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Endless Random /idgames WAD Adventures #049


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Haha, look what I rolled!


PARANOIA 1.1 by Philippe Lafontaine (1995)

DSDA / UV / 100% kills / 100% secrets


A wad that will be very familiar to the fellas over at the Shovelware Society, and that apparently made its way from D!Zone to /idgames. Therefore, though it's been a while since I paid a visit to the shovelware folks, I can also enjoy this absolute piece of crap  masterpiece in all of its glory.

The main gimmick of the map is that, for a good chunk of it, you're in the line of fire of a spider mastermind, similar to Going Down's... map04 it was? Aside from this gimmick, the map is your typical poorly textured 90s wad. I have to say there is an attempt at varied height and light gradients, so that's a plus, and at least you're given some armor against the hordes of hitscanners that await you. The map is rather tedious until you get the BFG, after which it becomes a joke, and the spidey along with it. 

Yet another 90s map that... it's just sorta there. It's a map, I guess. The /idgames version doesn't seem to be substantially different than the D!Zone version, at least from what I remember from @staros96's run of it. 



Edited by Thelokk

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Year 2 Month 01 Day 29


I play until I die or intentionally stop. I don't comment the wad where I died/stopped.


[1] REVENANT WARS by Mark Anthony Klem @markklem (1995)





A 3-levels deathmatch wad with passive revenants due to strange nodebuilding I already visited during Month 4 Day 22. I uv-maxed every map each time and found the few inessential secrets. The glitchy palette modification generates strange effects when you obtain a radsuit or a berserk. For instance, in the third map, the black MODWALL textures turn entirely red when you grab a berserk. Funny.


I had not enough health to perform mandatory rockets jumps in Strange! (Forgot to take screenshot)


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Year 2 Month 01 Day 30


I play until I die or intentionally stop. I don't comment the wad where I died/stopped.


[1] SPANKME.WAD by Andrew J. Hulme, School of Met. and Mat., University of Birmingham, B15 2TT. England (1994)



This patch file is for E1M1. This level is designed for DEATHMATCH. There are some monsters if you want them. There is nothing very fancy about this level, its just good clean fraggin' fun.


Hey look at this ! A totally insignificant deathmatch map made almost 30 yers ago for Ultimate Doom.  It's a an underground concrete base filled with few enemies. I like the idea of the stuck baron guarding the exit switch even if he doesn't have much efficiency  (unless you play on Nightmare.)


Also, it's the first time I see the author's school in addition of his name in the "Author" section.


I forgot to open my screenshots software but there's nothing worthy in anyway.


Took a teleporter and got viciously trapped in a room full of imps whereas I only had my poor shotgun in hands in hex.zip








Edited by Roofi

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Denial (2004) by Melissa McGee "Agent Spork" (GZDoom)


Oh hey look, we've got a map that was clearly inspired by the killer Doomkid midi "Denied!" And we all know you've got to like it rough if you like that sort of hard-hittin' bass slappin' metal. But little sidenote, did Agent Spork seriously have to put the initials of her alias in every release?


But anyway, despite an uninspired layout with the sorts of linked square rooms that belong in SLIDGE, the visual touches really help it to stand out. There are these nice little chain-linked textures everywhere, along with some large tanks of some green goo, capped off by the moody stylings of Tom Mustaine's "More" to further drive home the point of TNT-inspired design. Although this map definitely has a more polished feel akin to some of the better maps like Storage Facility or even Shipping/Respawning as opposed to the sprawling and oftentimes ugly layouts of Drake O'Brien.


Combat largely doesn't stand out too much for the most part, taking some strong cues from Malcolm Sailor with the cramped corridors and limited ammo stores but also managing to feel a touch more accessible. Although artificially witholding the chaingun and shotgun from you until certain points, even when you meet enemies that carry them, was one of those designs that totally broke any sense of reality. Don't put sergeants and commandos in if they can't drop their weapons.


However, one thing I greatly enjoyed was the turbo pinkies. With the obvious design preferences of Melissa, you can quite imagine them providing a serious threat and they indeed do in two seperate situations. Otherwise, I found the teleport traps lacking when compared to the other Agent Spork map I played which won a Cacoward in 2005, and that might be part of why this isn't more remembered, beyond the ending also being a little lame.


