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Czequisite Corpse (Released!)

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Inspired by the wad from 2004 Exquisite Corpse, we’ve decided to energize the people around LiquidDoom.net server with similar cooperative activity.

Every person who joined the event is responsible for small part of the map and creates this part without knowing, what exactly other people are doing. When someone finish his part, he shares only narrow stripe with people responsible for adjacent areas and also sharing with everyone to which adjacent areas player can pass.
The map is singleplayer, but we added coop and dm starts as well. The format is boom compatible.

Overall 7 people has joined this event so the option to make the map orthogonal became impossible. Even it wasn't really planned upfront, with this amount of people the only option, how to organize the map, was that each member will be responsible for hexagonal area.
Each participant has been randomly assigned to some area and also one of those items has been randomly assigned to areas (red key, yellow key, blue key, start, exit, RPG or Plasma).
















Edited by damned
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Those screenshots are amazing. And also Exquisite Corpse is one of my favorite single maps of all time... for some reason the tonal clashes just work for me. So I am super stoked to see the doom community revisit the concept, with a honeycomb layout as opposed to squares. (Next up would be some MC Escher shit :D).


And Czech doomers? Always nice to see what random subcultures of doom exist out there!


I look forward to playing this soon!!

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I finally got around to this as requested by @romsu89


First off congrats on getting everybody together to collaborate like is


I will say it looks beautiful - definite attention was given to visuals - however the game play was rough and miserable  - I very rarely get so mad I just stop playing but I was put in what felt like a hopeless position in the end - hopefully parts of this video are useful to somebody



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I admit I should have put Supercharge or Megasphere inside the arena not into the secret in front of it. With 30% health it's almost imposibile. If you enter in a good shape it's not more difficult than arenas from Sunlust ... at least in my opinion. Also adding two annoying archviles on pillars turned out to be very bad idea. My estimation of what is in the neighbouring arena, was very wrong.

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