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DOOM BBS Add-Ons: An 800+ WAD mega dump

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8 hours ago, Redneckerz said:

Triple post, but this (October 10, 1994) WAD also mentions a DEU Hack and a file stamp: DM2EA.ZIP.

There is a DM2EA.ZIP in the 4-Ever Doomed (Cypress Software) CD but it is the editor by Admiral and Sonic archived as Deu2c.zip on idgames. This is the only file I was able to find. 

SIGHT.WAD is dated December, 10 1994 and DEU.EXE included in the DM2EA.ZIP is dated November, 10 1994. It's possible that the editor mentioned by Gilliam in the text files is exactly that , and perhaps the name of the zip was changed when DM2EA was archived on idgames, but that's just my thought.


EDIT: There is another DM2EA on https://web.archive.org/web/20130409231749/http://files.volved.com/qsr/doom_extras/DEDITORS/ All thanks to @Mad Butcher who shared the link in this post.

It is the same file included in the 4-Ever Doomed CD anyway.

Edited by thestarrover

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7 hours ago, thestarrover said:

There is a DM2EA.ZIP in the 4-Ever Doomed (Cypress Software) CD but it is the editor by Admiral and Sonic archived as Deu2c.zip on idgames. This is the only file I was able to find. 

SIGHT.WAD is dated December, 10 1994 and DEU.EXE included in the DM2EA.ZIP is dated November, 10 1994. It's possible that the editor mentioned by Gilliam in the text files is exactly that , and perhaps the name of the zip was changed when DM2EA was archived on idgames, but that's just my thought.


EDIT: There is another DM2EA on https://web.archive.org/web/20130409231749/http://files.volved.com/qsr/doom_extras/DEDITORS/ All thanks to @Mad Butcher who shared the link in this post.

It is the same file included in the 4-Ever Doomed CD anyway.

Very much appreciated. I will look into these editors and then some.

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I have found the CD again, now I just need to obtain an external drive to create an image of it. The current download will remain up for those who only want the files and not the whole CD.

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I reckon this can also fit here all things considered, but lets talk about ZETH baby.



ZETH was a ZDoom based version of DETH, which in turn was based on DEU. The latest version is 4.17 from 2003. There were attempts to port it over to Windows, but alas, the real Zeth is still pure DOS. The latest version still uses the DEU-derived nodebuilder, but ZDBSP is obviously preferred.



However, starting from version 4.01 (The second published version) till at least version 4.05, ZETH also shipped with a standalone custom version of BSP version 2.3 that added support for ZDoom 1.x and Hexen maps at the time.  It carries the same  file name, but a text file says:

This is BSP version 2.3 dos extended, written by Colin Reed, Lee Killough

[Randy Heit's note: This is a special version of BSP 2.3x that can handle
Hexen (and ZDoom) maps. In all other respects, it is identical to the
version released by Lee Killough.]

This BSP executable carries a timestamp of April 18, 1999. As such, this custom BSP nodebuilder was the precursor of ZDBSP, the first of which followed on September 12, 2003.


I was able to retrieve ZETH 4.02 (on DoomWorld/3Ddownloads), 4.03, 4.04 and 4.05 (through Archive.org) and i gave these to Rachael, who kindly provided them on ZDoom.org. Downloads below:

After 4.05, 4.10 till 4.16 followed. Sadly i haven't been able to find these, so i am not sure how long the custom builder was used.

/Idgames/Standalone package:
Because the builder is a standalone executable and had some unusual features for its time, for historical purposes i am preparing a standalone package to be pushed to /idgamesPerhaps it might be useful to those who want to do some retro-style mapping with for the time editors, perhaps as part of a mapping contest.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I have identified another author.
The author of HANGAR.WAD (DMHANG.ZIP, April 1994)  is tagged as unknown on idgames. In the cd shared by @iddq_tea there is a zipped copy of the wad which includes the text file, and the author is DAUGMAN.

Edited by thestarrover

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Dope 1.00 (Dope100a.zip)

The text file states that the version is 1.00 (and the author , in the "MISC" section, clearly states that that is the first version released) , but the date of dope.exe is January 13, 1994, and this is strange since the same file in version 1.01 is dated December 30, 1993. So everything needs to be verified.


