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Maps with a "Doom 1 Chaotic" feeling?


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So....I recently played Sanctuary of Filth from No End In Sight, and at first I thought it was a souped-up map from 1994, or a map where the author tried deliberately to capture a specific Doom 1/1994 PWAD feeling. The YELLOW.WAD feeling in particular: chaotic, complex, abstract, bizarre and on a grand scale, but much better executed.


Turned out, I got hooked with the map (trying several Survival runs, no less), and then realized that this theme "clicks" with me. It's hard to describe why, but the constraints of Doom's bestiary, coupled with a unique texturing theme (some Doom textures and their combinations just don't exist in Doom 2), as well as the grand scale and bizarre/chaotic architecture, fall in together nicely.


So, are there any other maps/WADs that check the above boxes? N.B. many classic Doom 1 WADs like UAC_DEAD or Dead Base or even Cleimos10 would NOT quality IMO, because, even if state-of-the-art or original for their time, they are not really chaotic or bizzarre, and don't have as a grand scale. Something like a much better executed YELLOW.WAD or FORGEX.WAD is what I'm looking for, and ofc it doesn't have to be from 1994, but bonus points if it does ;-)


Edit: Mapsets like Sunder, while they do have a lot of the "chaotic" factor, are somewhat "ruined" by the Doom II bestiary and weaponry, which alter the gameplay signifiantly. They just don't give out the same "vibe".


Edit 2: Coming to think of it, ID's own E2M2 qualifies as well, if you get over the initial boring crate area, turning hellish & abstract rather quickly afterwards. It does have a great sense of scale as well, though it doesn't play with height variations as much (that wouldn't have worked well in 1994 anyway...)

Edited by Maes

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As a fellow fan of Sanctuary of Filth, I can say with certainty that CASTEVIL.wad is pretty much exactly what you're after. Also, it was released in 1994. What do I win?

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Well, I'll have to play it and then I'll tell ya ;-)


@OmniarchWell, the scale and the number of secrets looks promising, though -at least at first- it doesn't  seems as crazy and abstract as YELLOW or Sanctuary of Filth. I think it was one of those maps I wouldn't actually touch in 1994, due to the game slowing down to a crawl with 500+ monsters, even if not active all at once...

Edited by Maes

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This new Doom 1 techbase by @Paar is rather full-on. It might touch upon what you're looking for. Or maybe not, I don't know. I found it pretty challenging at points and it does a good job making Zombies, Imps and Pinkies threatening. Have a squizz here:


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18 minutes ago, Maes said:

Well, the scale and the number of secrets looks promising, though -at least at first- it doesn't  seems as crazy and abstract as YELLOW or Sanctuary of Filth.

Indivdual areas don't tend to be that abstract, but the fact that so many different visual themes are fused together into a bizarre, feverish nightmare megamap gives it a certain chaotic vibe.


I would also like to recommend Ventose, by Roofi. Despite being quite linear progression-wise, the map has a lot in common with NEIS' E4 in terms of texturing, layout and combat design. Honestly, of all the maps I've played, this one came the closest to recapturing the magic of unraveling Sanctuary of Filth for the first time. Being a UD map, there are no D2 beasties to be found, which should please you.


You may also enjoy Hell's Farthest Shore, by LordEntr0py. While very modern in terms of visual polish, it is one of if not the largest Ultimate Doom map I've played in terms of sheer volume. It has an almost Sunder-like sense of grandiose scale, but is focused on exploration rather than combat.


Finally, two of NaturalTvventy's post-NEIS maps share many of the sensibilities found in Sanctuary. These are Bad Religion and Boom Stick in the Mud, with the latter being the larger and more confusing of the two. Both do, unfortunately, make use of not only the D2 bestiary but also some R667 stuff, thus requiring (G)ZDoom to run *shudders* This is why I have not finished either map, but you may enjoy them anyway.

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1 hour ago, Omniarch said:

Finally, two of NaturalTvventy's post-NEIS maps share many of the sensibilities found in Sanctuary. These are Bad Religion and Boom Stick in the Mud, with the latter being the larger and more confusing of the two. Both do, unfortunately, make use of not only the D2 bestiary but also some R667 stuff, thus requiring (G)ZDoom to run *shudders* This is why I have not finished either map, but you may enjoy them anyway.

Not sure if you're aware, but there's a Boom version of Boom Stick in the Mud. You can get it here.

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Not sure if this is really the feeling you're looking for, but Roofi's Ventôse is a great one. Big map with a very grand scale, full of interesting fights and secrets.




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Thanks a lot for the mention @Omniarch and @RonnieJamesDiner


For my part , I will recommand some old wads :


- CASTEVIL.WAD by Stanley Stasiak which was a source of inspiration for Ventôse. It's a big exploration 1994 map with more than 40 secrets. (Edit : it was already mentioned)

REoL TOUGH: TOTAL WAR III: Land of Weirdness . A 1994 Ultimate Doom slaughtermap (Yes it really exists) with more than 600 ennemies. It's very chaotic and very fun.


