedback it ASAP
Also, i would like to help you as much as i can.
Send me a PM, i can make you some nice TITLEPIC, M_DOOM, INTERPIC, BOSSBACK and a good status bar for sure.
No charge, just my love to anything TNT related ;)

Edited by P41R47

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57 minutes ago, P41R47 said:

I instantly fell in love with this, pal!

Gonna feedback it ASAP
Also, i would like to help you as much as i can.
Send me a PM, i can make you some nice TITLEPIC, M_DOOM, INTERPIC, BOSSBACK and a good status bar for sure.
No charge, just my love to anything TNT related ;)

Awesome to hear! Will PM you tomorrow if I can. Tired as hell right now. lol

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I played level 1 through 5. On level 2, I was able to launch from the blue torch to grab the blue key. Although I was not able to walk where the blue key is resting, I was able to grab it. I'm not sure it's what I was intended to do because of Doom collision detection issues that allow to do things like this. 

Edited by axdoomer

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1 hour ago, The_SloVinator said:

Awesome to hear! Will PM you tomorrow if I can. Tired as hell right now. lol


I will wait your message and give you the proper feedback that i already have ;)

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excellent. it's like playing the original tnt. the inspiration for the maps is obvious yet the maps themselves are different enough. i'm at one step before grabbing the bfg on map04 now, but that thing has a surprise. dueled the cow like a man with the ssg and it was able to do some splash damage on the wall, as you see...




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Only have time for playing the first two levels but those two were pretty fun. Feels a whole lot like the original TNT but with some modern enhancements (a.k.a looks a whole lot nicer) and is given me some difficulty on UV which is a nice touch too. Can't wait to finish the other four maps and eventually the other episodes once you are finished!

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14 hours ago, axdoomer said:

I played level 1 through 5. On level 2, I was able to launch from the blue torch to grab the blue key. Although I was not able to walk where the blue key is resting, I was able to grab it. I'm not sure it's what I was intended to do because of Doom collision detection issues that allow to do things like this. 

Fixed it!

Good find.

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Now THIS is how it's done! Fantastic re-imagining of Evilution's episode 1, where the ideas behind the maps and general aesthetics remain, but the maps are unique and different enough to stand on their own. They look great, play really well and secrets are really fun. 

I really hope you'll continue making more. I would love to see a Drake O' Brien type map done like this. 

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I had a lot of fun playing these maps.


About my only nitpick would be that it seemed like you wanted to use almost every badguy and  weapon at least once.


I figure the Arch vile, Barron,  Spider demon and Cyber Demon  could  be removed from these levels and replaced  with groups of lower tier enemies with no loss to playability.


I  also never once used the rocket launcher in the entire mapset, leading to me lugging about 80 rockets around unused  by the end.

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@The_SloVinatorVideo of my gameplay incoming later. I liked this re-imagining of the first episode. It felt that was sorta simplified and less crowded than the original to have a short but fun moment.


The highlight for me was Wormhole and the tight as hell fight against the cybie. Got fucking scared when the cybie suddenly teleported in front of me....you'll see.


Ammo was enough to deal with all the monsters placed in the set but health was at the right amount. That means that the player must be careful to not get enough damage, even if the set is not difficult.


Good stuff overall.


PS: how dare you to bait me with a BFG in Wormhole?

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This is some excellent recreations of TNT's maps with a bit of a modern day twist to them whilst still remaining fully vanilla compatible (at least, chocolate DooM compat if not).

There's plenty of health and ammo throughout the levels and the secrets were quite fun to discover.


Quite often I got confused as to where to go next. Some of the may layouts are a little convoluted on where to go next (maps 3, 5 and 6 especially). I did eventualyl complete this without skipping any areas but there wasn't always a good indicator as to where I was meant to walk to next.


Difficulty is juust a tad too high for HMP. Not really unfair but more akin to Plutonia's lesser maps. Normally I'd say this is a problem but TNT WAS harder than DooM II (sometimes quite a bit harder) so this did feel inline with what I expected (MAP02/3 could do with a few extra bullets since I generally default to the chaingun if I lack a super shotgun, rocket launcher, plasma rifle or BFG9000, especially when dealing with mid-high tier enemies).



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One tiny continuality thing; sector 39, that uses RROCK05, on Map02 doesn't do damage. But on Map04, sector 116, that uses the same flat, does  do damage

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  • 4 months later...

Btw, on map03 i was able to exit the level without the BK at all, by getting on that center lift while it was still down and pressing at the exit-side wall.  Am playing on MBF.


But played through the entire episode now, and it's a fantastic ride.  Difficulty on HMP is pretty rough, but good kind of rough, not frustrating at all.  This is gonna be a lovely set!

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  • 4 weeks later...

I've played up to level 6.  I like how these maps remind of me of TNT but at the same time feel new. 

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I just found out about this, and am super excited to try it out. I love TNT, and the screenshots capture the aesthetic beautifully. I can't try it yet, because I'm working on my own take on TNT right now, and I don't want to steal your ideas by accident, but as soon as I'm done yours is going on my list to play next.

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  • 2 years later...

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