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The DWmegawad Club plays: Overboard & Running Late 2 & Fractured Worlds

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25 minutes ago, dobu gabu maru said:


Dec 1st - 12th : Going Down (NG+ is played starting Dec 7th)

Ah, 2014. To be young again...

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I kinda had hoped Spain or Struggle would win :-D I guess my breal away from the club has to wait. Overboard I have already played, but the levels are delightful(ly short), so perhaps a relaxed playthrough… Running Late I know next to nothing about, but Fractured Worlds, that’ll be the primary attraction for me! I have already played first three maps on HNTR when it was released, but maybe a HMP attempt this time!

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Very interesting selection. Unfortunately I won't have time this month to participate, but like with DtD I will certainly be following the thread.


Just a small suggestion - maybe it will be a good idea to give 1 more day to FW bonus maps and take this day away from Overboard NG+. Because FW bonus maps are serious beasts and doing both in one day might be exhausting. Overboard maps, on the other hand, are very short, and in case of NG+ you even have some pre-knowledge about them.

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Yeah, definitely agree FW needs a day per map minimum. I'll probably skip Overboard replay completely and do some of the RL2/FW sessions in advance. After all, the day # is a limit for discussion, rather than playthrough.

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Running Late 2 is fantastic, one of my favorites wads! Love its fast and chaotic gameplay!

I'll try to play Overbard and FW

Edited by Deadwing

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18 minutes ago, Doomy__Doom said:

Yeah, definitely agree FW needs a day per map minimum. I'll probably skip Overboard replay completely and do some of the RL2/FW sessions in advance. After all, the day # is a limit for discussion, rather than playthrough.

I also agree; Overboard maps are short and sweet. If it were up to me, I’d play NG+ version on the same day (or skip, but Overboard is so much fun!) as the base map, because its essentially a new difficulty level, the level layouts don’t change that drastically.

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I will not participate this month. I will quietly waiting for the next vanilla megawad. :)

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Overboard's NG+ is a hybrid between a higher difficulty setting and bonus maps. From idgames:



beyond that lies "new game plus", which lets you play the same adventure again on a harder difficulty


I wouldn't consider it mandatory (because there are people for which Overboard is fine but NG+ will be Too Much).  It's an unusual take on difficulties in that playing it only makes sense after playing the regular maps first, but it's still definitively a higher difficulty level and thus totally optional.


Imo it makes sense to give Overboard anywhere from 3-6 fewer days and shift those over to Fractured Worlds, which is a pretty substantial undertaking relative to its length.

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My opinion on timing is probably three days for NG+ (two maps per day), add two days for the post-12 part of RL2, and likewise add one day for each bonus map of FW seems sensible. Something like this.


Dec 7: OB 1/2 NG+

Dec 8: OB 3/4 NG+

Dec 9: OB 5/6 NG+

Dec 10: Start RL2

Dec 22: RL2 Maps 13/14/15

Dec 23: RL2 Maps 31/32

Dec 24: Start FW

Dec 30: FW Map31

Dec 31: FW Map32


(The current schedule also omits 13th it seems)

Edited by FrancisT218

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I agree that Overboard NG+ does not need 1 day per map and that the "+" version of the map is better discussed on the same day as its normal counterpart. A few sentences added to the normal review should be enough to highlight the differences.


I also agree it should be optional, like anything regarding difficulty settings on the DWMC. I played only MAP08 with that difficulty and decided I was satisfied with the normal WAD experience, so I will not be writing of NG+ in detail. The only problem I see is that a player must decide to play the NG+ game along with the normal game, right from the start, or cover it during the last day dedicated to Overboard.


This is how it might look like:


Dec 1st - 7th : Overboard (NG+ maps can be discussed on the same day as their normal counterparts, bonus Map31 on Dec 7th)


Dec 8th - 21st: Running Late 2 (maps 13,14 played on the 20th, secret maps 15,31,32,16 played on the 21st)


Dec 22nd - 31st: Fractured Worlds (bonus maps played on their own day, 28 and 29 respectively. The 2 remaining days will be useful for catch-ups, final thoughts and for holidays!)

Edited by Book Lord

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Overboard is a bit of a strange one to play one map per day, with the whole ng+ thing going on. I'd agree with folks suggesting fewer days for the whole wad and play whatever maps you feel like during that time.


