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The DWIronman League dies to: Sucker Punch 1 and 2


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September, 2022



The yearly leader board


Standard Leaderboard

  1. # [2]Survived 45:06 Bdubzzz - cheated by picking a wad he was familiar with. ;) 
  2. # [1]Survived 55:04 Asbadagba - a newcomer to DWIronman starts out relatively new participant with a strong survival, gg.
  3. # [2]Survived 1:00:09 NoReason - Fumbles his way through Sucker Punch 2 Map 01 with pure skill. Rest of the wad goes smoothly outside of one other pure skill moment.
  4. # [1]Survived 1:21:51 Beginner - Easy wad for a Beginner
  5. # [2]SP2 Map 09 Maribo - Maribo is very good at Doom :)
  6. # [1]SP2 Map 08 Pseudonaut - Realizes it's time to stop playing doom and rushes for an exit one way or another 
  7. # [1]SP2 Map 05 NightTerror - Retreats to a hitscan warp-in, Checks his 6 and sees a good old rev rocket. *splat*
  8. # [1]SP2 Map 01 LadyMistDragon - Ouch unfortunately sniped from below by pesky hitscan
  9. # [1]SP2 Map 01 NoisyVelvet - Survives Sucker Punch 1 with ease...followed by a quick 1 round punch out with Mr. skeleton
  10. # [1]SP1 Map 08 Anima Zero - He said it best... GJ ANIMA!
  11. # [1]SP1 Map 06 Luleta - Boxed in by the rev squad, the deadliest squad this ironman.
  12. # [1]SP1 Map 06 NaZa - Saves his last BFG shot for next time. :)
  13. # [1]SP1 Map 06 Katamori - welp this map is proving to be the run killer for this month!
  14. # [1]SP1 Map 06 SCF - takes out the 2 viles and makes a stand against the HKs... *dead doom guy noise*
  15. # [1]SP1 Map 06 Andromeda - good at doom! strikes again 
  16. # [1]SP1 Map 06 Horus - Map 06 revenants claim another Doom Guy
  17. # [1]SP1 Map 06 dt_ - YEP Map 06...
  18. # [1]SP1 Map 06 head_cannon - at least it wasn't the revs :p
  19. # [1]SP1 Map 03 Brainfreezzzzz - Damn. Seemed like all the revs fired at the same time.
  20. # [2]SP1 Map 03 Suitepee - perhaps didn't see the BFG ! unfortunate.
  21. # [1]SP1 Map 03 Vince Vega - Cornered in by the angry goats
  22. # [1]SP1 Map 02 Shepardus - Rockets vs PEs in a hallway. Who wins? Find out next DWIronman.
  23. # [1]SP1 Map 01 ClumsyCryptid - tbh I'm surprised no1 else has died to map 01 (so far), that last trap can be quite deadly!
  24. # [1]SP1 Map 01 SilentD00mer - welp tried their best given the no more ammo situation
  25. # [1]SP1 Map 01 Pegleg - Pesky chaingunners.
  26. [1]SP1 Map 01 Ludicolo -  boxed in by the imps that refused to die to the pistol.



Prepared Leaderboard



What is the Doomworld Ironman League?


The DWIronman League is a monthly competition in which participants aim to survive for as many levels as possible in the given map set, preferably in one sitting. Click the spoiler tag at the bottom of the post for a detailed list of rules. Players of all levels of ability are welcome. It could change the way you play Doom!


This month the DWIronman League dies to Sucker Punch 1 and 2 (-complevel 9). The Sucker Punch series are two 9 Map sets  developed by Andy "Rook" Johnson.


For Sucker Punch 1 you will need to load an additional resource wad called cc4-tex.wad. You can find the download link here: CC4 For Sucker Punch 2 you wont need any additional wads. Survival is surviving both wads in a row. If you die in Sucker Punch 1 your attempt is over. You can expect the maps to be short and well... punchy. Good luck, have fun :^)


Essential Info:

Doom 2: Hell on Earth as the iwad (doom2.wad)

Compatibility level 9 for PrBoom+/DSDA-Doom, or "Boom(strict)" for GZDoom.

Time estimate: 45 minutes - 1 hour

Number of maps: 18 

Deadline: September 30th 2022


> Download: Sucker Punch 1 and Sucker Punch 2


sourceport.exe -iwad doom2.wad -file sckrpnch.wad cc4-tex.wad -complevel 9 -skill 4 -record demo_name.lmp






