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How do i get the maps to connect?



I'm trying to figure out how to get map01 to map02 on UDB (ultimate Doom Builder). If this is already been answer can you please link me the thread? I'm still new and learing mapping. any advice is helpful. 

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1 hour ago, xScavengerWolfx said:


In Doom Builder you have option to save map into another file. Make sure the maps have different number though.

However, it's better to use SLADE3 since it's better suited for resource manipulation. You'd have to use it regardless to add audio and the like.

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It's not that difficult.


Method 1 : use one of the editors in the Doombuilder family.


Construct your first map as MAP01




and save it, for example MyPWAD.wad


Then construct your next map as MAP02




and save it with Save Map Into ..., selecting MyPWAD.wad


Then construct your next map as MAP03

and save it with Save Map Into ..., selecting MyPWAD.wad

and so on


Method 2 : use Slade3




Edited by Kappes Buur

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The "Save Map Into" method described by Kappes Buur is the easiest method I've used.
It will also warn you if you have a double-up of maps with the same number.

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