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How do I add a custom mugshot to a powerup



I've ben working on a new power up and it's pretty much done. I would like to have it set the mugshot to a custom one I made, like how the Invulnerability powerup does, but I can't figure out how. I've tried using A_SetMugshotState and a custom SBARINFO file, but the new face doesn't pop up at all. Then when I take damage or shoot a bunch, it reverts back to the normal face after the pain/attacking faces and I'm not sure why.

My current code:


For the powerup itself:

    TNT1 A 0 A_SetMugshotState("TripleFace")
    TRIP A 0 Bright A_GiveInventory("TPowerWeaponLevel2",1)



mugshot "TripleFace"
    TFACE -1;


I do have the actual image named "TFACE" and it has it's offsets set to line up with the normal face too. 


Any suggestions? 

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