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[GZDoom] Tubeworm - now on ID Games

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Greetings, Doom dudes! I present my next map - Tubeworm. (Updated with ID Games link)


Inspired by this thread, I made a very non-linear map with FIREBLU tubes. It's designed to be an exploration type map - the exit is completely open from the start. Have fun!


GZDoom please. Jumping not needed, freelook encouraged but probably not needed.


** EDIT **

 - Fixed a couple of stuck monsters and added a TITLEPIC

 - Added a baron trap for goodies room.


Some screenshots:


























Edited by smeghammer

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Ultra-Violence || GZDoom || Q_Charge



*Deaths: 1 (Killed by a Mancubus)

*Saves: none









(Those Medikits are breaking through the wall, what the hell?)







(Wait, now I remembered that the exit was in front of me, why did I decide to go to the other teleporters to kill those enemies?... ah right, because I wasn't doing Speedrun)




A really huge map, with many things implemented that I would not have enough words to describe everything, well ... I will have to be brief with my texts so as not to make the comment to the Wad super long.


First of all, with what is the visual aspect, the map looks phenomenal, it has so many things on it that it really draws attention to want to explore everything that this map can offer, from the teleporters at the beginning, to the great extensive list of places that there are to investigate, and at the same time, to go to destroy the threats that invade this site, from the first moment you arrive, things begin to get mysterious, the curious thing about this site are the water pipes that are covered by FIREBLU, which is a strange journey in which our Marine makes to travel from one side to the other, having new paths, and new mysteries to be solved, and to tell the truth, this place is also very varied in terms of the areas that are They arrive through the pipes, perhaps not with such varying textures but there is variety in the aspect of structure and architecture, and that really helps the map a lot not to make it monotonous or boring in the exploration, although I will not lie that I care. so much confusion going from one place to the other without really understanding what to do, but hey, I still liked all the visuals in the Wad.


Now in the aspect of the difficulty, well... I will not lie, if it comes to present a challenge when it comes to confrontations with enemies, some even become somewhat frustrating like the almost constant encounters with Chaingunners, and also have problems with the Hell Knights and Barons of Hell, but even though there are not all the normal enemies of Doom 2, it is still somewhat difficult not to receive damage from enemies that are in areas that cannot be seen at first glance, in addition to that in one part of the map, there is a whole "pool" of toxic green liquid that brings Pinkys inside that could not be seen or heard in the distance, but well, clarifying everything, some fights were tough but I managed to handle them without much problem , and finally as I did not find the rest of the remaining enemies, I better decided to leave the Wad without 100% Kills, but for what it had been a while, I think it was a good decision I made in this regard. Very entertaining Wad in all the aspects that constitute it, what a great job there is here.

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@ElPadrecitoCholo Thank you for playing this map and for the detailed feedback! Very much appreciated. It's really uplifting to see that my work is appreciated.


Yeah, I have a tendency to build big-ass maps - I don't seem to be able to stop... The original idea was prompted by that FIREBLU thread from a couple of weeks ago and the water tubes sort of grew from there. I'm definitely still practicing with monster placement and I do have a tendency to use chaingunners too much. Sorry... I'll have a look at changing that.


Also, I'll definitely have another look at better flagging he areas you might want to explore further, like in the slime areas - some have goodies.   It's a beta, so any and all feedback is appreciated of course.


I definitely focus more on aesthetics than carefully planned monster encounters, and I think your feedback, and feedback from others about my other maps, shows that. It was a deliberate choice not to use all monsters - particularly the cyberdemon - as I didn't want it to be a bog-standard arena fight.


Shameless self promotion ahead:



FYI If you like fiddly detailed maps, you might like some of my other maps - particularly 'Fuck you, Escher' and 'Island Fortress' (but mind the chaingunners :-)). See this post for the list of all my WADs.




Thanks for playing.

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Ohh man, what an experience! I love to explore in games, this kind of maps are great for me (like the recent "Lost Soul" wad). Those fireblue wormholes are amazing, I had so much fun getting lost and trying to find everything, but couldnt get 100% kills. Kinda started to get into a loop where I didnt know how to get back to the exit, but managed to step into the final secret and find the way back. I really liked the "Crush depth" experiment, but this really clicked with me.

Amazing job @smeghammer!



Edited by Soulless

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Hey @Soulless! Thanks very much for the playthrough and kind feedback! Really appreciate it. Definitely gives me incentive to continue with other maps. I'm glad you liked it.


I'll have a look into the monster count thing - suspect that some monsters didn't come out of monster traps. (I only discovered the Thing_Hate special late in the build and only implemented that for the ambushing chaingunners at the start area).

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