- The Room Below by TimeOfDeath. A hardcore map with a cryptic fascinating progression (as many other ToD maps). This map also contains a ton of cool vanilla tricks.


- loserfag.wad by TimeOfDeath again. An episode of UD slaughtermaps.


- 5spiders.wad by ryg. This wad was not uploaded on idgames and was quickly forgotten but it's maybe the quirkiest map I have ever played. Playing this map is very particular experience. Also the author has a real fetish for tiny details. A must-play underground UD map imo but this one is not for everyone.


Edited by Roofi

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Thanks everyone for your suggestions! I got started on CASTEVIL.WAD and, well, it doesn't disappoint. Damn, that is HUGE! O_o


Good old Doom-style boomstick & chaingun-style survival, too, where every Zombie counts.

Edited by Maes

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Try Nicolás Monti's "Favillesco" episodes. However, his earlier "Eviltech: Soul of Megawad" for Doom 2 is more complex and might be even closer to what you are looking for.  First few maps are rather harmless, but then in the second third things start screwing with your brain.

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I just realised that in 20 years I haven’t made a single Doom 1 map - the closest I’ve ever come is a “half submission” to the recreate Doom from memory project that’s going on right now.


I figured since any mapper can can just load DOOM1-2.wad (which I have on doomshack) and have all the D1 textures at their disposal, it’s pointless to target Doom 1 (just imo, not trying to put down the many great doom 1 wads). Maybe if I really get back into the swing of mapping, I’ll try some D1 turf..


Once I get home, I’ll look through the handful of old 1994 Doom1 episodes I’m planning to add to the Big Vanilla Wad Pack and post their names here - I’m sure some of them will satisfy!

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14 minutes ago, Doomkid said:

I just realised that in 20 years I haven’t made a single Doom 1 map - the closest I’ve ever come is a “half submission” to the recreate Doom from memory project that’s going on right now.


I figured since any mapper can can just load DOOM1-2.wad (which I have on doomshack) and have all the D1 textures at their disposal, it’s pointless to target Doom 1 (just imo, not trying to put down the many great doom 1 wads). Maybe if I really get back into the swing of mapping, I’ll try some D1 turf..


Once I get home, I’ll look through the handful of old 1994 Doom1 episodes I’m planning to add to the Big Vanilla Wad Pack and post their names here - I’m sure some of them will satisfy!

Hi pal, New revision of the Big Vanilla will come soon? (10th i think)?

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Here are 3 episodes I'll be putting in the wad pack for Doom 1:






https://www.wad-archive.com/wad/Nathrath-s-Fab-Four (This one feels particularly old and rough.. Not that bad though!)


Hopefully there's enough 94 chaos!

Edited by Doomkid

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I've been playing Lunar Catastrophe and it's a ton of fun so far. The scale is not super duper grand, but I'm only on E1M6 and it has been ramping up slowly. It's got excellent flow and fast combat... puts a good amount of pressure on the player but without getting slaughter-y.


Edited by magicsofa

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  • 2 weeks later...

I recentrly revisited, among others, Jim Flynn's The Tower. The original Doom 1 version ofc, not the Doom 2 remake found in the Enigma Episode. Boy, did it fit the bill. Large, chaotic, bizzarre, almost slaughter-y at times, and plenty of opportunities for fun gimmicks and exploration. The Doom 2 version loses a lot of points IMO. Too brown, for starters :-)


Now, I had played it back in the day, more than once in fact, but I was surprised to find out I didn't remember much of it other than the fractal sky/textures, to the point that I wondered if I had actually ever finished it.

Edited by Maes

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On 6/14/2021 at 7:19 PM, Omniarch said:


Deep cut

On 6/17/2021 at 9:37 PM, Doomkid said:

Aw hell no man - go ask Kes about this one, he recently played the D2 conversion (DMSOF2.WAD) - this was the one that made him install Slade to work out what was going on.  At least you can cheese the exit in most of these levels, as the exit switches are in the ground on raising pillars but you can do that Z-axis air-switch thing (you know what I'm talkin about, dammit)

On 6/18/2021 at 10:32 PM, Walter confetti said:


Yeah boi

On 6/30/2021 at 5:09 PM, Maes said:

Jim Flynn

This dude.  Get into this dude ^^

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On 7/1/2021 at 3:33 AM, Maximum Matt said:

Deep cut

Aw hell no man - go ask Kes about this one, he recently played the D2 conversion (DMSOF2.WAD) - this was the one that made him install Slade to work out what was going on.  At least you can cheese the exit in most of these levels, as the exit switches are in the ground on raising pillars but you can do that Z-axis air-switch thing (you know what I'm talkin about, dammit)

Yeah boi

This dude.  Get into this dude ^^

Can confirm. I played so many Doom levels, even DarkGat2, but THAT one is what broke me and forced me to learn how to use an editing program.

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