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Corruption - [35 Map MBF21 Megawad] - (Back on idgames)

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Oh I messed up the Lightning portion for Map 23 in ZMapinfo when I was going through everything earlier, thanks for pointing it out! Fixed now, updated file on the same link.

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I love the look of some of these maps!

I'll try to play it soon-ish, but can't make any promises (I'm currently wrapped up in an Ultimate Doom project just as ambitious as this, called Cleanout, of whom I am both the project lead and largest map contributor)...

Congrats on the release!

Edited by epicyolomaster420
fixed typo

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Oh, a question: I remember map 15 on GZDoom did not have the custom colormap in the library with the hardware-accelerated renderer. Does that still apply?

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Just now, LuciferSam86 said:

Oh, a question: I remember map 15 on GZDoom did not have the custom colormap in the library with the hardware-accelerated renderer. Does that still apply?

Pretty sure the answer is yes, haven't looked at it with the hardware renderer in a long time though. Doubt that feature has been added.

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17 minutes ago, Floowand said:

idk how to feel about this "maps inspired by Back to Saturn X2 and Hell Revealed II"

I wouldn't look too deep into that, they're just where most of my ideas come from for certain aspects of levels and how the story is handled, the gameplay of Corruption isn't really like either at all.

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20 minutes ago, LuciferSam86 said:

Oh, a question: I remember map 15 on GZDoom did not have the custom colormap in the library with the hardware-accelerated renderer. Does that still apply?

This is unfortunately a limitation of GZDoom's Hardware renderer and not something I can fix.


It would be more accurate to say the the library uses a custom palette rather than a colourmap. The way it works in software renderers is that it is like the library is "underwater", and while you under water in that section, it remaps each colour of the normal doom palette to the new "underwater" palette.


The problem is that GZDoom's Hardware renderer only uses the first screen of the main PLAYPAL palette, and doesn't remap any of the colours to other palettes. This includes Invulnerability, Rad suit tint, Pain palette flashes, item grab palette flashes, and any underwater palettes.


This is the reason why it's really difficult to have custom rad suit, invulnerability, or pain/item grab palette changes in Hardware, since the actual palettes in the PLAYPAL except the first one are ignored, and for the ones that are editable, you must use DECORATE and are still stuck with a severely limited amount of colours to choose from. I don't quite know how GZDoom's underwater palettes work, but it basically picks a colour from that specific palette and tints the screen with it.

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I encountered two bugs in MAP01 while playing on UV in Gzdoom 4.10.0:

-A chaingunner and a hellknight were stuck on berserk secret pillar.

-One of the monsters closets was broken, see the screenshot. When I noclipped there, it looked like an archvile teleported above the revenants there, possibly because of messed tags?


I don't plan to play further because all the custom monsters and sounds are just awful. I know the "mutated monsters" are part of the story, but is there a chance you'd release a cleaned version later? I tried to clean it myself (like I do quite often), but Decorate changes and sprites are too numerous in this case.




Edited by Caleb13

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1 hour ago, Caleb13 said:

I encountered two bugs in MAP01 while playing on UV in Gzdoom 4.10.0:

-A chaingunner and a hellknight were stuck on berserk secret pillar.

-One of the monsters closets was broken, see the screenshot. When I noclipped there, it looked like an archvile teleported above the revenants there, possibly because of messed tags?


After looking into it, this is because the "spawnmulti" skill parameter for UV+ doesn't look at Boom's "Not cooperative" monster flag, so it is spawning monsters stacked on top of each other. I don't know enough about ZDoom stuff to know if there is a way around that, maybe @Graf Zahl knows, looking at the wiki for Skill definitions, there doesn't appear to be any way to disable those Boom flagged monsters.

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12 minutes ago, Firedust said:

Stunning screenshots! How much harder is Extreme than Normal btw? And why is the title of map 27 blank?

Xtreme varies by map, I would say Map 27 coincidentally happens to be the hardest level on Xtreme. Map 27 does have a name, but you don't get to see it until it is completed because it would spoil the main gimmick of the level ;)

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Tomorrow there will be a small little update fixing some minor issues I have found in a few maps, and also a slightly expanded version of Map 33. Mostly texture alignment and other misc. fixes that won't be noticed all that much.

Also figured I'd share some screenshots of the WIP Map 34!






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Well the update came out much later than I wanted due to my power unfortunately being out for basically the whole day, but I finally have this small update ready! Same link as OP, just minor fixes for some maps, and a small expansion to Map 33.

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23 hours ago, NinjaDelphox said:

Well the update came out much later than I wanted due to my power unfortunately being out for basically the whole day, but I finally have this small update ready! Same link as OP, just minor fixes for some maps, and a small expansion to Map 33.

