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The DWmegawad Club plays: Ray Mohawk 1 & 2 (It's Our Tenth Anniversary!)

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Congratulations for the 10th Anniversary!


Too bad that I have already started playing Cydonia to get ahead before leaving for holidays...


Have a nice Ray Mohawk immersion, see you in September.

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2 minutes ago, Doomkid said:

On the 10th anniversary you pick Ray Mohawk, and it happens to be the month of my 30th birthday as well. That's just awesome!

Happy Birthday homebro!

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8 minutes ago, Doomkid said:

On the 10th anniversary you pick Ray Mohawk, and it happens to be the month of my 30th birthday as well. That's just awesome!

Which means you registered your DW profile as a 8-year old kid? That's more than awesome.


I do not know on which map...err...day is your birthday, but just Happy Birthday all month long!

Edited by Book Lord

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8 minutes ago, Doomkid said:

On the 10th anniversary you pick Ray Mohawk, and it happens to be the month of my 30th birthday as well. That's just awesome! 

Yo, have a happy birthday <3

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7 minutes ago, Book Lord said:

Which means you registered your DW profile as a 8-year old kid?

Yep! Only a few months after my dad taught me how to get online and download wads.. I was so young that when I made my first Doom Connector profile, I called it "Doomkid89" to convince people I was slightly older!



This log from Feb. 2004 proves what a great job I was doing at acting older

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1 hour ago, Doomkid said:

Yep! Only a few months after my dad taught me how to get online and download wads.. I was so young that when I made my first Doom Connector profile, I called it "Doomkid89" to convince people I was slightly older!


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This log from Feb. 2004 proves what a great job I was doing at acting older


DoomKid89: o idrfypnrs,s[[rt
DoomKid89: that says i used to be a mapper



DoomKid89: snot
DoomKid89: bags smell
DoomKid89: good

proves well. lol

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"Holy crap, he stole MtPain's grades for the 9th time!"

-Nobody, 2022





- GZDoom 4.8.2 source port
- Doom (strict) compatibility 
- Seeking Validation! difficulty
- Pistol start every map
- Saves are allowed
- I've played 01 of Ray Mohawk 1 and 16/20 of Ray Mohawk 2 recently, 
- I try to get 100% kills sometimes
- Using mods Autoautosave and IDCLEVer (Improves GZ autosaves and auto-forces pistol starts) and a few other mods that don't change gameplay (Doom II Minor Sprite Fixing Project, DSDA-Doom hud in GZDoom)


MAP01: House By The Bay

Kills: 96%

Items: 57%

Secrets: 33%

Time: 6:01


Strange little start to this month. As of writing this, I've actually recorded all of Ray Mohawk 1, so I'll say now I find the action here to be foreshadowing of a lot of what's coming up. Despite it being pretty simple, I really really like all the posters, bottles, beach, reskinned enemies (Especially the delightful Hula Imps with a really hilarious gib animation) and bed at the start which uses grass textures creatively. Overall I just love looking at this map even if I don't think gameplay wise it's too terribly interesting. Not much else to say, under any other circumstances I'd call this a barely decent MAP01, but the adorable 90s details, sweet MIDI and sky do really charm me. Not bad overall.


Grade: B-

Difficulty: E



Thanks for 10 years of criticism I was only around for 8 months of :)

Edited by NiGHTS108

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Been a while, but my approach remains unchanged. One try on the latest map I can talk about, if I miss a map I miss a map. UV, pistol start because I might not have a save anyway. Using Woof this time around.


MAP01: House By The Bay

Success: Yes


This is a very nice opening map. There's always a temptation to make a cramped techbase, because that's Doom, but instead we get a wide open town with a high concentration of imp fireballs in the air. The monsters being allowed to wander a little always keeps things spicy enough. The overall visual presentation is top notch, too, though the red key building's stairs blend in with the rest of it pretty efficiently.

I think it'll be a good month.

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I think I'll stick to my original plan and have my vacation from daytime job and DWMC this month. On the other hand, my work vacation starts only on friday, so perhaps Ray Mohawk's frist monday would be viable... we'll see :P I totally have intended to play Doomkid's wads anyway, I just have to work through some classics, which have proven to be slow... partly because of DWMC :-D 


4 hours ago, Doomkid said:

On the 10th anniversary you pick Ray Mohawk, and it happens to be the month of my 30th birthday as well. That's just awesome!


Man, you people are so young! Happy birthday!


