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I need a good wad for DooM


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I found a way to do mods (including pk3's) to play on gzdoom, I still need good wads and pk3's.

Edited by kevu9021

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Without any specifics about what you like/dislike or what you're looking for, the best anyone can do is point you to the search bar or one of the many other threads answering this. Aside from that, however...

29 minutes ago, kevu9021 said:

(no pk3's bc they're complicated) for GZDoom

With GZDoom you load PK3s the exact same way you load WADs...

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16 minutes ago, Shepardus said:

Without any specifics about what you like/dislike or what you're looking for, the best anyone can do is point you to the search bar or one of the many other threads answering this. Aside from that, however...

With GZDoom you load PK3s the exact same way you load WADs...



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- Sunlust

- Sunlust 

- Speed Of Doom

- Plutonia 2

- Ancient Aliens

- Sunlust

- Tangerine Nightmare

- Rowdy Rudy II: Powertrip

- Sunlust

- Play Sunlust right now


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SCYTHE.wad is a great starting point, playing feels like Doom and Doom 2 with a little more spice, but the difficulty ramps up substantially in the final quarter.


17 minutes ago, NiGHTS108 said:

- Rowdy Rudy II: Powertrip



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2 hours ago, kevu9021 said:

I need a good mod (no pk3's bc they're complicated) for GZDoom

Dunno why you think they're more complicated. You literally drag them on top of the EXE like a WAD.


Anyway, Action Doom 2 would be a good pick.

Edited by Dark Pulse

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I agree with Doomkid, the Scythe 1 & 2 are good places for beginners to start, at least the first twenty maps of both ^ ^

Edited by Yumheart

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I would ask if you have beaten one, the other, or both half's of final doom.  As the only gatekeeper to doom is skill.  No one around here will prevent you from playing and enjoying the game, the only thing that prevents anyone from beating dimensions or floatsam is the difficulty.  So if you haven't yet try and make it through final doom.


If you have I can recommend, Ancient aliens for it's commitment to it's theme.  


The Rowdy Rudy Duology as an example of the variety of new enemies and weapons being introduced through a dehacked patch (Moddern sourceports will load the patch in the wad, so it's unnecessary to do it on a port like GZDoom, DSDA, and Crispy Doom.


Last but not least I recommend the original Scythe.  Finally conquering Fire and Ice on UV was a journey,  10 out of 10 experience.

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9 hours ago, Doomkid said:

SCYTHE.wad is a great starting point, playing feels like Doom and Doom 2 with a little more spice, but the difficulty ramps up substantially in the final quarter.




Seconding this one, Scythe is excellent. If it's too tough, I highly recommend Zone 400 and Demonfear. They are great for people that just finished Doom 2 and want a new experience. Hope that helps and welcome the community :D

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13 hours ago, NiGHTS108 said:

- Sunlust

- Sunlust 

- Sunlust

- Play Sunlust right now



I swear you Sunlust fans are monsters that enjoy watching others suffer. Scythe 1 is a better choice for a new player. However, even that I won't recommend for a newbie as a first choice. While the first 20 maps of the first Scythe are very easy, the difficulty ramp after that is humongous. Maps 28 (mandatory SR50 strafe running) and 30 are definitely not designed for newbie players. Scythe 2 is much harder than the original and goes into pure slaughter territory at Map23 onwards.


Personally I would recommend 2 Skillsaw's wads Lunatic and Vanguard. Both will give a taste of what more modern Doom maps are like but without being hard. If those appeal to you, then I would recommend to check out Skillsaw's other wads notably Valiant, Ancient Aliens and Heartland.

Other recommendations would be Eviternity, TNT: Revilution, Plutonia 2, DTWID/D2TWID, BTSX E1 and E2, 1000 lines CP wads.

Edited by ReaperAA

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1 hour ago, ReaperAA said:

I swear you Sunlust fans are monsters that enjoy watching others suffer.


Not gonna say I’m not one

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1 hour ago, ReaperAA said:

Maps 28 (mandatory SR50 strafe running)


There is no mandatory SR50 in that map, just normal straferunning.


Good recommendations anyway, particularly those skillsaw wads.

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To everyone who recommends slaughter wads, please point out that they are slaughter wads, because they are not your typical Doom and not everyone enjoys playing them. 


Edit: Here's a few recomendations


Doom 1 - https://www.wad-archive.com/wad/Oblivion-1 


Doom 2 - https://www.doomworld.com/idgames/levels/doom2/Ports/d-f/fth666


Doom 2 - https://www.doomworld.com/idgames/levels/doom2/megawads/abyss24a

Edited by Zaxxon

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4 hours ago, ReaperAA said:

Maps 28 (mandatory SR50 strafe running)

I generally agree with you, but MAP28 of Scythe is possible without SR50ing.

(Sorry if I'm a smartass, just wanted to avoid misinformation '. w.)

Edited by Yumheart

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9 hours ago, Pseudonaut said:

There is no mandatory SR50 in that map, just normal straferunning.

7 hours ago, Yumheart said:

I generally agree with you, but MAP28 of Scythe is possible without SR50ing.


Got ya. Could be that I just suck at optimally straferunning though that map. Because when I last played that map, I needed to apply a bit of SR50 during the long straight paths to be able to get to the exit.

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On 2/15/2022 at 8:24 PM, Dark Pulse said:

Dunno why you think they're more complicated. You literally drag them on top of the EXE like a WAD.


Anyway, Action Doom 2 would be a good pick.

my computer is wierd

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Pretty much any wad file can be run by GZDoom. I use "Open With" function to designate GZDoom as my default for both .wad and .pk3 files, opens up fine. 

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