I would join in for old times sake, but playing doom these days makes me a bit motion sick.

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38 minutes ago, mouldy said:

I would join in for old times sake, but playing doom these days makes me a bit motion sick.


I remember from the old threads that you were a regular during the first years of the DWMC, especially the first year when @dobu gabu maru said you were the only one to participate to every single instalment and finish the whole thing. I wondered if you think that playing along with the club, and discussing WADs to this extent, helped you to form your own mapping ideas into a success story. 


It's great to have you onboard again, with Overboard!


23 minutes ago, A2Rob said:

Very nice. I'll be too busy to participate, but I am looking forward to reading people's write-ups.

Looking forward to your comments too,  I'm always fond of your maps whenever I encounter them!

Edited by Book Lord

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Hey all! Taking all the feedback into account, I'll be changing our schedule to something more reasonable:


Dec 1st - 9th: Overboard (NG+ played two maps per day starting on the 7th)

Dec 10th - 23rd: Running Late 2 (both bonus maps played on the 23rd)

Dec 24th - 31st: Fractured Worlds (MAP31 played on the 30th, MAP32 on the 31st)


(@Book Lord I'd prefer not to assign the NG+ maps along with the regular versions because I'd rather have folks play through the main set first and then see if they even want to tackle NG+, rather than trying to tackle both at the start. There might be those much like yourself that are cool with a single go around.)

Edited by dobu gabu maru

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Map 01: Crusin' UAC played on CL9, UV with DSDA-Doom 0.24.3. with rewinds
100% Kills and Secrets.

Review: I think this map is a great starter to a great wad. First things first, the combat, always start with combat: It's pretty great. It's nowhere near full Mouldy, but it's still fucking awesome. Something that this wad has helped me understand about scenarios like these is that Mouldy gives you a fight, and while you are doing that said fight, he springs another smaller trap that can catch an unsuspecting player. Like those fucking pinky traps, I swear he shows off a bunch of pinkies and does a silent teleport behind you, bloody diabolical. And also when he spawns in a full on marine trap after the well made basement fight, which take you by surprise. He manages to make a bad ass map in combat with just the Shotguns, the Chaingun, and the berserk, which takes a level of mastery you would expect from a full-blown megawad.  I like the touch of the marines coming out of the living quarters, and with the note of "Living Quarters" I must talk about the incredible visuals.

We have a computer station that blew up, living quarters with guts everywhere, a toliet! THAT WHEN YOU FLUSH IT, IT REVEALS AN INVIS IN THE SHOWER! A flooded basement, a crane, a BOAT for that crane, a control station. The island of the next map and the bonus map in the 31 slot, everywhere IS RICH with wordless exposition, of a place that was lived in, that eventually everyone was possessed to kill YOU specifically ON YOUR VACATION HOURS! Now, clearly this might've been a new operation of the UAC to ship out something to an island, maybe to the other side of the planet, to give say teleporter technology, the possibilities are literally endless. All of these together create a boat filled with life, and ambush. An invasion, perhaps. 


Also the music is awesome. What else can I say.

Grade A+
Difficulty C-
P.S. maybe I'm reading too far into it.

Edited by Electro Rage

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MAP 01 – Cruis’n UAC

DSDA-Doom v0.24.3, UV, Pistol start, blind run w/saves


The daft island-hopping adventure of Overboard began with Doomguy enjoying a cruise on a UAC ship. As usual, demons from Hell came to disrupt the pleasant journey and wreak havoc aboard, as told by the gruesome corpses and broken devices around. The cabins and the decks were teeming with zombies, Imps and Pinkies, ready to pop-up unexpectedly, and the toilet could be flushed for a secret power-up to appear in the shower. These are typical traits of mouldy’s maps, as anyone who is not familiar with the famous Going Down will soon learn by approaching this amusing 2022 release.



The objective was to leave the ship via the lifeboat, whose crane could be operated only with the RK. It was stored in the half-flooded cargo hold, where a Cyberdemon trapped inside a broken crate acted as a dangerous missile turret in the confined space. A crusher could be activated to dispose of him but picking up the RK released more opposition on the main deck. The crazy, dynamic combat was a treat for me, as I have never seen something like this before. It was good fun, and a perfect way to plunge into the unrelenting action of Overboard.