Edited by RHhe82

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I'll unfortunately have to skip this month as I'll be gone for most of August, but I'll definitely pop in once in a while and enjoy the writeups! I won't be back until some time mid-September but hopefully I'll catch up to whatever will be the wad of that month. Happy birthday DWMC, and happy birthday Doomkid!

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Sorry for the double post, but I guess I'll do the first Mohawk after all :P


MAP01: House by the bay. Playing on SV difficulty, pistol starts. 130/130 K, 3/3 S. Comp. time 10:40.


Ray wakes up on a monday morning after a night of drinking beer and listening to Morbid Angel and Frank Zappa. Strange music starts playing, Ray gets out of his house, down on the corner, and murders his neighbors in the clutches of hangover psychosis.


Map design feels very 90s, the new sprites and the whole look of things look very 90s (somehow I'm reminded of Duke Nukem 3D's beach addon), but not in a bad way it could be; The new sprites are cutesy and the gameplay is relaxed. Feels like a perfect unwinding wad.

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Happy birthday DWMC, it only feels like yesterday that we sat down and played bf_thud!.wad.... Well technically I can't remember anything because most of us erased that wad from our minds, but you get the gist.


MAP01 - “House by the Bay”

This feels very 90s, but not in a bad way. The gameplay is actually quite fleshed out for a map01 with a larger than average playtime for said slot. Whilst the enemies are fodder, you do need to be wary of the fact that your health will get chipped away and as such knowing where the health pickups are is a good idea.

I am not sure why the mega armour is present by the red key, as it barely gets any use as the map is essentially over when you pick it up (Unless this is a continuous play element).

Overall a solid opening map.

One last thing - Being able to kill demons and spectres in one hit is unsurprisingly satisfying.


Edited by cannonball

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I hadn't planned to participate in August, but knowing that Ray Mohawk are wads that run on DOSBOX, I decide to give them a spin.


How will I play?


- Ultra-violence

- I will try to max as much as possible.

- Pistol-Start

- on DOSBOX of course

- I play on stroller mode but I run if needed.


- I will give a grade on each map. Here are  approximately how my grade work :


A = remarkable

B = good

C = boring

D = annoying

E&F = Not even meet the minimal standards, obvious troll...


Now, let's go !


Map 01 House by the Bay 




Your vacation starts among a small village populated by people who manifestly hate you. For a map 01, House by the Bay offers quite a lot of exploration and a complex progression since you have to get 3 keys to reach the exit. As others participants said, the first map feels like a traditional outdoor map from the 90's because the layout consists of square buildings and simple surroundings.


I really like the assault rifle replacing the pistol because I struggled finding the partially hidden chaingun. Also, the knife was so satisfying to use.


The House by the Bay was surprinsgly a bit difficult at the beginning because ammo and supplies weren't that prolific until I discovered the blue armor and soulsphere's secrets. Also, as for you, troopers have an improved weaponry.


In any case I had a good time, the music and the beautiful blue sky really made us feel in vacation.


Grade : B


PS About the new graphics, I really like them but for some reasons I can't stand the custom new doomguy. He looks maybe too trashy for my taste. About Doomkid's characters, I have a huge preference for Rowdy.



Edited by Roofi

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I'm familiar with some of Doomkid's content on YouTube but have no experience of him as a mapper. Looking forward to playing these sets.


As I'm still very early into my Doom discovery, I'll be playing on Seeking Validation difficulty, but continuous and with saves allowed. I'm playing on GZDoom 4.8.2.


MAP01 - House by the Bay


A nice open map to kick things off. The punch has been replaced with a knife attack which feels a lot more powerful, I used this to kill most of the Pinkies and Imps in this level. Speaking of Imps, the Hula-Imp sprite is hilarious, I'm a big fan. 


Really enjoy the setting here which is like a small beach-village. Very different to your typical MAP01 and I'm here for it.


It's very early to tell but I think I'm going to really enjoy this megaWAD if it's all of this quality. It feels pretty tongue-in-cheek, which I quite like in my Doom. It's going to be very difficult not to race ahead and play the full thing based on this map.


Grade - B+

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Was hoping to join this month because I have a bit of time off, and now I find out it's y'all's birthday and you're doing two of my favourite WADs?!

I've been wanting to go back to RM 1&2 on UV, so this could not be more perfect!

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Don't mistake my lack of voting for this duology as lack of enthusiasm. I have played both of these wads before, but it was a while ago and I'm looking forward to diving back in for more tropical demon slaying!


I'm playing with DSDA-Doom v0.24.3, complevel 2. I'm pistol starting each map on "Seeking Validation" and going for 100% kills. I played Ray Mowhawk 1 about 3 years ago, and remember liking it but no specifics beyond that.