Edited by thestarrover

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I promised on October 20th to upload the custom version of BSP 2.3 used in ZETH to /idgames. And so i did.


I have rebranded it ZethBSP just to distinguish it from the original. The executable is still the same, its merely the name of the package.


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  • 4 months later...


Some more specific digging has led to a few new discoveries:



A utility by David Fontaine for his POLY.WAD (/idgames, July 25, 2001) level. It was a tool that removed unused sectors from a corrupted sidedef and to remove the then large 14 MB REJECT table. It used to be available, but it was removed, sadly even the Web Archive (Archive.org link) does not have it.



This was to be a level editor in the same vein as DEU 5, made by a guy called Chris Carollo (Christian Carollo). In fact, DEDLEV is yet another piece in the history puzzle that is DEU for a few reasons:

  • It was to be released in a few days  (Usenet post, March 31, 1994) on March 31, 1994; so early April 1994 would be a safe bet. This is only a mere 2 weeks after DEU5BETA which released March 17, 1994.
  • The post mentions that Carollo also had a functioning node builder, and looked at DEU5's to compare, seen below.
    • If released, it would be the second public nodebuilder available, after DEU5. Jason Hoffoss's NODE_GEN.ZIP from March 30, 1994 is to be excluded because that is a algorithm and not a fully functioning nodebuilder on its own.
Anyway, in one of my maps, I checked out Deu5's NODE generation
routine (as compared to mine), and on his, I get Warnings and some walls aren't
clipped properly. Anyone know what could be causing this?
  • I found a WAD by Carollo that was made with DEDLEV, HEXXED.WAD, an E1M1 edit from June 4, 1994. It is on /idgames but i also found it on the Boom 3 Classic Power Pack. Its text file mentions that by June, the editor was not yet released, and it seems that it never actually happened.
Dedlev 1.0 Beta, my own personal editor.
						: I'm really not sure if I'll release it or not,
						: maybe if enough people are interested.


Short for Purple Frog Moon Editor, this editor was by Robert Forsman, alias Thoth. It was used in GKPAK1 (/idgames, April 8, 1995)  and GKDM11 (/idgames, July 19, 1995) by Genesis Krzyzaniak in beta form (Specifically, Beta 2, all the way from Alpha 1) and was a 1994/1995 level editor exclusive to Linux/X, which was definitely novel at the time. It was in Beta by June 1995. It was mentioned on Gamers.Org. Interestingly, the site is still up. Sadly, the FTP site with the binary is out of reach, though there was a DW post from July 6, 2008 stating they could still download it. The file name should be pfme.b2.gz, as seen here (Gamers.org).


The site mentions:



Purple Frog Mission Editor


DOOM is a game by ID software that took the PC game portion of the net by storm in 1994. Not only was it a captivating, 3D, first-person, multi-player, action, shoot-em-up, but you could create your own environments to slay monsters and your friends in.


Most mission editors are based in DOS or Windows and are limited by the peculiarities of these environments. I decided I wanted one that was limited by the peculiarities of Linux and X windows.


I started near Halloween of 1994 with Linux 1.1.59, G++ 2.6.2, XFree86 3.1, and FWF 3.47(?).


2 months and 20000 lines of C++ later, the Purple Frog Mission editor alpha release 1 was made available to a select group of suckers. Like all software, it sucked. However, it is improving.


As of June, 1995 it is in Beta release 1. I consider it somewhat usable, although your questions and requests may drive me to improve it. I want to add context-sensitive help, but Purple Frog is taking me in other directions so hacks won't be happening as fast as they used to.


It is most similar to the mission editor DEU by Raphael Quinet (there are accents in there somewhere) and friends. Unlike its cousins based in non-operating-systems, it handles editing of multiple missions at the same time, and handles multiple views of the same mission at once.



Forsman mentions that PFME uses a partial implementation of Bob's Consistency Checker. Based off looking at the DEU 5.21 code, He described this as the following:


  Bob's Consistency Checker

  - by Robert Forsman <thoth@cis.ufl.edu>

  This document describes Bob's Consistency checker.  My Purple Frog
Mission Editor has a partial implementation of this.  Other mission
editors are approaching the pinnacle of user-assistance.  You may
compare your consistency checker to this checklist and make claims
like "25% Bob compliant!"

