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Cacowards 2023 Mentionation Thread: You Don't Need To Post Myhouse Again


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Another +1 for Machete, it was quite something to watch A2Rob ploughing out almost an entire megawad in a month whilst I struggled to make one map. Also given the recent discussions about it being 20 years since the release of Scythe, this is a great pick for those wanting a more modern visualisation of Alm’s mapping perspective.

Edited by cannonball

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+1 for Boomer: Beyond Vanilla by Fernito



Absolutely sick architecture and texturing on huge, non-linear maps oozing with atmosphere, geared towards exploration. You really should check it out, if you haven't already.

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On 4/9/2023 at 2:00 AM, bofu said:

It's only one (meaty) level, but I think Based Refueling warrants a mention at the very least for promising newcomer as being very well-made, detailed, balanced, and imaginative, while also being the author's first released map. It makes the most of vanilla and vanilla-style assets and aesthetics while reimagining a classic Doom 2 level in a very transformative way.



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I've played one map of Boomer: Beyond Vanilla and the rest of it could just be stock Doom 2 and it'd still deserve a caco. Details are off the charts.

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+1 to MyHouse.wad by @Veddge



Edited by Geniraul
The embedded link to the thread has been added for better visibility.

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+1 to Sepia


This is maddening, Maddening, MAD-DEN-NING. Perfect usage of a color palette gives off a good impression of a Doom wad that goes through mines and trenches and feels average at first, but hits its stride soon later. Few memorable moments do occur in the first few maps, but then you hit the abstract episode, pulling in geometry of all sorts right in the middle of the set and changes everything. And then a return to the real world, only to see it get corrupted somehow by the same geometric stuff in the middle episode and somehow everything is a perfect mess. Very well done narrative-driven set that can drive you nuts but drive you nuts right, varied gameplay but quite a lot of setpiece-style gameplay is in place.

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I've got a few things I'd like to mention. I'll start with the one I have actually completed:


+1 to Abscission (for the WAD itself and for Dootaward)

(copied from what I said in its thread)

Easily the best Doom II reimagining I've played. I loved going through each map and seeing an area that I could tell was an interpolation of that Doom II map. Maps were a lot tougher than the IWAD too, with many of them having some nasty bite to them. But my favorite part was the atmosphere. I can't think of another WAD that was this foreboding. Despite only using stock textures, the lighting and general map design were able to use them in a way that made these maps unsettling. The ambient soundtrack also helped in this regard. This WAD's eeriness comes from its unnatural locations. Great stuff!


Now for the 2 that I'm still going through:


+1 to Machete

You can tell it's very Scythe inspired, but it's fun! Currently stuck on the Scytheified version of Doom II's Catacombs. Darn Afrits...


+1 to Corruption

Lots of cool DEHACKED stuff going on here! Also a very nice color palate. It's a tough one too, which may be why I took a break from it, but it's still high quality.


also, I didn't do this before when I mentioned it, but MyHouse should be in contention for the Dootaward too. Jimmy's disintegrating version of "Running From Evil" is cool and jarring, but Essel's ambient piece is otherworldly. It seriously is a contender for my favorite song of the year. I can't think of that many instrumental pieces that evoke the same feeling of sadness yet peace like that one does. 

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+1 for Elegant Agony 64, a D64 mapset by @isthisnametaken (aka. JSGraham aka. Psyren) for D64 EX+ but also compatible with the official Remaster. The maps make very good use of the colored lighting feature, have some of the most exotic architecture (at least as far as D64 mapping goes), and offer a decent challenge for all kind of players. Did I mention most maps also have tons of secrets that deserve much attention from fellow 100% secrets hunters?


Edited by taufan99

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On 4/2/2023 at 5:15 AM, Caiuz said:

+1 for God Complex by Ultraviolence , don't play it. It's dangerous

Ultraviolence God Complex


I started watching his plays for the strategies and his personality, but this mod really does look like barrels o' fun!


