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Any good easier slaughter maps?

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Hello all, I am wanting to find some good slaughter maps to play, but I'm not really interested in diving head first in Okuplok or something, so is there any good "starter" slaughter maps to play?

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easier is subjetive, i think, as i found slaughtermaps kinda exhausting.


But check this thread, it will surelly help you polish your skills until you are able to tackle okuplok or dimensions someday.


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That list isn't all slaughter maps. 


New gothic movement / rush are a good starting point. Valiant map31, Ancient aliens map28, back to saturn X e2 map31

Then things like speed of doom, resurgence, scythe 2, slaughterfest 2012. 

After that sunder/bastion of chaos.

Edited by Lucky_Edie

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  On 3/3/2021 at 2:05 AM, Lucky_Edie said:

That's not very helpful. He was after easy slaughter maps and instead you just linked a list of wads. 


as a wad progression for skill improvement, it also list the entrypoint for start with slaugther maps, hence the usual, Rush, Speed of Doom, Scythe 2, Combat Shock 2 and more.

Same as those you listed, so, you checked the list or are just saying for saying?

Edited by P41R47

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I've seen the list many times, outside of rush there's few recommendations for entry level slaughter on it. Scythe 2/SoD are extremely challenging. 

Edited by Lucky_Edie

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  On 3/3/2021 at 2:15 AM, Lucky_Edie said:

I've seen the list many times, outside of rush there's few recommendations for entry level slaughter on it. Scythe 2/SoD are extremely challenging. 


thats why Rush is in between other mapsets that, albeit not slaughter maps, they are pretty hard and could help improving for the later ones you listed, so i don't see why my recommendation is bad or not helpful at all? :/

Edited by P41R47

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Not that it isn't helpful as its a great starting point for those wanting to experience everything doom has to offer in approximate tiers of difficulty, just that it doesn't offer many choices.


As for microslaughter project, either skip map13 or play it on HMP/HNTR. 

Edited by Lucky_Edie

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  On 3/3/2021 at 2:31 AM, Lucky_Edie said:

Not that it isn't helpful as its a great starting point for those wanting to experience everything doom has to offer in approximate tiers of difficulty, just that it doesn't offer many choices.


well, the list is kinda streamlined to general public aknowledge and understanding, i think. Kinda like ''if you can complete this, you can complete similar things''.

But yes, it could be benefical to have more entrypoint slaughtermaps, or a general list of slaughtermaps per difficulty.
That would be cool, i wonder why nobody made it to this day? :/

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I found Speed of Doom's MAP28 to be very easy. It's about Doom 2 difficulty, but has 3000 enemies ;) Generally almost all darkwave0000 maps from Speed of Doom are pretty easy, which are very spacious so you can easily outmaneuver monster groups. (Joshy's instead are more difficult, like MAP32). The "problem" with these megawads is that only a part qualifies as slaughter, there are many "normal" gameplay maps.


Other examples from "classic mapsets" include Alien Vendettas MAP18, 25 and 26 (26 is a little bit harder), Memento Mori MAP23, BTSX E1 MAP24, Kama Sutra MAP25 (which has a hot start but then becomes very easy) and Sunder MAP07 and perhaps also MAP08. And then there is of course the "oldie" punisher.wad (one of the first slaughtermaps from one of the Plutonia authors).

Edited by erzboesewicht

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  • 3 months later...

zones of fear map 25. 1300 monster arena, lots of weapons and ammo
the one thing it doesn't have is pressure, the arena proves too big for the monsters so you can hide behind a pillar and let infighting kill 90% of everything if you like

generally there's too many low hp enemies, could have a lot more mancubi, revs etc and still be very casual
i love that level set though

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Alien Vendetta.


Both have difficulty spikes on UV but if you play through consecutively, or pistol-start each map on a lower difficulty, they're nowhere near as hard as they look. Mostly.


I second @OutrageousVideos and @PSXDoomer, Go2It and in fairness the whole Plutonia Experiment on UV will definitely build your skills, whereas HR map 32 Playground seems IMPOSSIBLE at first but is probably the best trainer in the business. There's an invincibility right behind you at the start, use it and get going!

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  On 6/18/2021 at 3:34 PM, MajorRawne said:

HR map 32 Playground seems IMPOSSIBLE at first but is probably the best trainer in the business. There's an invincibility right behind you at the start, use it and get going!


Playground is actually from Hell Revealed 2, not HR1. Speaking of the original Hell Revealed, it has a small handful of slaughter maps that are pretty tame by today's standards. Map 22: Resistance is Futile is a really fun level that's similar to Plutonia's Go 2 It, and Map 32: Mostly Harmful is fairly enjoyable as long as you don't worry too much about the spawning monsters and focus on collecting the keys and blasting everything in your path with the BFG and rocket launcher. And for another Go 2 It style map in a not so difficult megawad, there's Map 23: Showdown from Memento Mori.

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Youll definitely be able to take on some of the harder Slaughter stuff with this unintrusive mod:

Made this specifically because I wanted to play some of those gorgeous slaughter maps that were/are well beyond my pay grade!

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Valient's map 31, Cyberwar 7734. I just finished playing through Valiant for the first time a couple of hours ago, and I think map 31 is a very good introductory slaughter map if you can take on the maps leading up to it. It has the numbers, the overwhelming monster placement but is also very forgiving with health armor and invulnerabilities. I would say it is a bit imperfect of a "training map" as Valiant does have some custom enemies and while they are similar enough in role, doesn't really have anything that fits the role of the Baron.

Plutonia's map 32, Go 2 It. This is a given.

Scythe's Map 26, Fear. If you can make it to make 26 you can beat map 26 I believe. Fear is good for growing comfortable being around a lot of enemies while you are mowing them down with the bfg's gaze. Pretty forgiving cause it is a rather short level compared to the other 2.

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