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PUSS XIII: TH1RT3EN (Ultimate Doom, CL-9) (Now on idgames!)

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Map Name: Entry Wound
Author: Death Bear

Music: The Raven's Nest by James Paddock

Sky: Sky3 currently

Format: Boom

Difficulty Settings: No

Build Time: 1.5 Hours
Gimmicks: 13 Secrets, 13 Monsters, 3 Crushers, 3 Evil Eyes

Comments: I made an intro map. Enjoy!




Download: https://www.mediafire.com/file/0ayvyu2hzpq1a58/DB.E1M1.v1.wad/file

Edited by Death Bear

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Map Name: Enduring the Infernal Valley
Author: WeirdSandwich
Music: Pyre by Psyrus
Sky: Sky3 from Doom 1
Format: Boom
Difficulty Settings: Yes
Build Time: 3 - 1 Hours
Gimmicks: 13 Monsters, 3 Evil Eye Switches, 3 types of monsters, 3 Barons, 3 textures and 3 flats only (+ sky and exit texture additionally)


Download: https://www.dropbox.com/s/jnxw6pt41edzggz/Valley.wad?dl=0






Edited by Weird Sandwich

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6 hours ago, Yumheart said:

Can hell be blue?


Yes it can! As a matter of fact I'm almost done with my blue map for this project! Remember how Dante described finding Satan in a frozen lake in the ninth circle of hell?

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40 minutes ago, Walter confetti said:

One question i forgot to ask: is the 13 sectors only gimmick intended to be taken as LITERALLY made a map with a map with 13 sectors ONLY or is something more like 10 sectors?

13 sector limit. Like @Jark's Modest Mapping Challenge. Or like the 12 Days of Doommas.

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Map Name: The Fires of Hate
Author: Meee

Music: Absence of Light - Symphony X (as heard in Scythe map23)

Format: Boom: Doom

Difficulty Settings: No

Build Time: 3 hours
Gimmicks: 13 Barrels 'o fun, 13 sectors, 3 Barons, 13 Lost Souls, 13 monsters (unless you play in GZdoom...)

Comments: Pentagram progression.





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Map Name: Misery's Misery of Misery
Author: Muumi
Music: Kick Butt from Duke Nukem 2
Format: Boom
Difficulty Settings: No
Build Time: 2 hours 50 minutes
Only 3 textures and 3 flats.
13 Lost Souls.
13 Barrels O' Fun.
3 evil eyes used as a shootable switch
Comments: I recommend running.







Edited by muumi

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Map Name: Howling Cavern

Author: Dynamite Kaitorn/Heich

Music: Hell - Jazz Jackrabbit 2 (if anyone can find the author, let me know. this is a BRILLIANT midi!)

Sky: Some hell sky I found in a skybox megapack :l (converted to 256x128 by me)

Format: BooM (complevel 9 since that's the rules)

Difficulty Settings: Yes, but there's very little difference between HNTR, HMP and UV...

Build Time: roughly 2 hours, 10 minutes (got around 50 minutes left)


[1] 13 lost souls

[2] 13 secrets

[3] 3 crushers

[4] 3 barons of hell

[5] all 3 keys

Comments: I made this whilst half falling asleep...








Edited by DynamiteKaitorn
Had to clear a bit of my attachments before I could post my pics.

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Map Name: Symphony of Screams

Author: Man With a Gun (MWG)

Music: Frozen Mysteries by Paul Corfiatis

Sky: Hell sky from Doom64 for Doom 2

Format: Limit-Removing

Difficulty Settings: No

Build Time: 3 hours.


- 13 Lost Souls.

- 3 Barons of Hell.

- 3 Crushers.

Comments: Welcome to hell, start of the map will tell you how demons not liking to have you here.





Download: https://www.dropbox.com/s/5rjb58meuiu5yb8/SOS.zip?dl=0

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Map Name: Realm of Chthonic Haematology
Author: <---

Music: vol_1 by Ribbiks


Format: Boom

Difficulty Settings: nah

Build Time: 3 hours + some overtime to nerf the map into being actually beatable
Gimmicks: 13 lost souls, 3 crushers, 1 telefrag teleporter (well technically, it's 1 sector anyway)

Comments: rocket slaughter nonsense, sorry about the lack of visuals.





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@BoxY Just played through your level. Had quite a blast! 