  This list is not purely the product of my own brain.  I have used
both DoomCAD and DEU and the consistency checks they provided have
proved invaluable (yet, incomplete).  Also, discussions of DOOM
engine limitations on the doom-editing mailing list gave me ideas for
new consistency checks.

  I refered to the DEU 5.2.1 source while writing this document.  Long
live TRULY free software!

  If you have any contributions, drop me a line and get yourself a

* is basic check

** is an advanced check and usually requires that someone with a brain
write the code.

*** and above are ludicrous checks and aren't required for 100% compliance

W flag means a warning (violating these checks might be necessary or
reasonable for certain special effects, but usually it's a mistake).

ST means shoot-through (bit 2 of the linedef flags, often referred to
by the name 2-sided, although this is misleading)

 THINGS: (remember difficulty masks)

  The following four result in a monster that rotates to face you,
but never attacks.

  * Monster centered in a sector that is too short for it.

  ** Monster partly in a sector that is too short for it.

  ** Monster half-stuck in a wall (not sure how the engine computes this).

  *W Monster too close to another monster (they are both stuck till one
dies, then the other is freed) (not sure how the engine computes this).

  * thing with bogus type

  * an item that is completely not inside a sector

  *W an item that is visually too tall for its sector

  * teleporter target with no source linedef

  * missing a player 1 start. (remember the difficulty masks)

  *W missing player 2-4 starts, missing deathmatch starts

  * More than one player 1 start (causes ghost player 1 things).  This
probably applies to player 2-4 as well.  Remember the difficulty masks.

  * >10 deathmatch starts (bad, according to ID guys; only lowest 10
get used sez doom-editing).

  * start position on the boundary between two sectors whose floor
heights differ (gets player stuck in some cases.  Need to investigate
the boundary conditions).


  * two vertices that share the same coordinates.

  * vertex not used by any linedef or seg


  * linedef that refer to nonexistent sidedefs, or vertices.

  * linedef with bogus type

  * degeneracy.  linedef with same starting and ending vertex.

  ** overlaying linedefs.  Simple example:

        line from (4,0) to (-2,0) and another
	line from (2,0) to (-4,0).

    another example

        line from (4,0) to (0,0) and another
	line from (0,0) to (4,0).

  W* multiple linedefs that have the same starting and ending vertex.
Note: This construct is used for some special effects, so only warn
and perhaps offer two levels of repair (remove linedefs with a Normal
type -or- merge all linedefs).

  * linedef with no sidedefs.
  * linedef with a left sidedef but not a right.
  (or, more compactly: linedef with no right sidedef.)

  * linedef that intersects another linedef.

  * linedef with one sidedef should have ST clear (impassable bit is
evidently optional).

  *W linedef that has two sidedefs, an impassable bit set, and no
texture on either normal.

  *W linedef that bounds two sectors where the ceiling height
difference is >x, where x is some number that one of those
doom-editing guys will figure out one day (the Flash-Of-Sky effect).

  *W lack of a linedef with exit type.

  * more than 64 animated walls (what happens with this?)

  * manual door on linedef with no second sidedef.


  * sidedef not referred to by any linedef

  * sidedef that refers to nonexistent sector.

  * sidedef on non-ST linedef missing a normal texture.

  * sidedef on ST linedef missing a required upper or lower texture.
	) sidedef
		without an upper texture.
		referring to a sector with ceiling higher than the neighbor
		where either of the sectors doesn't have F_SKY1 as the ceiling.
	) sidedef
		without a lower texture.
		referring to a sector with floor lower than the neighbor
		where either of the sectors doesn't have F_SKY1 as the floor.

  *** sidedef that would be missing an upper or lower texture due to
the motion of a sector's floor/ceiling.

  ** texture with overlapping patches on a ST linedef's NORMAL
texture.  (Medusa effect) Or maybe it's vertically tiling patches
(whatever that means).

  * texture whose width is not a power of two on a linedef whose width
is greater than the texture's width.

