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"Dubbag's WAD Show" Post Your WADs Here and I Will Demo & Comment Over Them (Currently on Hiatus)

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Here's the demo for my mega wad "Operation Last Resort".

It contains the first level along with a unique secret level, try to find all the secrets!


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Hi, new mapper here! Feel free to check out my Japanese-styled map Noroi if you'd like :) It's a quick and punchy map, I intend to change the very final encounter up a bit but I'm mostly satisfied with it.

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recording new videos rn ask we speak! :) next is the first 2-3 maps of "Exomoon" by @Deadwing, followed by some others!

Edited by Dubbagdarrel

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I am thinking to upload my map to /idgames, so another playthrough wont hurt. Thanks in advance!


Here (sorry i don't know how to post link in fancy way, with preview)

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@NaturalTvventy Great WAD man keep up the good work. unfortunately I could not figure out how to finish it. BTW IDK why but the recording cut out the game audio. Im sorry about that. But we all know what doom sounds like lol.


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Something new here for you to try... Requires ZDOOM with hardware acceleration enabled for the sky to render properly. I personally use it with filtering disabled for a smooth "vanilla-like" experience.



Edited by NaMcOJR

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Consider the following:


UDMF remaster of some classic doom maps for GZDoom.

Crouching and Freelook allowed, no jumping pls.


Gameplay is fairly similar to the original IWAD, so I understand if you'd rather skip this one. (TBH I kinda just like watching people play through it more than the actual feedback. It gives me the happy.) But there is a lot of new detailing and atmospheric touches, as well as just a general rework of many of the secrets. So I'd be curious to hear your thoughts and if there's anything that could use a bit more.

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Hey, I dropped this one last night - its a pretty simple map but I'm trying to get as much feedback as I can. Would love to see you have a crack at it!

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@Alfredo Your avatar made my night but you should take out 3 of those cybers and it would be perfect.


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22 minutes ago, Dubbagdarrel said:

@Alfredo Your avatar made my night but you should take out 3 of those cybers and it would be perfect.


Hmm. I suppose i've done you a bit of a disservice by asking you to play this map without prior knowledge of the previous level mechanics. I'm sorry for that. I can see you struggled in some areas due to lack of ammo, and due to not grabbing the Rocket Launcher in the blue key area. (You access it by running across the tops of the crates. Its a pretty easy jump but I can see it not being too intuitive.)


As for the cyberdemon fight, that's my fault. Throughout the mapset, I introduced a new mechanic to the game, where blood is a source of progression. I teach the player earlier in the mapset that you can kill monsters in an area that has those metal troughs to make them fill with blood. Once that happens, something triggers, whether it be a door, a teleporter, or a new fight. The Cyber fight in particular was supposed to be a branch of htat mechanic. With the focus being on killing the mancubi. They lower the BFG And invuln once they're all dead. Every time you kill a mancubus, the blood drains from them, and flows to the BFG, lowering it once they're all dead. Allowing you to have a happy invuln bfg spree. Again. This is my fault for telling you to test a map with no prior knowledge of the things I had done in maps prior. I'll probably add an unmissable rocket launcher for that last fight since its kinda needed. 


As far as the damaging floors go. That was my bad. I had tagged it to be damaging initially, then I decided I wanted it to scroll. Well, When i applied that scroll tag, it overwrote the damage for the lava. So It'll be fixed in a later released.


Lastly, i'd encourage you to play the mapset from the beginning, and then revisit that cyber fight. It might seem a little more intuitive after experiencing it with the intended prior knowledge. There are lower difficulties implemented that are still challenging, but they are easier than what you faced. Again. I apologize for that. It was my bad. 


Thanks for playing my map c:

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@Alfredo I'm sorry if was a bit rough on it at the end. Like I said it is a good map. :)

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@a dill pickle in disguiseAnother new mapper lets give it a look.

BTW I was watching this video back and IDK if you believe in this stuff but I think I caught an EVP at 8:05. My apartment is 135 years old after all! Can anyone figure out what it says its freaking me out!


Edited by Dubbagdarrel

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@Kurogachii Thank you so much for the awesome request. I loved this WAD and think that secret room is pretty funny man lol.


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@Horus Bro, great map great design great encounters, but just a little too much for me. I know that the other difficulties are there for me but this one I just couldn't. I liked it alot but I got so frustrated I had to stop lol. No hard feelings I hope. I still think it's really good.


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6 hours ago, Dubbagdarrel said:

@PeterMoroVery short and sweet WAD with some pretty fun combat sections :) Nice work!


Thanks for playing my wad! Glad you liked it. Your reviews are fun to watch. Cool music too BTW. Cheers.


(P.S. If you liked that map please consider playing another map of mine one day : https://www.doomworld.com/idgames/levels/doom2/Ports/p-r/pao_1_2 It's the same style but longer)

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I gotta reload on some request guys my back log is running dry lol

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