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Herschel Spaceport -- One MBF21 Map for Doom II

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This is a pretty nice proof of concept for MBF21.


I played this in DSDA-Doom on HNTR.


I felt there weren't enough health pickups. I also think the shell ammo cap of 30 is too small compared to Doom's 50. I like the new bullet cap of 250, though. I also like the new fast fist and chainsaw, and the minigun-like chaingun was fun, too.


I thought the Archvile use was pretty excessive, though. Not sure if you reduced the Archvile's health or not, but the attack is still the same as far as I could tell and it was a let down for me.


I was still able to beat the map and it was okay, but most of my enjoyment was from this being a proof of concept for MBF21.

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I like it. It was difficult on HMP, but I did it! I love that the weapons has been replaced and I think this should happen more often. And monster replacements are cool too. It seems to me that there are too many monsters in closed spaces. It's too dark, but not scary. There are no scary moments.

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Pretty nice map and a nice demonstration of MBF21's extended DEHACKED! Took a few tries on UV but eventually got it. 30 shells kind of felt limiting since the player tends to go through the shotgun shells pretty quickly which leads to a bit of backtracking in this map (as I had an excess of shells).

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  • 3 weeks later...

These two archviles never teleported anywhere. One has no tp lines, the other was stuck.


Of the custom bestiary, I liked the turret the most - looked and sounded scary at first, but it was easy to read. I would say the windup could be less slower imo, and I'm not sure how good or bad it'll be that it can target back enemies that hit it, while those won't care, but that's yet to be seen. The death explosion appears to deal a lot of damage, which is good. Plasma and rocket soldiers leaving ammo of their respective types is a cool thing. I didn't like that the plasma dude becomes stationary when shooting, it makes him very easy to manipulate and seems prone to render himself helpless if he's half behind a wall where plasma bolts will only hit it. The rocket girl could use a new sfx too. The winged imp barely registered, though that thing seems fine.


The guns though... that chainsaw can wreck ANYTHING, even an archvile or a hell knight, and let's not even talk about the berserk... it's amusing though, but I can see that power feeling like it can break or overshadow other weapons. The chaingun seemed fairly on the thin line, extremely powerful while the long windup can get you back in trouble. With its presence, the SSG felt less competent, though there surely are places for each to shine. The OP barrel is, well, OP. Lots of overpowered stuff huh, I'm definitely not used to that in doom :x


Anyways, the map was nice visually, although I sensed the cramped nature (as in, plenty of walls and pillars to abuse cover) might have compromised the new monsters, particularly during incidental appearances. That tight trap with imps/HKs and a turret was my favourite part, and when monsters of the RK ambush used the tp in the soulsphere secret, that caught me off guard. I kinda wished another turret spawned on that section when you release the key trap, as that would have been a perfect place for it to really serve pressure...


Thanks for sharing the map!


EDIT: forgot to mention, occasionally monsters would moonwalk kinda like in wolf3d, this I noticed while using the chainsaw, but even afterwards they'd do that when getting close to me, so it might be something else causing that. Additionally, at some point dsda minimized itself alone, weird stuff....

Edited by galileo31dos01

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  • 4 weeks later...
  • 7 months later...

Finally got around to finalizing this wad. This is (with any luck) the version I'll upload to idgames. Many small changes were made, and all extraneous lumps and dehacked scripts were trimmed down, making the file size smaller overall. The Resource Credits were included in the file, rescreds.txt. All bugs have been squished. The demon turret is better now.


Check it out, and let me know what you think!


Thanks to all who played and commented!

Edited by Moustachio

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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

I just discover this through idgames (thanks to Doom Launcher) and wow, loved how you compensate the tight areas with the punchy weapons, all of them are really fun to use. My favorite was the chaingun.


My favorite moment was the ambush near the edge, where you need to push a button at the end.


Edited by MauryMyers

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