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[Ultimate Doom, complevel 3] Solar Struggle Community Project: Release thread. [Now on IDGAMES]

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10 minutes ago, ViolentBeetle said:

There's several red key doors, which one did you jump out of?


As for MIDI, I unfortunately don't know how to edit their volume. Or anything else.

Sorry, that jump might be there for progression. This map is a bit confusing lo

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3 hours ago, Firedust said:

E3M7: two of the three sector 35 teleporter closets are broken.

Are you playing an older version? Because I think it was fixed.

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12 minutes ago, ViolentBeetle said:

Are you playing an older version? Because I think it was fixed.

Nope, the current one, RC3.

Edited by Firedust

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3 minutes ago, ViolentBeetle said:

Doesn't seem to be broken in RC3 either. And I think I scored 100% kills yesterday.

Tried it again, just now, and it definitely doesn't work right. Using GZDoom 4.7.1. What happens is, the first monster in the left and right closets teleports in just fine and the rest get stuck. The middle closet works fine, mind.

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3 minutes ago, Firedust said:

Tried it again, just now, and it definitely doesn't work right. Using GZDoom 4.7.1. What happens is, the first monster in the left and right closets teleports in just fine and the rest get stuck. The middle closet works fine, mind.

I don't see how they could possibly be stuck there. I'll try on gzDoom.

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2 hours ago, Firedust said:

Tried it again, just now, and it definitely doesn't work right. Using GZDoom 4.7.1. What happens is, the first monster in the left and right closets teleports in just fine and the rest get stuck. The middle closet works fine, mind.

You were right, they do get stuck in gzDoom. Can you confirm that those two are the only ones?

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1 hour ago, ViolentBeetle said:

You were right, they do get stuck in gzDoom. Can you confirm that those two are the only ones?

Yep. I've just beat E4M5, and those are the only broken monster closets in the megawad so far. Every other map has been UV maxable. I'll let you know when I'm done with the mapset - should be tomorrow or after tomorrow :)

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10 minutes ago, Firedust said:

Yep. I've just beat E4M5, and those are the only broken monster closets in the megawad so far. Every other map has been UV maxable. I'll let you know when I'm done with the mapset - should be tomorrow or after tomorrow :)

Ok, great. I want to discuss (And implement if we agree) some changes for E4M7 first (Visual and anti-cheese more than gameplay) and after that I would send this to idgames for good.

Edited by ViolentBeetle

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E4M6, sector 849 broken teleporter closet. This map is so much harder than everything else in the megawad so far lol


I was so happy when I was done with it


EDIT: I can definitely see why you want to make gameplay tweaks to E4M7, it's the easiest map of the episode so far. All you've got to do is camp in one spot with the RL or BFG, and you're done.


EDIT2: Alrighty, I am done! Out of the three megawad projects led by you, I think this one is the best. Too many highlights to list, honestly! The mappers did a fantastic job utilizing the OG roster to its full potential keeping things entertaining and fun. Plus, the visuals were superb as well - the screenshots really don't do this project justice!


Looking forward to your future endeavors and hoping that you will continue to lead my projects in the future!

Edited by Firedust

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I think I like how E4M7 is a breather map, even though it wasn't intentional. There's some actions that aren't hooked on in the right order though.

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Playing through the RC3 version of the WAD. Hasn't been much that stuck out to me (in a bad way) for the most part. The only gameplay issue I've had in the first episode was on E1M7 - I really think the two or three "monsters raise out of the floor" traps on this map should move instantly. In GZDoom and anything else that allows for actors to have true height, it's very easy to just walk on top of the monsters before the floor fully raises, which will leave the player vulnerable in an unintended and possibly frustrating way.


Other than that, there were some minor grammatical issues on the first episode's end scene.

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I think floor works fine as is, and instant popping always looks weird. I did make some teleportation faster though.

Meanwhile, right before I saw this comment, I sent the archive to idgames. Unless something else comes up, I'll probably won't be looking for more grammatical errors, since no way I will ever write in 100% correct English.