Although on another count, backtracking from a set of bars in the pic above was definitely among the more annoying bits in this map. It's nonsensical and does nothing to boost the impressive claustrophobic atmosphere.







Edited by LadyMistDragon

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Church by Arch (2011)

DSDA / UV /100% kills / 100 % secrets 


One of those hyper-scripted, GZDoom maps that were all there rage back in the day. Fully cleared but had to IDCLIP at the end, as a one-time-only linedef or script softlocked me out of the exit. We are in a church that, wave after wave of enemies, turns more and more demonic. Lots of moving pieces, changing music, one custom enemy - a gargoyle that went down like a sack of potatoes - and generally very impressive from a technical point of view. Very easy gameplay, monsters spawns are very telegraphed and the church building offers plenty of cover. There is supposed to be a second, small exit map but, due to some error, GZDoom wasn't able to open it. 

Good map, but not my kind of stuff. This super-scripty GZDoom stuff makes Doom feel like a Build game and, if I want to play Blood, I can.... umm, go play Blood?



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Contaminated Zone (199$)  by Jason C. Bennett (Eternity)


Now this right here is why 94 gets a bad rap. Some mappers could be bold and experimental, but avoiding repetition largely just wasn't a consistent talent. Whereas people like Jason here were completely bereft of any sort of imborn gift, or indeed, restraint. Because just putting aside the common reality of several disparate texture sets being shoved together for no reason at all and creating an utterly hideous visual stew, there are also some incredibly glaring visual issues: texture-bleeding, proper alignment ignored and even one case where one can spot a glitchy line running through the floor of godknowswhat. The trap near the YK was effective and actually made some sense. And nice darkened fireblu walls in one case. But by the time I'd plunged into the outdoor pit with the Cyberdemon, I'd had it. The multiple repetitive rooms for multi-player starts are kind of nice, but you have to admit this is more a series of disconnected and separate maps than a single one. 0/10, for showing that the /idgames archive is long overdue for a...Purge.


(jk, jesus, get off my back guys)












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On 1/4/2023 at 2:45 PM, Thelokk said:

Church by Arch (2011)

DSDA / UV /100% kills / 100 % secrets 



I really liked this map when I played it , with its evolutive design.


Year 2 Month 01 Day 31


I play until I die or intentionally stop. I don't comment the wad where I died/stopped.


[1] Aquarius Gets Mad by terkar sergant (2014)







Aquarius gets finally mad to terry's bullshit!


And the first wad I get is.... a terry wad. However, If I can review according to my self-imposed rules, it's because "Aquarius Gets Mad" gets totally against the tradition of an unfair final boss moving at lightspeed with a huge health bar and overpowered attacks. The poorly drawn and photoshopped boss actually has all those characteristics but the author makes our hero invincible so.... no problem ! The biggest issue reside into the brutal FPS drops but you'll eventually defeat the boss by shooting everywhere with your BFG 10K.


Of course, it's undeniably bull crap but this wad has epic music and the explosive death animation provide unexpected satisfaction. This wad didn't fuck up my adventure so I can hate it , but eh. You don't deserve an F.


Grade : E


[2] Doom Temple II: Joel Quest by Michael Miller (as "thedickwolf") (2020)


For some reasons... screenshots didn't work on gzdoom. :/



My map submission for Vargskelethor's Doom Mapping Contest II back in 2018 under the pseudonym "thedickwolf". Finally got around to uploading it to the public.

RPG elements such as gold drops, shops and blacksmiths combine with a new melee and magical arsenal to help you complete a quest tasked by your king.


So, thedickwolf aimed to emulate the old-school medievial-themed videogames through a gzdoom compatible level. Your name is Joël and you have to find a charm strongly guarded in an underground dungeon. 


Doom Temple II use gameplay mechanics you can find in Heretic or Hexen for instance, with an inventory in order to collect health potions of different strenghts. You can find gold everywhere and obtain it on the killed monsters as well and spend it in the village in order to buy potions or repair your armor. However, the author already floods you with items in the dungeon so you easily can finish the adventure without losing one gold coin.  What a cheapskate you are!