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8 hours ago, Book Lord said:


I remember from the old threads that you were a regular during the first years of the DWMC, especially the first year when @dobu gabu maru said you were the only one to participate to every single instalment and finish the whole thing. I wondered if you think that playing along with the club, and discussing WADs to this extent, helped you to form your own mapping ideas into a success story.

I certainly played a lot of doom

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Thank fuck this isn't H2H-Xmas :P

Very happy that these three wads won, as they are all some of my favourites ever and I'm looking forward to replaying them.

I'm playing through dsdadoom v0.24.3, -complevel 9, UV pistol start. Going for 100% kills if I can, but it's not a big deal if I miss a couple here or there.


MAP01 - Crusin' UAC:

3:56/0 Deaths
Poor Doomguy, can't even escape the demons while on holiday!


We start in our cabin, gazing out at the desert island on the horizon through the window, and investigating the room for even just a second shows that mouldy's skill at doomcute hasn't diminished in the years since Going Down - the toilets have been given an upgrade through the magic of custom textures, and flushing your toilet rewards you with a blursphere which I'm not embarrassed to say delighted me on my first playthrough. The corridors contain a few zombies and imps, nothing too dangerous, but going outside surrounds you with comically large hordes of zombies and imps, but with plenty of health recovery items around to allow for aggressive play. The berserk pack is protected by a bunch of pinkies surrounded by barrels, and it's great fun punching those barrels to get as many pinkies as possible with one punch. There's actually barrels everywhere, perfectly placed to allow for maximum carnage which lends the combat a silly edge that really fits with the music and overall tone of the wad.


To leave the map, you need the red keycard, which is located in the lower decks of the ship. Through some fancy silent teleporter magic, you can take a lift down here to see a cyberdemon trapped in a half-destroyed crate! Thankfully, a crusher has been installed directly above him, so you just need to slip past a couple of rocket salvos to activate the switch that kills him. The rest of the monsters down here shouldn't pose much of a threat, since you'll have an SSG and berserk pack at this point, but it's still possible to be on the receiving end of a rocket if the cyberdemon decides to target you. Pressing the red switch starts an incredibly cool sequence of a lifeboat being lowered into the sea, with the mechanism that lowers it retracting after the sequence is complete. This map is great, and I love the intermission picture too.

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MAP01: Cruisin' UAC. Played on DSDA v0.24, UV, PS. 108/108 K, 2/2 S, 12/12 I. Completion time 4:44


I usually tend to think realism in Doom is a bad idea, but just like Going Down, Overboard presents (relatively) believable environments and makes the experience darn fun. It's also astounding how well crafted map is: when you descend into the cargo hold, you might not even realize there is silent teleporter trickery afoot. Some doors seem to open only when some prerequisites are met (I'm not sure when the revenant closet opens, not each time it seems).


I love Overboard. (Re-)Playing it makes me want to revisit Going Down.

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GZDooM 4.9, PB 3.0, HeXeReTiC HUD PB3 v8.3RC2e, Weapon Neural Upscale, Simple Upscaled Enemies, Destroyable Decorations Definitive Edition, Glory Kills v29b (v30b did not work with overboard), SilentDoomguy, Flashlight, -iwad doom2.wad (ver 1.666), -skill 4 (UV), continuous play, no saves.


Overboard, MAP01 - “Cruisn’n UAC”, 3 Death, Died 3 times, GZDooM 4.9 didn't take my screenshoot from the end of the level :-( so I don't know my statistics. I may replay it. Good luck to all and have fun.


I have found my screenshoots ...




01 cruisnuac.jpg

Edited by KickAss
Added the endlevel screenshoot

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This month is gonna be exciting I feel, mainly starring three mappers I really enjoy but have barely actually played anything





- GZDoom 4.9 source port
- Boom (strict) compatibility
- Ultra-Violence difficulty
- Pistol start every map
- Saves are allowed
- Completely blind to all wads
- I try to get 100% kills sometimes
- Using mods Autoautosave and IDCLEVer (Improves GZ autosaves and auto-forces pistol starts) and a few other mods that don't change gameplay (Doom II Minor Sprite Fixing Project, widescreen huds, DSDA-Doom hud in GZDoom)