  • There are two competitions: Standard and Prepared:
    • To compete successfully in the Standard competition: your first play of the selected WAD(s) constitutes your one and only attempt for the month.
    • To compete successfully in the Prepared competition: your one and only attempt for the month is determined BY YOU immediately before play and may follow any prior number of active (playing the set) preparation that is strictly for practice/inspection purposes only. You cannot compete in the Standard competition after submitting a run to the Prepared competition. You may submit the first of your practice attempts to the Standard competition.
  • UV only (excepting 1CC format), continuous recording. No pistol-starting each level.
  • Demos (PrBoom+, GLBoom, Eternity or Chocolate), stream highlights and video recordings are the only accepted proofs. You must link to these runs in the thread. 
  • No additional WADs may be loaded.
  • No inspection of the WAD(s)'s content in an editor if you are submitting a Standard run.
  • No cheat codes and no features that result in behavior beyond what is possible in the intended source port (e.g. freelook, jumping and crouching in a boom set). This includes dynamic lights and brightmaps. If streaming or recording videos using an advanced source port with compatibility options, you must display these settings on-screen before your run. In ZDoom derivative ports, "Doom/Boom(strict)" will suffice.
  • If you choose to stream/record your run for video rather than provide a demo and you die before completing a single level, either on the first map of a set OR because a single level was selected for the month, you must display the number of monsters killed/remaining in the level before you quit.
  • You do not have to play the secret levels in order to register a complete run. However, a player who finishes the game having completed more secret levels than his/her competitors will rank higher than them.
  • You cannot load a game having progressed past the save point.
  • You cannot consult Doom Builder during your run to check for map details.
  • If the recording of your official run is interrupted due to technical difficulties, you are not permitted a second attempt. Any surviving recording may be used to register a DNF result.
  • Accidentally restarting a level before a death exit takes you to the tally screen will disqualify your run.
  • If you are competing in the Standard competition, you are required to affix one of three numbers to your run informing the League of your degree of familiarity with the map/set played. Note that your evaluation should only take into consideration the content covered in your run (e.g. if you remember only one part of a level in a set you haven't played before but never reach that level, you should list your run as a [1] instead of [2]):


  1. This is a blind run. If I have played or watched any of the level/set being played before, I cannot remember any details that would offer a reasonable advantage over truly blind players. *
  2. This is not a blind run. I have familiarity with the set - played the level/set before, or watched it being played, and can remember some details that would offer a reasonable advantage over blind players.
  3. This is not a blind run. I have passively prepared for the competition - watched the level/set being played via stream, demo or video after it was announced as this month's challenge.


* "Reasonable" in this instance asks you to consider whether the details in question are worth committing to memory. As in, you would thank the person who gave you this information with a straight face and not expect to be laughed at for being an utter berk.




Previous threads: ignore this section for now- can't seem to copy it over properly from other threads.














  • 01 - Sawdust (winner: Daerik - prep winner: an_mutt)
  • 02 - Alien Vendetta (winner: Demonologist)
  • 03 - Criticality & Miasma (winner: Daerik - prep winner: Crusader No Regret)
  • 04 - World Orifice (winner: Bdubzzz - prep winner: Killer5)
  • 05 - Violence (winner: Bdubzzz - prep winner: ScrappyMcDoogerton)
  • 06 - Firebox (winner: Bdubzzz - prep winner: 4shockblast)
  • 07 - Scythe 2 (winner: idk - prep winner: idk)
  • 09 - The Eye (winner: galileo31dos01 - prep winner: an_mutt)
  • 10 - Glaive & Glaive 2 (winner: Veinen - prep winner: Tezur0)
  • 11 - Sunlust (winner: Daerik - prep winner: nobody)
  • 12 - H2H-XMas (winner: Daerik - prep winner: 4shockblast)


  • 01 - Realm of Shades (winner: mhrz - prep winner: Pegleg)
  • 02 - Return to Hadron E1 (winner: NightTerror - prep winner: Maribo)
  • 03 - Syringe (winner: Bdubzzz - prep winner: SCF)
  • 04 - Jägermörder 1 and 2 (winner: Bdubzzz - prep winner: Maribo)
  • 05 - The Rebirth (winner: NightTerror - prep winner: NaZa)
  • 06 - Man on the Moon (winner: Master Medi - prep winner: ginc)
  • 07 - Vigor (winner: akolai - prep winner: SCF)
  • 08 - Somewhere In time (winner: Archi - prep winner: NaZa)

Edited by Bdubzzz
Updated leaderboard

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I don't want to talk about this. I was so close to the exit and then decided to be the biggest idiot ever to walk on Earth. Category 1, MAP06 of Sucker Punch 1. This stings.



Edited by NaZa

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Category 1

Dead on Sucker Punch 1 Map 06

Kills: 9/43

Time: 14:09


No survival this time, sadly. Could never really get comfortable on that map. Could have died many times earlier in the run, including on map 01 :/


From what I played through, I had a great time, and well suited to the Ironman format!


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Category 2

I kind of held back a bit on as fast as i could go and played safe since I know these maps somewhat well since I made demos for them not to to long ago but I thought it would be a better ironman choice than my other idea that probably no1 would of survived... :p 


Survived Sucker Punch 1 in 15:12.

Survived Sucker Punch 2 in 29:57.

Total time: 45:09



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Category 1

Died on Sucker Punch 1, Map 6

22/43 Kills


Don't want to use my last BFG shot, that would be a waste.


Oh no now I'm trapped and dead.



I thought I could kill that first hell knight with the SSG and escape, but then he just leaves and his two buddies block the way instead.


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After August I thought I should give it a try. Last time I tried before was UAC Ultra, so a whiiiiiiiiile ago.