Forgot to mention for lifetime achievement: +1 Dragonfly

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+1 MyHouse.pk3, for reasons everyone else has said already


Also: If TNT Devilution releases this year, that's a pretty easy nomination for a Cacoward. 100% worth all of the wait, it's amazing. It's entirely conceivable that it won't release given that it's been delayed so many times already, including being one map away from completion for four years, but the semi-final beta is out, so it's closer than ever.


and I think the PUSS speedmapping sessions might deserve a mention, whether it's an old one that released this year like Mapping at Warpspeed (already mentioned last year) or a session from this year like Clandestine Castle Crashing. They're a joy to play.

Edited by continuum.mid

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obsidian : I realized that the topic was posted by you on MY BIRTHDAY.
Can you please , shooting plasma in the air , make the list with score of each mension , or is it not necessary ?
ps : not referring to my birthday , although it seems .


I don't know if it is mentionable, OTHER than God complex
, another project that I mension and I'm sorry , because it talks about something historical and rejuvenated a video game that paved the way for FPS and it's wolfestein 3d which yesterday was 31 years old.
It is , drum roll :





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4 minutes ago, Caiuz said:

obsidian : I realized that the topic was posted by you on MY BIRTHDAY.


Haha, you're very welcome!


On 5/1/2023 at 8:52 AM, TJG1289 said:

also, I didn't do this before when I mentioned it, but MyHouse should be in contention for the Dootaward too. Jimmy's disintegrating version of "Running From Evil" is cool and jarring, but Essel's ambient piece is otherworldly. It seriously is a contender for my favorite song of the year. I can't think of that many instrumental pieces that evoke the same feeling of sadness yet peace like that one does.


Seconding this nomination. And I suppose a more general nomination of MyHouse.pk3, as superfluous as it may be at this point. :P

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9 hours ago, Obsidian said:


Haha, you're very welcome!



Seconding this nomination. And I suppose a more general nomination of MyHouse.pk3, as superfluous as it may be at this point. :P

@Obsidian you read this ?


Can you please , shooting plasma in the air , make the list with score of each mension , or is it not necessary ?
ps : not referring to my birthday , although it seems .


+ 1 is Brutal Wolfestein 3d



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+1 MyHouse.wad


So obviously its probably a shoe-in for a top 10 maps award, but how about a shoutout to its music/sound specifically?


The "not quite right" classic doom tunes, the original music from Essel and Jimmy, reversed sounds in mirror world, screams during the house burning sequence (which scared the shit out of me first time), the inclusion of "most mysterious song on the internet", that's just off the top of my head I'm sure there's more good examples. This is a wad where a lot of thought was plainly put into the music and sound, and its used to actually drive the narrative rather than just being cool tunes.


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Parroting the above. Esselfortium made MyHouse into the engrossing mire of dreamy dread that it was built to be. She understood the assignment, and could not have executed it more perfectly. MyHouse would still be a one-of-a-kind experience without memory=entryrrrr/////, but with it, it effortlessly pulls its player along, grips the brain, puppeteers the heart. Absolutely miraculous track.

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Hello! New here. But I know how this little soirée works.


Would like to nominate Gardevoir Has a Gun for mod choice, even if just a mention in the awards.


Kevansevans somehow took an on-the-face ridiculous concept (what would happen if a pokemon went Postal and somehow ended up in hell) and turned it into an actually really well designed and crafted mod. I especially appreciate the fact that the angrier you get, the worse it gets for everyone else. I relate.


Anyway, I'm going back to my bunker. Toodles <3



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Definitely one of the meaningful releases for me. To see it on my favorite Doom Retro & Woof! & DSDA almost full-fledged Smooth Doom, with smooth animations, with different variations of animations of enemies' deaths, with neat meat and pleasantly flying casings when shooting... A real treat! Although the project has a couple of very minor problems due to the limitations of the format itself, but it's still a masterpiece for me (although perhaps an extra version without the shells and flying gibs should be made).

Thanks, @Alaux.


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+1 to MyHouse.wad

MyHouse isn’t just a great wad. It’s an experience reminiscent of many “games as art” games such as the Beginner’s Guide or Journey, but using the language of Doom as a medium to tell its story. I literally cannot put it into words, it is that brilliant.

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