I'm consistently impressed by what some people are able to create with so little. The intense fights with rockets/barons was really cool.


Some things of note: The door textures were not unpegged for the red key door, and a few monsters failed to spawn into the map (seen here on the automap).




All I have to really suggest gameplay wise is to change up how the red key fight is done. Personally speaking, I thought it was too easy :p The area of that room where the red key sits is wide open and safe. And while that is nice, I think focusing more on the gimmick of the room will help it stand out more. A simple addition will fix this: add a switch or something to open the door, but require the red key to use it. This will make it so the player has to grab the red key and run back across the maze to go open the door.


Other than that, I found this to be a very fun and challenging level. (I died more on the platforming section than I did the rest of the map lololol)

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16 hours ago, BluePineapple72 said:

All I have to really suggest gameplay wise is to change up how the red key fight is done. Personally speaking, I thought it was too easy :p The area of that room where the red key sits is wide open and safe. And while that is nice, I think focusing more on the gimmick of the room will help it stand out more. A simple addition will fix this: add a switch or something to open the door, but require the red key to use it. This will make it so the player has to grab the red key and run back across the maze to go open the door.


Other than that, I found this to be a very fun and challenging level. (I died more on the platforming section than I did the rest of the map lololol)


Agreed, the RK fight ended up being chopped up a bit too much because the original version of it was too hard for my tastes (like 5 extra barons and cacos would warp in that tiny room and immediately block every path) and there were also a lot more barons on the RK, half of which I deleted because I thought it would be too boring to have to rocket them all after the fight was over but it had the side effect of making that area a lot safer to camp in. If I had more time to think about it I probably would have just put more telefrag sectors on that area to reduce the safe space and it would have been fine. The broken door textures I knew about but didn't have time to fix, also there are 2 missing textures in the crusher room that I noticed at the very end, but I was really burning time at that point so I decided to stick to the spirit of the time limit. Thanks for the very fair and perceptive feedback.


The monsters that got stuck seem to be a gzdoom thing with the teleport linedefs because it can't happen in Boom, I'll look at that in a bit because I want the map to be maxable on all ports.

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I think I have to give up making the map maxable in gzdoom, because the problem is a bit tricky. In Boom no monsters can cross the teleporter linedefs in the RK room and get stuck in the voodoo doll closet because they all fail the same two checks when trying to teleport, 1) that there's no player hitbox in the destination (there is) and 2. that there's enough space to fit (there isn't). For some godforsaken reason though in gzdoom default compat at least, flying monsters can apparently ignore both checks and can teleport anywhere, even if there are literally zero units of valid space to fit in (like if the destination is a 32x32x56 unit box with a player in it). Hence cacos and lost souls get vacuumed up after they warp in and become stuck in the void. I can't do much about this except by removing all flying monsters in the room which includes the 13 lost souls, which is a bit ugly and breaks one gimmick, so I won't. I'm honestly surprised this wasn't complained about and fixed long ago because it seems like a serious flaw with flying monster behaviour that can probably break other maps pretty easily. Anyway, this probably partly explains why that fight felt too easy because a bunch of monsters got poofed out of it. If someone knows how to get around this problem I'll hotfix it, if not, I don't think I can do much sadly.


Anyway I did clean up some crap and de-cheese the RK a bit while I was looking at this so I guess this is a v2: pussxiii-bx-v2.wad

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Map Name: Hell Awaits

Author: myolden

Music: "Fire Hive" by Jimmy Paddock


Format: Boom

Difficulty Settings: No

Build Time: 2 hours 45 minutes

Gimmicks: 3 Barons, 13 Lost Souls, 3 Enemy Types

Comments: Will probably use the last 15 minutes to add some lighting effects at some point.


Hell Awaits.zip





Edited by myolden

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Map Name: Impaled by AntiChrist's Boner

Author: Danlex

Music: Blut Aus Nord "Epitome 2"

Format: Boom

Difficulty Settings: Yes

Build Time: 3 hours

Gimmicks: 13 Lost Souls, 3 evil eyes, 3 barons

Comments: a very short and dumb Reality map







Edited by Danlex

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Map Name: Crypts of Fire
Author: Me again

Music: Easel - Jimmy (Sigil)

Sky: yes

Format: Boom - Doom

Difficulty Settings: no

Build Time: 3 hours
Gimmicks: 13 Lost Souls, 1 Telefrag, 3 Barons

Comments: Fire is known to be hot in some countries.