MAP01 - House by the Bay:

7:37/0 Deaths
Alright, that ending screen got a good laugh out of me :P


We start off in Ray's house, and after chugging a few beers (that the health and armour bonuses have been helpfully retextured to) jump out into the streets to demolish the zombies that infest this town. I love the sprite replacements, the imps with hula skirts are hilarious and the zombiemen that have been turned into Duke Nukem looking surfer dudes. The little details of the posters of various musicians in Ray's room, as well as the doomcute scenery really help to bring out the slightly ridiculous, but ultimately good spirited vibe I feel this wad is going for.


This may be just because I am much more familiar with Ray Mowhawk 2, but the stock Doom 2 textures look really odd when contrasted with all the sprite replacements - the palm trees especially look really out of place next to the very different looking wood textures that are plastered over the buildings. I get the impression from Doomkid's outspoken love for the slightly jank wads that were the norm in the 90s that this weird dichotomy is very intentional, but I may be massively overthinking this.


The map is surprisingly low on ammo, I expect this is to get you to use the knife but I forgot that it was buffed until I was forced to use it. There's loads of hitscanners in the map, and even though most of them are zombiemen, they'll start to tear through your health pretty quickly. There's plenty of medikits to recover with, but it's fairly strict for a MAP01, until the end where you're given a free blue armour to take on 2 chaingunners - it's probably more useful if you're playing continuously. I like the city layout, it's perfect for a wide-open zombie slaughter and I hope it continues into the rest.

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Well. Last month was a really fun experience so, I'll try to finish this one too.

I think I've played some of these maps in the past, but it was a long time ago.

MAP01 - “House by the Bay”


Big open map, with a lot of rock and pop culture references. We have a different pistol and a knife.
If this is the general tone of the wad, I'm buying.
The luau imps are gorgeous.

Now. A simple map full of hit scanners and with enough ammo to deal with them.
Although the visuals are fairly simple and the map feels open and big. I never get lost. 

Secrets are super useful. but I had to iddt the berserk one. 

A really solid start.


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I have played Ray Mohawk 1 fully before and I have played about half of an old verson of Ray Mohawk 2. Super fun sets and I'm happy to replay them. I hope that I can keep up with the club this month. Fortunately I have more time in my hands now.


I played on Seeking Validation with pistol starts on Crispy Doom.


Map 01: House by the Bay


Fun opener. This map has a lot of hitscan which is in line with the whole set. The map is fairly open and you are given enough ammo to play fast and loose. I really like the increased base damage of the fist/dagger. The look of this set is great with the imps, palm trees and posters.

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16 hours ago, Doomkid said:

On the 10th anniversary you pick Ray Mohawk, and it happens to be the month of my 30th birthday as well. That's just awesome!

happy birthday!

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Happy birthday 


Map 01: House by the Bay


First maps are typically not that good but this one does a good job of setting the scene. I love the visuals and I found the music fits the level perfectly. I'm not a fan of the enemy placement however, I played on the hardest difficulty and it felt like there were way too much imps and they all just seem to loiter around. I loved the Hendrix poster and all the little stuff like this. It has a great cartoon feel to it with the hula sprite touch up and the Duke Nukem zombie men. Not bad stuff.

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First of all, Happy Birthday to Doomkid and the DWMC!


Now, about the Mohawks, I have played both of them before and I remember really liking 1 and absolutely loving 2, so much so that it ended in my top 10 favorite wads. This month will be the occasion to replay 1 and to verify if 2 is still in my top 10 despite 2 new wads having entered it. Again, I will pistol-start every map and play on both wads' equivalents of UV on Prboom+

Now, let's get this started!



Map 1: House by the Bay

100% kills, 97% items and 100% secrets

Time: 5:48


House by the Bay introduces a lot about the Ray Mohawk series: the new protagonist, the new enemy sprites, the excellent pistol and fist replacements and the tropical theme. Thankfully, this is way more than a simple introduction, it is actually an excellent map and one that I could pick up and play any day without getting tired of it. The openness allows Ray to run around like a madman while shooting at the fodder and dodging their attacks, but what I love the most about this map is the berserk secret , which allows the faster and deadlier knife to thrive and absoutely annhilate everything, turning the poor monsters into small piles of gibs with hula skirts. On top of that, the level is benefiting from it's laid-back midi and 90's styled doomcute in the buildings' interiors, including beds, desks and presence of posters, one from Fletch and some musical ones representing music artists like Jimi Hendrix, and of course, in Doomkid fashion, Frank Zappa. House by The Bay is an excellent opener: not only lighthearted, replayable and cute, but also one of the maps that made Doomkid one of my favorite mappers at crafting openers.







