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5 Minutes to Kill, Progressively Longer Speedmap Megawad [NOW ON IDGAMES!]

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Congrats on the release! Happy to help out on my contributions and get this project out the door.


There are some pretty f u n maps in here.

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Went straight for Map13 and Map17 because why not. :D


Map13 Pretty fun and straightforward. But I do think you can place the switch in front of player rather than placing it beside the cyberdemons, so that you can get the plasma gun before killing cyberdemons. Also maybe you can decrease the amount of rockets on UV, I don't think most of players will need that many rockets since you can lure cyberdemons to infight.


Map17 I love this one. Platforming can be a bit tricky with all that sniping bastards but it's still pretty easy to me. The fights are mostly entertaining with your usual crowd control stuff. I especially enjoy the penultimate fight and the finale. Just can't get enough with arch-vile swarm and 2 shotting cyber. :D

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Ok more because I got lots of time to waste


Map01 I actually don't know what to write about this map. A nice chasm perhaps??

Map02 3/5 I demand a berserk pack ;D. Some mad speedrunners like liveincity or 4shockblast probably will love this map.

Map03 Pretty nice for a map completed in 15 minutes I think. I really need some health.

Map04 I love the idea of climbing up the pyramid and getting better guns, but you can kinda just skip all the stuff. 4/5 this map beats the crap out of Icon of Sins

Map05 Well it sure is claustrophobic! Pretty fun and chill(as long as you don't trigger all the traps at once)

Map06 Kudos to this map for having all the stuff we love about techbase under 30 mins of buildtime! Shotgun workout, linearity, traps that are not threatening at all, and occasional big fight! (I'm not being sarcastic btw) But seriously though how the hell do you find all these midi renditions.

Oh and the text screen is pure gold

Map07 Seriously, How do you get all these midi renditions!?! But this isn't really a dead simple clone tho, at least I won't call it one. The beginning area is pretty tricky with all those mid tiers, and the battle against mancs and cacos is pretty tough. 4/5 10 times better than dead simple.

Map08 Well, it's a sewer map! Nothing to mention except for the arch-vile trap that is vicious as heck. And wait, this map doesn't end with an arch-vile in front of the exit switch? That's illegal! 0/5 worst map because of the lack of arch-vile ending.

Map09 Pretty fun, and I love the yellow key trap with 2 arch-viles. Nothing else to mention except for the.. wait? Baron in front of the exit switch this time? 1/5 lack of arch-vile ending(plus one because I like barons)

Map10 Ok so this is like the best reference so far. And probably the toughest, too. I don't want to spoil it here but 0/5 because there isn't any archies or barons ending.

Map11 Another techbase. I forgot what I was about to say so nothing here.

Map12 Is this stonehenge? Ah whatever. This map is filled with teleporting flameboys and siege cows, so take care and grab some freaking rockets to deal with them.

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Doesn't quite warrant RC2, but I patched in UMAPINFO and ZMAPINFO, which should give you the full map titles for the automap in the ports that support them. ZMAPINFO also automatically disables jumping and crouching, as well as enforcing pistol starts ;) Map04 also has its freelook disabled, as it's the only map in the set that can be broken with freelook.

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Went through it recently on Twitch. Lots of fun, some parts were too tough for their own good, and AV surprises were a bit abundant for my taste but that's all. :D I especially loved MAP17.



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  • 4 weeks later...

Probably should have uploaded it earlier, but better be safe than sorry when it comes to RCs

Anyways, if I ever touch this concept again it'll be for a CP, so keep on the lookout for that

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