I want to mention the variety of melee weapons. You start with a sword, then you get a spiked mass and ultimately a combat axe, which of course, is more powerful. You'll get medium range weapons but whereas the magic was fun to incant, the bow's power really disappointed me... The strong point of this map doesn't reside in the combats because, except at some parts, proved to be quite soporific and unchallenging. About the bestiary, it's a mix between the original Doom's monsters and some 3D's more fantastic monsters such as golem made of fire, giant spiders or even treemen (I don't know their real name.)


Joel's Quest is a cute adventure, not only because of its low difficult, but also for the simple midi melody which involves few instruments and the purified visuals which clearly indicate it's the work from a beginner mapper. It doesn't aim to be an epic adventure but  but rather a small mission given by the suzerain in a world full of new textures from Daggerfall.


For an unique reason, the NPC village was the best part of this map. Not only you can visit some pubs, a forge and a shop but above all you can decimate all the villagers without consequence ! No guard seems to protect city.... And you're so powerful that a single punch suffices to gib them, as if Mike Tyson got the berserk. Ridiculously funny moment.


A nice cool adventure overall, I appreciate it.


Grade : A-


I stop here for today.


Edited by Roofi

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So, after an SP map I think I played before, guess vat? I got one, two, three, four, five, SIX deathmatch maps in a row! I will now accept my accolades.


Barfight WAD (1994)  by Jon Stern (Eternity)


Hey, I remember you from the Shovelware Society! A short map, filled with rectangular ugly rooms, and filled with the sort of oversupplying that you'd find in most '94 maps, along with easy opposition and some detailing that is indeed suggestive of the location. Probably not as convincing as DISCO from a few days back though 4.5/10



Power Plant Deathmatch (2003) by Bob Larkin @Brad_tilf (Eternity)


The /idgames reviews sure crapped on this. Ok, maybe you don't have lots of room to move and only a fool would use a rocket launcher in any location outside the corridors here, but this is still quite well-constructed, at least in the visual sense. The power generators and use of red walls really make this an attractive place. But yes, it's strangely less compelling than dm maps with actual hallways. Although I still think running down the middle might be fun for a bit. Bob's only slightly younger than my dad, so here's some respect 4/0


Hexen SLAP YOUR ENEMY wad (1995) by Paul "Handle Master" Rice (GZDoom)


Well, this is one of the laziest and sorriest excuses for a deathmatch map I've had the displeasure to witness throughout these random adventures. A large open square with gargoyles firing their nasty flames from the far corners, along with detailing of corpses and ice pillars and such you'd have to actually be close enough to see, and ammo far too scattered to make any difference. 1/10, frankly after seeing the best Hexen DM map on /idgames, are you surprised?










YMCA (1996) by Mike Haller and Adam Goodman (Eternity)


If you didn't have the Village People classic start blasting into your brain when you saw that title, I don't know what's wrong with you. Anyways, despite the enthsiasism of the text file, no one thought to find a midi version of that sitting around anywhere. Which sort of makes sense because the ugly visuals and gimmicky shape of this map (literally Y.M.C.A.) don't really make for particularly fun deathmatch gameplay, with the single-player somehow managing to come off better, despite being sub-par itself. It probably gets better with 8 players or whatever, but this is an easy 3/10.




The Pits of Hell (1995) by Ronald Lambright and Mike Henning and Keith Fitzgerald


You know, maybe this isn't too bad of a deathmatch map. Despite the fragmented and disjointed character that still manages to be uniformly butt-ugly seemingly everywhere, there are bits of this that made me almost think Egypt from Goldeneye, which is to say, the narrow corridors, guarded use of height and general sense of hostility which really isn't a bad thing at all. But single-player, this is a massive pain in the ass to navigate, and definitely impossible unless you stumble your way to progress. Problem is there are Revenants and an Arch-vile in an incredibly narrow corridor you can't dodge and there's only a shotgun nearby with hardly any ammo and you soon start to see how unfun it is that way. I think I'd rather experience this in dm before crapping on it entirely though.



McCram 1 (or the castle) (1995)  by Mark Lawrence (Eternity)


Actually, probably better than the other DM map by Mark Lawrence i ran through. See, while you might want to be careful with the outside courtyard because of the dearth of ammo there, this is actually a challenging and interesting and varying layout. SP is basically trash, just flat-awful, but you wouldn't want to play it for that anyway. Not very visually attractive, admittedly.








