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What do the different like / reaction buttons mean?

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2 hours ago, Nefelibeta said:

I actually thought invisibility spheres mean you dislike something because they suck anyway.

I’m giving you one in case you need to dodge some heat!

(even though I agree lol)

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54 minutes ago, BGrieber said:

I’m giving you one in case you need to dodge some heat!

(even though I agree lol)

Have some mega balls, you deserves it.

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I rank these sphere by the usefulness of fighting a Cyberdemon. You might ask, which one is the best? I'd say Invisibility is the best because all Cyber fights with a forced Invisibility are lit.

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46 minutes ago, GarrettChan said:

I rank these sphere by the usefulness of fighting a Cyberdemon. You might ask, which one is the best? I'd say Invisibility is the best because all Cyber fights with a forced Invisibility are lit.

Indeed, no need to dodge if you trust the RNG enough :P

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  • 7 months later...

By the way, being new to the forum, can someone explain to me the like buttons?  I am assume Soul Sphere is dislike and Megasphere is like but I have no clue lol. 


I tried to search for introductory thread and could not find one.  I apologize if I miss it.   

Edited by volbound1700

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14 minutes ago, volbound1700 said:

By the way, being new to the forum, can someone explain to me the like buttons?


I don't know the correct answer, but I use soulsphere for messages I like, Megasphere for messages I really like, Invulnerability signifies cool, and Blur sphere I use whenever I wanna use one, but other power-ups don't feel right.


I don't know.

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1 hour ago, volbound1700 said:

By the way, being new to the forum, can someone explain to me the like buttons?  I am assume Soul Sphere is dislike and Megasphere is like but I have no clue lol. 


I tried to search for introductory thread and could not find one.  I apologize if I miss it.   


I use them as follows

- SoulSphere = Like

- Megashere = Like

- Invuln = Like

- Blur = Cheeky Like (In-joke, a response to someone, who also uses blur likes, or a Like when I feel a bit edgy)


I use invulns quite a lot, but this is just because they are the most under-used power up in my opinion.

Edited by Azure_Horror

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Soulsphere; I like this post's soul.
Megasphere; I mega-like this post.
Invuln sphere; GODLIKE post #iddqd
Blursphere; I can't see, where is everyone? Where am I?

I dunno, I don't use 'em this way.

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Soul: Regular like

Mega: very much like

Invuln: extremely much like

Blur: I don't understand or I like a little or Ha ha veeery funny or That's almost a good point.

Edited by Uncle 80

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They mean whatever you want them to mean.


Anyway, this same question has been asked at least half a dozen times already.

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Soulsphere is like

Megasphere is like with 200% armor (also a "wow" face)

Invulnerability I use like a lol mostly

Blursphere is like but with an air of humility (is not the blursphere the humblest of powerups), also I use it whenever someone mentions the blursphere or when reacting to @Biodegradable's posts

Light-amp goggles are one super-cool emoji that Doomworld is desparately missing


In conclusion don't overthink them and use them however you want.  Doomworld wisely omitted reactions that convey any kind of specific emotion.

Edited by Stupid Bunny

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The green ones mean that you're the funniest person in the world. Look how funny I am. Use me as inspiration on your quest, one day you might be half as funny as I am. Doubtful, but you must try. I crave the challenge, I live for war!!!




Please use the search button better if you wish to stand a chance against me.

Edited by TheMagicMushroomMan

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1 hour ago, TheMagicMushroomMan said:

The green ones mean that you're the funniest person in the world. Look how funny I am. Use me as inspiration on your quest, one day you might be half as funny as I am. Doubtful, but you must try. I crave the challenge, I live for war!!!




Please use the search button better if you wish to stand a chance against me.

Enjoy your invisibility sphere.


They don't mean anything except what you make of them. And this has been covered time and time again, and yes, a simple search would've given you the same information. They literally don't mean anything in the grand scheme of Doomworld. However, I only give out invisibility spheres to people who call for it. :-)

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They’re all the same meaning. It’s like how Facebook has a like, care, and heart react. None of those really mean anything different in the grand scheme of things, but that doesn’t mean that some individuals will consider each to mean something different because a basic like could bruise their ego but a care or heart will not. That’s just lame thinking and I’m glad I’m not at all like that. 

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I've been using them all to mean that I dislike something... 


nah, heh..


I think the ambiguity of them of them is what makes it so awesome; and none of the power ups are bad.  Invis sphere is a bit of wild card though, to me..

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56 minutes ago, Devalaous said:


How in the hell did I get over 1000 spheres? Also I have only ever given a single invis it seems.

It can be fun to look at once in a while. A lot of people don't know about this little feature, and I'm somewhat happy about that because I don't think it should be any kind of competition to see how many reaction points people can get. I check mine every now and then because it's somewhat uplifting if you're not a narcissist. When I look at mine, I don't think to myself "wow, I was awesome 7000 times", I think about the fact that people here have interacted with me 7000 times via those silly little buttons. I like the green ones the best, because those are usually used when you made someone laugh or at least provided some form of mild amusement. I'm mainly here for the community rather than the game itself these days, so I think it's cool. I usually don't think this deep about it though.

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It is currently theorized by modern experts that the "Doom World Gods" had put them here years ago. Scholars have attempted to decode their individual meaning to no avail for a long time. One popular idea that has been brought forth recently is that they seem to represent the approval of a thread post, similar to a like button on facebook. However at this time, that explanation is still only classified as an educated theory, and not enough substantial evidence has been collected to truly confirm these claims.

Edited by Dub Bag

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