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Cacowards 2022 Mentionations Thread [mention projects / contributions that aren't levels too]

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CountryCide (prequel of Trench Foot) looks very good.


Its total conversion, 1 map, ~1 hour gameplay. New monsters, weapons, textures, story etc.

I dont see topic for this wad here so i paste link for mod on ModDB. And for short Info about this wad.

And random yt movie to watch how this wad looks.




Edited by tom3kb

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+1 for CountryCide.  One of the most beautiful and atmospheric wads I've ever played.  My full thoughts in this video and the description:




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+1 Anomaly Report. There's always a nice, classic megawad each year but DAMN THIS ONE REALLY FELT LIKE A TRUE CLASSIC MEGAWAD. Checks all the hallmarks, combat that never gets too tough, very interesting setups, small to moderate-size levels, nothing in it feels like an outlier.

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+1 APOCACLIPS, it's a limit removing 32 speed maps megawad that was made by the author in just 3 days... and it's actually pretty good! It manages to strike a genius balance between shitposting bs and good level design. "Came for the shitpost, stayed for the challenge" kinda thingie.

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++++ both of them. Absolutely banger wads with amazing combat and visuals

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On 4/2/2022 at 8:29 PM, baja blast rd. said:

+++ the Delinquent of Doom for most promising newcomer


2022 for Year of the Jokewad?  Or, at least there have been a few very well branded heavy hitters so far this year:

Poogers, Threevilution, Lunar Eclipse.

Edited by NoisyVelvet
bad comma

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I am so honored to be the second person to recommend this legendary wad:



Edited by Colossus

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On 4/14/2022 at 5:40 AM, Colossus said:

I am so honored to be the second person to recommend this legendary wad:

Fuck off. It wasn't funny on April 1st, it's just demented spam now. Find a different thread to pollute, thanks.

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100 Line Massacre (idgames) for concise and fulfilling gameplay combined with a healthy dose of tongue-in-cheek map design. Perhaps my new favorite line-limited project.

Practice Hub (idgames) for easily being the best modern way to learn about tech relevant to Doom, whether playing casually or competitively. Having an interactive wad designed around controlled scenarios of their use works wonders, in comparison to word-of-mouth explanation.

Edited by Maribo
added PracHub rather than making a 2nd whole post

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Very well done Doom 1 megawad. Nothing special (like say No End in Sight), but it is competent with a good balance of pacing, combat and level feel.



Edited by Serathis

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5 hours ago, Serathis said:

Very well done Doom 1 megawad. Nothing special (like say No End in Sight), but it is competent with a good balance of pacing, combat and level feel.

It's from 2019 m8.

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Because I'm sick of Doom Revolver's maps constantly getting ignored, I'm just going to throw in Liminal Waters because I can.


Also, Ex Inferis and A Lost World.

Edited by LadyMistDragon

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Nensha, by RonnieJamesDiner.


Probably my favourite standalone map of the year so far.

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I send another nomination for Ozonia by @Deadwing, though I would like to add a few points since I have recently played the author's previous megaWADs Moonblood and Exomoon, the second featuring as a runner-up in 2018 Cacowards.


- Ozonia abandons the persistent non-linearity of the previous projects for more variety, which is a great improvement over both Moonblood and Exomoon. If something was not right about Deadwing's production, it was the repetitiveness in the progression, that results in mixed up memories from the playthrough (maps tend to "blur together"). Quite the opposite, I still remember fondly and clearly each map of Ozonia since January's DWMC.

- Ozonia features valuable contributions from guest mappers, adding even more variety to the formula.

- The storyline is exceptionally interesting to follow, thanks to the messages on the walls/screens, the intermission texts, and the storytelling maps (11, 20, 30). The continuity between levels is superb, as is the transition between locations, scenarios, and even the passage of time.

- The Dehacked enemies are only 2 (Hellion and Hierophant), but they mingle surprisingly well with the standard resources. There are no annoying abominations like the Flying Spiderdemon or the spheres of Exomoon, and there is a reliable strategy to fight them.

- The combat is more polished, challenging without being oppressive or unfair, except maybe the very last map (as expected)

- The boss levels were not the best moments from Moonblood and Exomoon; Ozonia has no real boss levels, though some of them were structured to serve as such and carry on the storyline

- The OST stands out more than the groovy but not always memorable music from the previous works. The best tracks from Exomoon have been dusted off and work even better here, complemented by excellent new compositions.


So, looking back at Deadwing's history as a Doom mapper, I think he made an outstanding progress since 2017. Now only an overwhelming excess of high-profile productions could make him miss a shiny Cacoward in December 2022!

Edited by Book Lord

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