LEDGESI.WAD (1994) by Mark Gresbach Jr. (Eternity)


Yet another version of the immortal LEDGES.WAD, one of the few deathmatch wads besides like DWANGO from the old days that anyone remembers. And I guess it does make sense. Plunging from one corner of the vaguely hexagonal level to frag your enemies. Running through the side hallways to grab some ammo and possibly encounter others. I'm sure these were good times. 6/10, I guess.









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E1M1B.WAD by Matt (1995)

DSDA / UV / 100& kills / 100% secrets


Yet another one of those '95 levels who found their way to /idgames decades later. As an added charm of times gone by when people didn't give a hoot about doxing and getting doxed, the .txt file provides an actual VOICE MAIL you can leave feedback to. I feel old all of a sudden. 


Anyway, this is a very large UD map and, considering it's the work of a then newbie, it turned out to be much better than expected. Progression is a fairly linear key hunt, with some ungodly backtracking but I can forgive that. There is a lot of surprising dynamism when it comes to the layout: lots of different themes, but there are instances of verticality and the texturing is, at times, very inspired. Certainly a step above your usual 1995 map. While it takes the E1M1 slot, it has more of an E4 feel to it, what with all the wood 


Combat is your stock '90s fare, but at least there are no excessively dickish ambushes. Ammo is tight, and so is health, but not to a point where it compromises maxing. The mapper loves spectres a bit too much for my taste, and expects the player to rely on the chainsaw (lol) way too much, showing their newbie hand a bit. 


Overall, a decent 1995 map, part of a project that, as far as I know, was never completed. Matt, if you're out there, good job! I'll leave a message on your voice mail (or that long dead BBS you mentioned in the .txt).





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anthill.wad | By unknown | 1994



The myschool.wad pandemic in the 90s was truly something else, wasn't it? Well, colleges and university campuses were also part of the fun. Here we have a simple and small level that's supposed to be based on the layout and architecture of the campus of the University of California. I couldn't really find any semblance, but I'll leave it to the imagination of the player. It is a very simple and rapid-fire WAD. Doesn't bring much to the table but it is manageable, and while the exteriors look like ass, the interior areas, withe various rooms and dining halls, look much better.


Back to square one | By Memfis | 2015



Brown is the key word here. Very simple and modest, if a little to messy to explore due to necessary secrets to progress, which really brings the rating down in my book. Other than that, it is a very simple and typical Memfis map. If you like modesty and vanilla-ish looks with a fast flow and outdoorsy style, this one is a nice addition to your collection.


Halls of the Unhallowed | By Stephen Whittaker | 2007



Another simple and brown little map that also has some puzzles elements here and there, which I'm not a big fan of. This map has a more tighter effort and circular layout with a variety of rooms and environmental challenges. It makes up for a fun little session and for its year, it's not bad at all.

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Dorks 'R Us: Graphics and Sound Replacement Wad, full version (1997) by Alex Bobby (Eternity)


A surprisingly large package of replacement sounds and music, along with a few sprites thrown in for good measure. The Undead Warrior has been changed into the Energizer Bunny, the Golem has become Barney, the Nitrogolem has become a gray brownie and finally, Ophidian is Doomguy. Hey, isn't this weird? Isn't this WHACKY? The hellstaff is replaced with something I can only describe as a candy cane gun whose animation is probably a little weak but still works. The replacement sounds aren't exactly much to speak of though. While there's nothing in the weapon firing sounds as annoying as the dragon claw, they are more muted than usual whereas the music replacements are your usual collection of copyright violating music, combined with stuff that sounds a little more like tradtional midi format, but not anything I can recall hearing. Still, this is amusing and completely 90s.


















Scarlet Haze (2015) by Sophie Kirschner @meapineapple (Eternity)


Someone really liked using earthy tones here. You have to admit though, the blood floor here's a nice contrast. And what's more, this isn't one of those boring brown maps. Each section feels lovingly constructed, from areas that have been damaged or bombed-out, to locations that might be primitive security stations to a dirt area that 's probably not unlike a back alley to the piles of dirt sitting seemingly everywhere outside the buildings along with some sort of altar-like structures, really show lots of thought and care given to the design. Which basically means that what's obviously a collection of some squarish rooms becomes a location that can even be said to be living and breathing. Although it can occasionally feel pointless, like where you gaze at a pinkie on a ledge from some oval-shaped room and you wonder why he got a time-out.