Map 1



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Since I have some free time, I might as well join <3


So, Vanilla Doom, Hurt Me Plenty, Rifle start, No saves (Unless the level is too hard)




Map 01: House by the bay

Results: 100%, 89%, 100%


This map is a nice introduction to the game, we get to see some changes in the guns, with the pistol replaced for a rifle and the fist for a knife (which is absolutely OP when using the berserk). I also like how the nazis were re-skined to better fit the maps and to not rely too much in chaingunners. I see that some people run straight for the green armor, but I prefer a more slower paste to not lose health or to reduce the damage I could take. Overall, not bad, sure it's not perfect, but for a map 01 it's good stuff.


I'm attaching a demo file so you can check out how I normally play the map and my strategy to beat it. Maybe I'll do this for the entire wad. Enjoy <3




Don't expect me to post everyday once we get to Ray Mohawk 2, cuz the next week I'll be busy, but I'll do my best :-)


Edited by xX_Lol6_Xx
Added Picture

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Hello everyone! Firstly, Happy Birthday to Doomkid and happy 10th anniversary to the club! 

I finished Roy Mohawk 1 a while back, I think about an year ago but I don't remember a whole lot so eh. In terms of other Doomkid projects, I've played the first Rowdy Rudy and like 3 levels or so from RR2. I'll be playing on UV (well its equivalent) and I'll be pistol starting aiming to get 100% kills but I might miss the goal occasionally.
Anyways, let's get right into this

Rowdy Rudy's Manic Monday:

Map01- House by the Bay
100% kills 

Huh, I just realized we're beginning this set on a Monday :P. Map01 is a very pleasant and lighthearted offering. The combat here is pretty straightforward but it's satisfying either way, the pistol revamp is great and even before you get heavier weapons, it makes for enjoyable running and gunning. The fist replacement is pretty cool too, I found some use for it to cut the specters and it felt quick and effective compared to regular non-berserk punching.

All around, while the combat is alright, I found the real star to be the aesthetics; the retextured sprites (especially the hula imps they look silly in a good way) alongside the general vanilla-ness of the visuals, the cool MIDI selection, the posters, the HUD and the doomcute setting of the seaside town all add up to make a distinct jovial vibe to the level. Nothing too groundbreaking but this was a very enjoyable opening level. 

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As usual I'll be playing From Doom With Love, UV, pistol-start, with demos when I feel like (most of the time). I've got to say, the northwest is once again ON FIRE so this wad specifically is now a shockingly relevant escape.


Map 01: House by the Bay


What's this? Is that Creedence Clearwater Revival I hear? Oh yeah, we're not exactly talking Styx here. I don't know anyone that doesn't at least think they're good! I guess it does make sense, Doomkid tends to prefer classic rock and some of the fairly straightforward (basic) metal stuff and maybe a shocker (Morbid Angel)so these posters all make a strange sort of sense. Although the hidden berserk pack is not well-marked. I thought it would have been behind a Hendrix poster, but no, it was actually behind an anonymous bottle of liquor! The secrets proved a little challenging to find mostly due to placement than anything, but it won't alleviate the early ammo concerns, not by a long shot.


But this is just a beautiful tropical setting! Your starting weapon is a rifle that was initially used in an early Doom alpha which actually works well to keep things from getting too overwhelming, but it soon becomes clear enemy numbers will require greater firepower. You also get a knife I never pulled out that I suppose is better than your unberserked vanilla fists/ Luckily, you shouldn't find a chaingun before too long, which should be very useful against the new enemies. They are, this blue-suited guy with sunglasses replacing the former human, the cutely metrosexual Hula Imp looking comfortable and sexy in themselves and a guy who replaces the SS who seems quite deadly. You still have chaingunners and sergeants to round out the roster, although you'll probably barely notice the latter. I really liked the upstairs Red Key bar, containing a poster of a Chevy Chase movie I've never seen and barely heard of, not to mention a large group of enemies I think I neutered my own fun in the process of killing them. The "Curb Your Enthusiasm" music did seem a little out of place.


I was expecting slightly heavier Dehacked content, admittedly, like Rowdy Rudy's. This is still a good opener, and nice little secret hidden by a fake wall btw! It was almost like something from Eternal Doom!




Edited by LadyMistDragon

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