- Overboard -


MAP01: Cruis'n UAC

Kills: 99%

Items: 16%

Secrets: 0%

Time: 4:52


A very very sweet start to a very very sweet wad here, Cruis'n UAC is a delightful pun on Cruis'n USA, and an even better map. Going Down looked good enough, but Mouldy's grand CC4 textured return is simply bursting with things to look at. I mean off the top of my head, the very first room of the map has at least 3 bits of Doomcute and they're all a joy to look at, and the map doesn't stop there. I love stuff like the control deck, suspiciously gory corridors, the Cyberdemon fight inside the ship and how you get to kill the Cyberdemon on command, actually seeing the motor boat that'll accompany you on the rest of your adventure ahead of time and acquiring it being the MAIN GOAL OF THE MAP AS WELL, it's all just great fun. The gameplay isn't the most significant aspect of it, I mean I quite enjoy the Cyberdemon crusher I mentioned but other than that it's mostly chaingun on fodder stuff. It's fun enough to not distract me from the map's lush and gorgeous detail. Exceptionally fun opener here.


Grade: A-

Difficulty: D




Also it's like the year anniversary of me playing every last map the DWMC covers so COOL!

Edited by NiGHTS108

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Overboard: Map01-Cruis'n UAC
FDWL (Prboom+), UV, continuous
K: 100 | I: 25 | S: 50

Since I first heard about Overboard and saw Decino's playthroughs of the WAD i've been looking for a good excuse to play these maps. Huge fan of Going Down and Mouldy's work, and these maps look just up my alley. 

As far as boat maps go this one checks all the boxes for a good one. The boat layout feels realistic enough to give a good semblance of a cruise ship, but is also neatly designed for great map flow and room to maneuver. The barrels add some fun explosiveness to early fights, not that this map has much difficulty yet. The map is as approachable as the sunny weather and tropical views just off the boatside. The detail is not over the top but very tasteful. Overall a delightful opener that greatly sets the tone. That being said its not the most exciting map to play just due to its difficulty, and the cyberdemon in the boiler room feels greatly ineffectual but thats alright, still good fun.

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MAP 02 – Skeleton Coast

DSDA-Doom v0.24.3, UV, Continuous, blind run w/saves


Skeletons, huh? I had supposed this map contained Revenants, but the way they were deployed was tricky to guess. Skeleton Coast started with the UAC cruise ship sinking in open sea, while a small tropical island lay in front of a disoriented Doomguy. A smaller ship was docked near to the shore, and the tropical forest appeared tranquil. A gasoline canister, replacing the BK, could be spotted inside a wooden shack overlooking the sandy beach. From now on, the megaWAD will revolve around the search of fuel: the canister must be collected to start the motorboat and move to the next level.



Entering the innermost areas of the island caused enemies to teleport out of the blue, closets to open, and mayhem to be released at various degrees of craziness. No weapon or bonus pickup could be taken with impunity, as everything was guarded. Moving around quickly only sprang more traps, especially after picking up the gasoline: a Revenant squad emerged from the small ship and chased me everywhere, taking advantage of the small island layout and of the supporting Arachnotrons. I died when I jumped into the central pool and was caught by surprise; suddenly the water sank and dropped Doomguy into another dire situation, which would have been easier to solve with the plasma rifle. Unfortunately, I missed that secret and must rely on rockets, bullets, and shells. A small level full of action, surprises, and entertaining moments, Skeleton Coast was the first trip on an island and a first big hit for Overboard.

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GZDooM 4.9, PB 3.0, HeXeReTiC HUD PB3 v8.3RC2e, Weapon Neural Upscale, Simple Upscaled Enemies, Destroyable Decorations Definitive Edition, Glory Kills v29b, SilentDoomguy, Flashlight, -iwad doom2.wad (ver 1.666), -skill 4 (UV), continuous play, no saves.


Overboard, MAP02 - “Skeleton Coast”



02 skeleton coast.jpg

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MAP02: Skeleton Coast. Played on DSDA v0.24, UV, PS. 133/133 K, 3/3 S, 2/2 I. Completion time 5:54.


When I first played the map in September and saw the sinking ship with the fleeing imp (?) I burst out laughing. I love Mouldy's humor presented in Overboard (as well as in Going Down). What we have here is a small island full of hostile life, not to mention a boat that arrives after some time - another case of me wondering just how can this be made, and a case of bursting out laughing when I first saw "the landing party".


The second playthrough was slightly easier than the first one, as I didn't have to go looking for the secret plasma gun, which helped me nicely with the archvile.


I love Overboard.

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