But the combat's no slouch, far from it. Arch-viles manage to appear where appropriate and there's hardly any health, so dying a few times should be expected at least. The hardest section of the map might be the yellow key room. You're probably better off having at least 3/4 of your health, and survival's not guaranteed even then because 2 Lost Souls from the back, an Arch-vile in the closet in the left side and a few HKs total on both sides is something I don't have the words for right now. You'll find yourself with an RL not long after this and by the time you head back to the starting courtyard, you'll face down TWO Arch-viles along with several Cacodemons and Revenants. It sort of feels like you're intended to use your SS on the Arch-viles, but they both died from my rocket launcher, so maybe that's not entirely guaranteed. But the Revenants will likely be some distance from you, so that's how I came to that conclusion.


I don't really have the energy to give this a proper rating, I think. Yet, I think it can still be said that fairly routine combat becomes considerably more intense by the tooime the yellow key is acquired and from that point on, it's non-stop tension all the way through. 8.5/10







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/\/\ental's Aftermath | By Lee Pennington | 1994




There is not much to comment on with this map. In typical 90s fashion, it's short and somewhat abstract, but easy to navigate. It has no major errors and, at a certain point, looks good thanks to its simple but boring visual structure. It has a certain charisma. I liken it to a map made by a kid learning the ropes, but following the right path. Only problem is that the exit is a red door, but they forgot to add the action needed to lock it lol, so you can rush right to the exit.


CD3.WAD | By James A. Mahlen | 1994




Another 1994 WAD released during December. A simple and medium-sized level with a variety of rooms and areas. Starts well with a little bit of action and Doom 1 style in gameplay. It does get a little too cryptic and cramped by the end, when you have to find the red key. Other than that, not bad!

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Year 2 Month 01 Day 31


I play until I die or intentionally stop. I don't comment the wad where I died/stopped.


[1] Coils of the Twisted Tale by James "Phobus" Cresswell @Phobus (2008)







This wad takes a look at a load of old crap I can't release, sees what it likes and uses it to its own ends. Its also a rollercoaster ride through an awful lot of different themes and areas. The scary part is, this is also a highly planned out wad. Not a sequel to Scars of the Wounded Prey. The aim here was to take the fun of those innocent years back in the 90s, and put them into a more modern wad. Jumping and Crouching required. This map works as 10 levels in one (hence 9 different music tracks (two used twice)) and has thrown realism out of the window so gameplay works like it's meant to. If ammo gets short, it might be worth not killing the monsters that don't have to be, or using alternative methods to kill them if available.


This huge gzdoom level will take you a lot of time ! Indeed, Phobus etablished 40:00 as the par time and I managed to complete it in 46:20, without looking for all the secrets !


"Coil of the Twisted Tale" has the particularity to be divided in chapters. Therefore as a book, it's completly linear and you never revisit the areas you explored. Phobus divided his level into 10 chapters and the whole contains more or less 700 monsters. The concept of this map gives me strong Deus Vult vibes, adding the fact it uses some midis from Donkey Kong Country. However, it's fortunately not as spectular and punishing.


Indeed, I don't know Phobus's wadography very well, but the exclusive use of stock textures, the simple detailing and the monotone combats show the work of an amateur. I don't say it in a pejorative way contrary to its own author which qualify his own old work as "crap". However, the quality of each section varies. Some of them irritated me such as the jail escape with the cyberdemon or the gore section which has lot of switches but few ammo. Anyway, Phobus did a great job at creating original themes with the stock resources and the use of sky texture as floor is strongly underrated ! The sky cavern or ruins were some of my fav areas. 


About the linearity,  it contributes a lot at transforming a long level into an heroic journey. Now, I still think a bit more optional areas would not have been too much. Some chapters are extremly short because of the lack of alternative path which could have helped to make them more remarkable. 