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Well, I wanna kill myself. I had a map I was satisfied with, was pretty proud of what I was able to achieve within the time limit-
And then I realized we had 3 hours to map, not 4 hours. Well, my stupidity aside, I'd still like to share my map, just so that the time spent doesn't go nowhere, even if I can't make it into the project anymore.

Map Name: Cliff of Rejection
Author: Yumheart

Music: good ol' "Watch Your Step" by Aubrey Hodges

Sky: SKY1 from TNT: Evilution

Format: Boom, complevel 9

Difficulty Settings: yep

Build Time: ~ 4 hours + half an hour of balancing
Gimmicks: 13 Lost Souls, use of all 3 keys, 1 telefragging teleporter

Comments: A Doom 64-inspired map, but more hellish. Health & ammo can get a little tight on UV.





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Map Name: Of Blood And Stone
Author: Jacek Bourne

Music: Unresolved by James Paddock

Sky: Unneeded

Format: Boom

Difficulty Settings: UV only

Build Time: 2:53:08
Gimmicks: 13 Lost Souls, 13 Barrels, 3 Crushers

Comments: I'm quite happy with how this map came out despite not having access to doom 2 enemy types. My original inspirations were sunder map11 and Mouse by Phml from sf2011. Somehow it turned out more like sunder map08 than either of those two. I decided to focus on larger hoards this time as opposed to my usual smaller enemy amounts. I like the atmosphere I've created in this speedmap. I would appreciate complevel -1 FDAs or recorded playthroughs if you wish to do so.








Edited by Jacek Bourne

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Map Name: Truth, Mercy, And Regret

Author : MemeMind


Format: Boom

Music: E3M3 From Doom the Way Id did

Diff setttings: more monsters and less stuff on hard

Build time: 1 1/2 hour

Gimmicks: 3 Prophets (Barons) 3 Crushers 13 lost souls

Comments: The Baron of Truth, Mercy, and Regret make this place their home, too bad they live under crushers. The Lost souls are their Drones. (edited)

Download: v1.zip




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Map Name: Infernal Enigma

Author : Muumi

Sky:CSKY020 from some random sky pack, made by MagicWazard, zrrion the insect according to credits.

Format: Boom

Music: The Thaumaturge by Jimmy

Diff settings: no

Build time: 3 hours and maybe 10 minutes for fixing bugs

Gimmicks: All

Comments: Yeah, its everything atleast as long as we dont count lost souls as enemies. Some platforming and crushers, stuff everybody likes.








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Yay done it. Running out of time before being able to do any detailing what so ever D:


Map Name: Nihilistic Purgatorial Perditiousification
Author: NeilJohnRips
Music: GRIM TRVE KVLT by NeilJohnRips
Sky: Sky from Eradrop

Format: Vanilla Doom
Difficulty Settings: Yes
Build Time: 3 hours (yes it might look more like 3 minutes
Gimmicks: 13 Lost Souls, all 3 keys, 1 Telefraggi ng Teleporter
Comments: Do I get an award for the most edgy map name?   Won't get an award for anything else  
Tested in Vanilla, Chocolate, PRBoom+, DSDA Doom and GZDoom
Also the butchered baron texture is the most criminal omission from Doom 2. One of my favourite textures.  (edited)



Nihilistic Purgatorial Perditiousification (V1.1)


Hid secret from automap.

Prevent Cyber from hitting the barons.

Prevent enemies getting stuck on raising platform at start.

Enemies in first baron room now can get down the stairs.



















Edited by NeilJohnRips
Updated WAD file

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Map Name: Chasse-Galerie
Author: Dac

Music: 'Running From The Jazz Robots' by Cyriak 'mouldy' Harris

Sky: Blood

Format: Boom
Difficulty Settings: No

Build Time: Hour and a half, give or take. I work slow.
Gimmicks: 13 monsters, 3 barons, 3 monster types (3 textures if the sky doesn't count)


Comments: Named after a traditional french canadian story where workers up North made a deal with the Devil to meet their families at Christmas, travelling in the Devil's own flying canoe. The map has nothing to do with the story, just find enough rockets to get past the living doors.




Download : XIII_Dac.wad

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