Not went far though, died on MAP06 around 14:50 - dwironman_katamori_sucker1.zip


Quite tough actually, these maps were made for giving a bite-size challange, definitely never leaving you to rest. Maybe I should't have activated two "traps" at once.

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Yearly board updated.


Bdubzzz and Beginner establish themselves as 1st and 2nd while the battle for 3rd now grows to 7 people - despite missing the first two months, ginc is now fully in it, after a very good streak of results. dt_ enters the top 5 at my expense (sadness!), while the top 10 shuffles a bit with Pseudonaut reclaiming their spot.


Big congratulations to Andromeda, SCF, Horus, Luleta and Sr_Ludicolo for their first (standard) survivals, and Brainfreezzzzz for a striking debut survival. Luleta and Sr_Ludicolo's survivals also propel them up the board, rising 15 and 20 places respectively from their positions after July.


Also, really glad to see Archi finally take that first win. Participating on-and-off for 6 years and always being there or thereabouts in the standings, but never quite winning, it was definitely well deserved.


Finally, for anyone wondering how close the battle for is... here's an excerpt from the board. A victory is worth 100,000 points, so everyone is able to capitalize on anyone's slipup. dt_, Anima and myself especially. (green = survival, gray = DNF or locked out of progression)



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Sucker Punch 1

Category: 1

Dead on: Map 01

Kills: 51/56

Time of death: 6:36




Once again, I didn't see much of the mapset, but what I did see, I liked. The encounters were set up well. The aesthetics were efficiently detailed, and they looked good. The layout was good. Health was sparse, but it was still there, and it was placed in optimal spots. And I liked the music in the first map, too. If the rest of the maps are like the first, then this was a great selection for the month.

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On 9/1/2022 at 2:39 AM, Bdubzzz said:

cheated by picking a wad he was familiar with. ;) 


Oh, so that's what you're supposed to do!


Looks back at last month, when I picked the set, and finished 38th of 40.


Just kidding, Bdubzzz. Well done, as usual.

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category 1

died at map06 of Sucker Punch 1 with 24/43 kills

exited map05 at 9:01



im miffed


idk why the fuck i didnt let things in-fight spidermom

i used so much goddamn plasma on every archie i saw for no reason -_-


at least i didnt die on map01 which i almost did :^3


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Category 2

Survived Sucker Punch in 18:29

Dead in Sucker Punch 2 at 29:30




Great Ironman pick. I remembered a decent amount of Sucker Punch because I think I played that one more when doing demos.... When I got to Map08 in Sucker Punch 2 it really made me realize how little I had played that map, I had almost no memory of it.

Shame to not exit both. I wanted to do the pacifist strat for Map09 of Sucker Punch 2 but I forgot the exact details of how I did it originally. Oh well, pretty good performance, but I really doubt I would have done so well without playing the wad beforehand, it has some nasty moments.


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Category I, ded on SP-I at MAP03 and 10:27.


Mancubi do 200/200 -> 100/100 in a couple hits lol sure, then for some reason I don't pick up a Supercharge and then HKs corner me :))))

Bye bye my 11th place at yearly I guess, but it's all about fun, not scores. Scores goes to @Rook (I hope it's correct tag) for making the maps do impression it's just a walk in a park and then Hello sailor Archies happens :D




P. S. Finally got my new PC and oh boy, 144 Hz with HW Sync really is a game changer even for Doom, I have strong feeling it became much easier to control the player and do lot more precise moves and shots. I recommend :D


Just like this meme says (*30 year old lol):



Edited by Vince Vega

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  • 2 weeks later...

I died on MAP06 of Sucker Punch 1, but due to some strange technical issues I unfortunately don't have a demo to post this time.


I have an old copy of prboom-plus- which I default to because the mousing feels better than dsda-doom - it runs every ordinary Limit-Removing or Boom WAD just fine so I use it on everything before the MBF21 & UMAPINFO era. I tested it and the program was able to launch Sucker Punch 1 just fine, but when I added the additional parameters to record a demo...

  • -iwad doom2.wad -file sckrpnch.wad cc4-tex.wad -complevel 9 -warp 01 -skill 4 -record SP1hc.lmp

... it would fail to launch the game and instead give me the error message of:

  • G_RecordDemo: failed to open ?SP1hc.lmp

So I switched over to dsda-doom-0.21.3 and tried the exact same parameters. It launched no problem, I played until my death in MAP06, but the resulting demo had the bizarre filename of SP1hc.lmp and would not play back on either port.


I regret not having an entry in this month's competition, but I am still glad that I tried out Sucker Punch 1. Every threat is lethal, but the levels still frequently give the player the opportunity to assess, react, and adapt to these ever-shifting arenas. It's got a really great flow to it.


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5 hours ago, head_cannon said:

So I switched over to dsda-doom-0.21.3 and tried the exact same parameters. It launched no problem, I played until my death in MAP06, but the resulting demo had the bizarre filename of SP1hc.lmp and would not play back on either port.

Have you tried renaming the demo and see if it plays back?

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