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Cacowards 2023 Mentionation Thread: You Don't Need To Post Myhouse Again


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Longtime Doomer, First-Time Poster


I have been playing Brutality almost exclusively for the past few years, and myhouse brought me out of that shell.


It's that good.

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Chalk up another for Myhouse. It's not just a wad or a pk3, it's an experience.

Laz Rojas for the Lifetime achievement award.

Is CutmanMike's DRLA Extended eligible? It's done a great deal of reviving DRLA

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On 3/29/2023 at 8:34 AM, rita remton said:

hi! i nominate [boomer: beyond vanilla] as a candidate for the cacowards this year. thank you.


+1 to BOOMER: Beyond Vanilla - I'm a sucker for Adventure Maps. However, they really provide an "Arcadey" run and gun feel so the Maps never overstay their welcome. Finally, the Score is phenomenal

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Another +1 for Abscission from me.  A fantastic set of maps elevated even further by its unique and brilliant soundtrack.  

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+1 for myhouse, a very great experience that joins Doom modding history, Meta-horror (no, not the Zuckerberg Meta), Creepypasta (i think) and overall a sincere tribute to a old @Veddge friend and it's own way to cope the loss.

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+1 to myhouse.pk3. What is there to say that hasn't been said already. It's just wonderful.

Edited by SuyaSS

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+1 (or at least honorable mention) for A.I.A, which is a good mixture of human and AI works.


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Abscission is an amazing achievement, IMO.


Snaxalotl is very talented. Actually have got my dad playing through Stickney Installation right now.


Very good stuff.



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+1 for myhouse.wad for.... do i need to explain?

Edited by INfront95

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Messhall by @anon was unironically one of my favourite maps this year pls make #1 or at least within the top 10 or maybe in the top 50 or 100 if you'd please

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gonna have to come back to give +1 to Tambourine Tangerine by SuperCupcakeTactics. this is the most fun i've had with doom in ages, and it's doom 1 to boot! the amount of forward momentum this has for such a nonlinear map is kind of unreal. i fully acknowledge that this is a bit of a weird pull, but it really is that good.


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Yesterday, I played through the entirety of One Hour Mapping 2, which is a compilation of a bunch of maps from this thread. As someone who really enjoys speedmaps, just at a base level, this wad is exceptionally high quality for the time limit... I think everyone really knocked it out of the park given the restriction, but I was particularly ecstatic to get treated to two maps by @Yumheart in particular. If you enjoyed stuff like Full Moon then definitely play these, you won't be disappointed in the slightest.

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I would most staunchly advocate for "Boomer: Beyond Vanilla" by Fernito.  The visuals carry the spirit of the iwads, using stock textures, while being absolutely stunning to look at and explore with immaculate and tasteful detailing everywhere look.  It's a feast for the eyes.  On top of that, it has tightly designed puzzles and amazing combat design to boot. Probably my favorite limit removing set since Arrival by Pavera.

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+1 to Smooth Doom MBF21. I'd use it even more if it weren't for some Dehacked mapsets breaking it. I didn't think to try it with Doom Retro but actually that seems like a good idea.

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It's only one (meaty) level, but I think Based Refueling warrants a mention at the very least for promising newcomer as being very well-made, detailed, balanced, and imaginative, while also being the author's first released map. It makes the most of vanilla and vanilla-style assets and aesthetics while reimagining a classic Doom 2 level in a very transformative way.

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