  **W animated texture on an ST normal. (it doesn't animate in earlier engines)

  * sidedef with a short (<128 tall) texture on an upper or lower
texture where the ceiling/floor difference is larger than the
texture's height.  (Tutti-Frutti effect) Can also be caused by

  *W ST sidedef 
	1) with a texture on the normal that is too tall for the
		normal space and
	2) where there is no floor change (or perhaps if the lower
unpegged bit is set, no ceiling change)

  *W normal textures on ST sidedefs can extend into the floor or
ceiling through yoffsets.

  *W ST sidedef with a texture on the normal that is too
short for the normal space

  * sidedef that refers to a nonexistent wall texture


  * sector with bogus type

  * WAD with less than 2 SUBsectors is bad. (so, have >=2 sectors, or
one non-convex sector.)

  * sector not referred to by any sidedef

  * sector that is unclosed.  The sidedefs of a sector should form a
set of closed cycles with all the sidedefs of a single cycle on a
single side of that cycle.

  ** sector that is REALLY unclosed.  ANY line from infinity to
infinity should have linedef crossings that match this regular
expression: ^(spoo* in out)* spoo*$.  The "in" is when you cross a
linedef from the "other" sidedef side to the "my" sidedef side.  "out"
is when you cross a sidedef from the "my" side to the "other" side.
"spoo" is crossing a linedef that has nothing to do with "my" sector.
No "spoo" is allowed between an "in" "out" sequence.

  * sector whose ceiling is lower than its floor (or is there a use
for such sectors?)

  * sector that refers to a nonexistent floor or ceiling texture

  *W sector taller than 1023 pixels (1.2 engine limit).

  *W lack of a secret sector (causes 0% to appear in DooM 1/2 which is
frustrating for the player)


  * A teleporter linedef with no destination thing in any tagged
sector. (remember your difficulty masks)

  * A teleporter linedef with several destination things for a
difficulty level.

  * a linedef that is missing a tag (which ones need tags, anyway?
manual door's don't need them).

  * a teleporter with more than one corresponding tagged sector (what
does happen?).

  * a tagged linedef that has no matching tagged sector.

  * a tagged sector that has no matching linedef.


  * Level bounds too large for BLOCKMAP (creates more than 21844 blocks).

  W* door without corresponding key, or key without corresponding door.
Remember your difficulty masks.  (Note, this "mistake" is sometimes
used for deathmatch levels).


  All thing checks are affected by the difficulty masks.  Remember
your Multi-player bit.  Specifically, there is a bug in DOOM II's
Tenements where a teleporter target is marked multi-player and there
is no single-player target.  Therefore, the teleporter (near the
arch-vile) doesn't work for single-player play and you die in the goo.


  DEU's editobj.c by Brendon Wyber and Rapha‰l Quinet.
  DoomCAD by Matt Tagliaferri.
  The Unofficial Doom Specs by Matt Fell
  Robert Fenskey Jr. <fenske@rocke.electro.swri.edu>
  the guys on doom-editing@nvg.unit.no.



All that's left is this interface.




Hopefully this is useful for the likes of @Never_Again, @thestarrover and @deathz0r.

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3 hours ago, Redneckerz said:


A utility by David Fontaine for his POLY.WAD (/idgames, July 25, 2001) level. It was a tool that removed unused sectors from a corrupted sidedef and to remove the then large 14 MB REJECT table. It used to be available, but it was removed, sadly even the Web Archive (Archive.org link) does not have it.



Downloaded it in August 2007. I don't know where I got it from.

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  • 2 weeks later...
On 9/28/2023 at 4:43 PM, deathz0r said:

DOOMVIEW - Yeah, I'm not really sure with this one, since there's multiple versions with the same date.

Doom Picture Viewer v 009, 1/18/1994  (the zip also includes the executable for the version 005A. SHA1:0e5505af4792a3ff08d8e851ef6067ce9bdd60e4.)



I don't remember if it's already been mentioned here:
Dmlev.exe by Rich Dawe, version 1.3a 1996/12/10,  (the same author of this list).

This utility scans the levels present in a pwad in a similar way to Whatwad, but in a much more basic way and it is also capable of launching doom, although not always correctly as declared by the author himself.
For archival and preservation purposes only. Source




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