Whereas Coild of the Twisted Tale doesn't have ton of details, the zdoom effects add a specific flavor to this map , especially the ramps which are extensively used in some parts. The style could quickly become boring but the change of music and theme in each chapter brings each time a breath of fresh air.


At the end, it was a great classic adventure map using gzdoom features. The final boss sucked ass but it's rare to see a good final boss in a doom wad...


Grade : A-


I died in the secret level of The Classic Episode.

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I got to stay one episode above the thread # lol



Im back but after that 4 hr live stream - lets go back to one at a time shall we?


This vid starts with a flashback and some random clips then we get to fishing


first I found Pistol.wad, a wad for Doom2.by Ennead - it's a full episode so I wasn't interested but here is the link: https://www.doomworld.com/idgames/levels/doom2/p-r/pistol


Even tho I wasn';t interested in the above @Snaxalotl took the file - maybe she will play it some day and join our random ID games shenanigans


ok but what I really got tho was


DemonGate v.1.0 by Tony Lipscomb - https://www.doomworld.com/idgames/levels/doom/d-f/dmng8


- a run of the mill 1995 wad- that actually gave me hot flashes - @sandwedge @Snaxalotl @Dark Pulse & @Wilster_Wonkels were here too and tho the map was bonkers and boring/confusing - always a fun time with friends - Wilster helped me navigate it by peering into the editor and I seemed just as confused as I was at what I was seeing - it was so bad Snax had to take a shower I think


anywho ... yeah not much to say right - there was a random scrolling wall for no reason - unmarked doors & some lines hidden from the map for no reason - one room had a billon pillar switch and there was dark hit scan bits - a billion cells and a plasma gun for doom 1 lol - so yeah - lets see what happens next time - I will keep er going and if I ever get to 100 some day will do it live again - I see so many ppl gety gold and I mostly get not gold lol - yah not even sexy voxel doom could save this one


good times tho


@DiR did I mention how much I love these stickers you made of us?


Also fun fact, I see @Doomkid in the random ID comments so much - and a few times in the above vid - but not once in the 4 hr live stream - how that happen



Edited by Clippy

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9 minutes ago, Clippy said:

Also fun fact, I see @Doomkid in the random ID comments so much - and a few times in the above vid - but not once in the 4 hr live stream - how that happen

Memfis is also everywhere, but I think the Kid of Doom dominates the reviews in the DM section.

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Tech Fork | By Fuzzyfireball | 2011




A simple E1M2 replacement map with a lot of charm and simple polish. It doesn't try to be anything extraordinaire and it succeeds at what it sets out to do. Fast-paced and well done, the simplistic design goes hand-in-hand with the nostalgic style of classic Doom without getting into any uglyness. Tech Fork is a nicely done level that reminds me of those days when single-level WADs were far more common than now. It feels as if to make a WAD worth it, it has to be a multilevel WAD, but no, not at all, sometimes, the simple and small stuff like this one are the ones that get the most out of me.


Hoover damm'ed | By Jim Tanner | 1996




For a moment I thought this was the famous Hoover Dam map by Michael Reed, but no, this is something else, something, worse?


A deatmatch map actually, this little piece of work is quite the catastrophic failure in understanding flow and progression, and while it can be played in singleplayer mode, it lacks a proper exit, so there's that. It is not that bad tho, the visuals an design are quite interesting to admire for a 90s map, and the ''dam'' actually looks decent, if nothing like the real thing. The problem comes from the fact that it properly fails when it comes to DM fun, as it its too big, too confusing, has mazes, and lacks any sense of balance. So, is it worth checking out? Well, if you'd like to frag your best friend for a few minutes in some of the earliest hoover dams there are, sure. Better stick to the one by Reed tho.

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thinker.wad by Stanislav V. Kucherenko

DSDA / UV / 100% kills / 100% secrets


A full E1 replacement (minus the secret level), straight outta 1997. Has a custom episode name graphics, ugly but still it's not something you see everyday in wads from that era. It also uses the Doom2 E1 sky, first I see a D2 sky in a UD mapset. 