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Ooo, time for celebration! And replay! Gotta remember to vote for this for next month's Megawad club!

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5 hours ago, Rudolph said:

That non-counting secret in E1M2 with the Green Armor was pretty clever.

Thank you! I'm really happy with how the map turned out in the end!

Edited by Peccatum Mihzamiz

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Played the first 2 Episodes today on stream and really enjoyed it overall. I will admit to being really bad at finding secrets that don't fall in my lap. Other than that, I had a really nice time playing continuously. I know it was balanced for pistol starts but honestly I just wanted to have a relaxing evening playing doom. I succeeded and the mappers succeeded as well. I don't normally enjoy UD wads as I tend to miss the SSG and monster variety pretty quickly. Fortunately, I only had a few moments of sarcastically saying how happy I was to shotgun barons. Again this may be tied to my blindspot for secrets, I am sure caches of rockets were a plenty if I could just open my eyes and find them. 


Here's the link to the Twitch VOD if you are interested. 




Edited by kvothesixstring

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12 hours ago, kvothesixstring said:

I know it was balanced for pistol starts but honestly I just wanted to have a relaxing evening playing doom.

That is only fair. Personaly, playing continuous with reset each episode (intermission screen in Doom2) is a way to go.
Also, my heart goes to fellow mappers who created secret maps that were not played that day.

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UV pistol starts with saves

Port: DSDA-Doom v0.19.7 -complevel 3 & Woof 10.0.3 -complevel 3

Total IGT: 5:31:41

Personal Difficulty Evaluation: 1.0 (1 = Plutonia)

Personal Rating: 6.5 (out of 10)


Sorry for the so-so score of the set, but honestly, I can't really rate Ultimate Doom WAD very high because the design choice is very limited.


There are actually a lot of nice environment design in the set, and yeah, I'm a big fan of space theme maps, and I'm a bigger fan of floating cities. Therefore, the design of Episode 4 is definitely my favorite.


For real, I really think creating this based on Ultimate Doom has a lot of opportunities... Some of maps are simply just stacked with Barons. However, if there were more variety in the mapset, then it will be way more fun than what it is right now. Don't get me wrong, I'm not really criticizing the gameplay, but it's just a little bit sad about the very limited choice.

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5 minutes ago, GarrettChan said:

Sorry for the so-so score of the set, but honestly, I can't really rate Ultimate Doom WAD very high because the design choice is very limited.

I'm sorry you didn't enjoy Ultimate Doom, but as a mapper I think it was a great excercise. It's good to remember that there's more guns in the world than super shotgun and more monsters than revenants and arch-viles. It's pretty easy to slip into using those defaults. Not having them helps appreciate others.

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10 minutes ago, ViolentBeetle said:

...there's more guns in the world than super shotgun and more monsters than revenants and arch-viles...

That is actually not my real point :^)


But honestly, I rated Sigil 5.5, so well...

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11 minutes ago, GarrettChan said:

That is actually not my real point :^)

I wasn't really sure what your point was, I assumed you were unhappy with lack of Doom 2 features. Which is perfectly valid, I promise to return in its warm embrace with my next project (When and if). Either that or you didn't like the abundance of barons, which is also fair, but barons need more love.

Anyway, I don't think discussing my choice of iwads really going to get us anywhere.

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9 minutes ago, ViolentBeetle said:

I wasn't really sure what your point was, I assumed you were unhappy with lack of Doom 2 features. Which is perfectly valid, I promise to return in its warm embrace with my next project (When and if). Either that or you didn't like the abundance of barons, which is also fair, but barons need more love.

Anyway, I don't think discussing my choice of iwads really going to get us anywhere.

"my next project"  :DDDDDDD

"(When and if)" :(

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18 minutes ago, RataUnderground said:

"my next project"  :DDDDDDD

"(When and if)" :(

I have a small-scope concept in a pipeline, but not sure I could tackle something ambitious right now.

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