Sadly, all we really get is an almost full episode of shovelwareish levels, where few exciting things happen and almost entirely by mistake. There is no visual or thematic progression between levels: they all sport that sort of mid 90s-ish fascination with GREY juxtaposed with MARBLE, expansive perfect squares, no semblance of transition from a room to the other. E1M8 is the one level that sports some vague hint of an architecture, even though it's just your usual sketched-out ziqqurat. 

The rest is just more of the same: combat is entirely incidental, stuff like keyed doors is marked whenever the mapper feels like it, sectors are fullbright or pitch black with no apparent reason. 

More of the same, unfortunately I played worse but also played much, much better from those same years.










Edited by Thelokk

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mxk_d-11 (1994) by Denis Auroux (Eternity)


A fairly early '94 map showcasing absolutely no sense of visual design. While yes, there's nothing offensively ugly at first, the maze-like and highly reptitive layout don't do much to spark gameplay interest of any sort. It just seems like hallways were drawn and at a certain point, the color scheme would more or less randomly change. There's nothing wrong with highly abstract layouts but this comes across more as a particularly eager baby's first map, is largely bland and uninteresting, with maybe a few locations standing out from the rest (the Dis-inspired tree-like diamond-shaped marble temple at the end or the drainage ditch you'll see in a couple of spots).


Give it one thing though, at the least, Denis doesn't stuff every square footage of literally any room with enemies, despite the constant flow of action so it's still entirely playable. The beginning is rough in a number of ways though and constant Cacodemon shotgunning gets rather old after a while. And running up against ledges you can't climb up gets very annoying after a while. And the general size/shape of the rooms don't conceal any other interest points 3.5/10







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Thanks for playing everyone!


Today begins our 50th ER/iWA (or 100 weeks of continuous random wadding), so we have a very special event for you all: 


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On 12/30/2022 at 3:28 PM, LadyMistDragon said:

Blaze (Reedition #1) (2011) by Federico Milesi @MrFroz (Eternity)


Funny to see that this map was supposedly cleaned up to 'look less ugly' when it all just seems to be the same sort of uniform light brown everywhere. I guess one could say that there's a sort of Latin-esque earthiness to it, but the trouble is that it doesn't really approach effective use, no matter how much Mr. Froz may have tried. I guess he was just saying that misalignments and random texturing was fixed, but really, it's hard to get over the idea that "brown" is like a lazy man's texturing choice. Worst is probably being confronted by several Barons of Hell near the beginning. My skill was a little weak so I left after taking a couple of nasty hits. Further in, you get a pillar with some hell knights you won't have the ammo for, then square passageways on either side that will plunge into darkness if you end up taking the chaingun on one side. Though right behind it is an unmarked door with some light goggles, this was a little too close to 'unplably dark'. I did find most of the essentially unmarked secrets though, because many of the locations one might wall-hump actually hid some hidden rooms. I ended up not finishing when I got behind the yellow key door and found out the little baron face on the white marble wall wouldn't open. At that point, I'd had it. 3/10, maybe finishable, maybe not. I suppose it isn't the worst map by a newcomer ever, but what does that mean?


I apologize that you had to play that. I call that my "wow.wad" phase. I think I only uploaded it here on Doomworld for merely "archival" purposes, by that I mean kind of like recording a tape of your first crap and then storing it on a warehouse. I wonder what you might think of A Marine's Dream which was the level I did right after that one, at the time I thought it was a huge improvement.

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4 hours ago, MrFroz said:


I apologize that you had to play that. I call that my "wow.wad" phase. I think I only uploaded it here on Doomworld for merely "archival" purposes, by that I mean kind of like recording a tape of your first crap and then storing it on a warehouse. I wonder what you might think of A Marine's Dream which was the level I did right after that one, at the time I thought it was a huge improvement.

I might have actually wrote about that in an upcoming newstuff guide, but I think since that was uploaded in June or July of last year, you might have to wait a bit for that. I liked the E1 map you did the best though, that much I remember.

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1 hour ago, LadyMistDragon said:

I might have actually wrote about that in an upcoming newstuff guide, but I think since that was uploaded in June or July of last year, you might have to wait a bit for that. I liked the E1 map you did the best though, that much I remember.


Interesting. I'll be waiting for the upcoming guide.


By the way, that E1 map was released about seven years ago. Just today I released another Doom 2 level, Weird West, I wonder what you'd think of it.

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