Well I just realized I'm an idiot an never included the updated Mapinfos for Map 33, which added a bossdeath to allow the player to leave a certain area, make sure to download the latest version from the OP, sorry for the inconvenience.

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What kind of difficulty do you think your WAD is? if you could compare it to another WAD i may have played.  Lets just say i couldnt beat Sunlust Map 30 so will this be doable for someone like me? though i could always play on lower difficulties.

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57 minutes ago, Bozzy said:

What kind of difficulty do you think your WAD is? if you could compare it to another WAD i may have played.  Lets just say i couldnt beat Sunlust Map 30 so will this be doable for someone like me? though i could always play on lower difficulties.

I would say this mapset is more of a middle of the road difficulty, if you could get through all of Sunlust but Map 30 you can definitely still beat this on normal, but if you find the later maps more difficult (19 and after) I would recommend going to medium or lower.

Thanks to @Vile a whole bunch more issues and minor things have been fixed! A new updated invulnerability palette has been added, created by @Arsinikk, along with minor fixes to Map 02, 05, 09, and 14. Maps 10 and 11 have had a little bit of added ammo in certain areas. Download the newest version from the OP.

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Now we have yet another set of slight bug fixes and updates to maps! Currently the title demos are out of sync due to these changes, but will be fixed when Map 34 is finished since they aren't the most important thing in the world (And there could still be more fixes later on) Download the newest version from the OP.

Full changelog:


Map 31: Untagged an extra secret sector

Map 19: unblocked monster blocking lines in front of the exit doors

Map 20: Added 15 rockets, fixed timing of Green Caco spawns

Map 21/36: Fixed 4 broken teleports, monsters now correctly teleport in when you press the red switch

Map 23: Added 100 cells, new secret with 80 cells, you can now telefrag the cyberdemon by the red key

Map 24: Removed an incorrect flesh tree and replaced it with Bloody Mess 1, untagged an extra broken secret, Arch Vile Jump soulsphere has been replaced with an invulnerability, minor change to yellow key area

Map 25: Fixed some minor visual issues, untagged a broken secret, slight visual changes

Map 26: The optional fight now requires a secret blue key to enter

Map 27: Now shows the whole automap, has more health and rockets, slight visual changes

Map 28: Made the BFG invulnerability visible before actually grabbing the BFG

Map 29: replaced some firewall textures with a purple fire wall

Map 35: Fixed a missing texture

Other changes:
The pain chance of Cyberdemons has decreased significantly
Fixed the duration of a state


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4 hours ago, pampoo79 said:

google keeps fucking with me, I guess I'll have to wait for the idgames upload

Is something wrong with the link? Or is it an issue specific for you? If it's the latter I could upload a temporary download to doomworld.

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Back with another update, this *should* be the final update before Map 34 and the Zandronum patches update for RC2. A whole lot has been fixed and few minor things have been changed. All currently known issues in the maps have been resolved (At least I hope, can't wait for something obvious to be broken lmao). Full change log below, download the newest version from the OP.


Map 01: Cleaned up automap slightly

Map 11: New Super Shotgun Secret at the start

Map 13: New secret area, added a forced purple eye teleport

Map 14: Slight difference for the exit, no longer a forced death exit

Map 15: Fixed some issues, added a deathmatch area

Map 33: Added deathmatch starts and weapons

Map 31: Slight visual changes, made it much harder to escape from the yellow key fight

Map 16: visual changes, new secret

Map 17: Slight visual changes, added some enemies

Map 18: Slight visual changes

General changes:
The chainsaw now wakes up enemies just holding it
Fixed errors in texture2 for animated textures
Slight updates to decorate in both the main wad and Zandronum patches (Still unfinished currently)


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With GZDoom 4.9 I get this error "Corruption.wad:DECORATE line 1057:Sprite names must be exactly 4 characters and with Zandronum (using all 3 wads) I get "Script error, "Corruption.wad:DECORATE" line 396: Invalid state parameter a_settranslation"


this project does not like me

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34 minutes ago, pampoo79 said:

With GZDoom 4.9 I get this error "Corruption.wad:DECORATE line 1057:Sprite names must be exactly 4 characters and with Zandronum (using all 3 wads) I get "Script error, "Corruption.wad:DECORATE" line 396: Invalid state parameter a_settranslation"

Thanks for pointing this out, I was just about to post a new update, so I got it fixed up. I honestly recommend using anything but a ZDoom port until everything is finished because they will always be behind in terms of the decorate and stuff, and Zandronum and old ZDoom currently doesn't work at all.

Now speaking of that update, enough stuff has been added since the previous "last before RC2" update, so I figured I'd just post it and call it RC1.5. The cyberdemon has received a new pain animation that comes with 6 random variations, with the sprites being created by @EVILNECK , and updates to the radiation, pain, and item pickup palettes. The radsuit has also received a new sprite, and there are minor dehacked changes, along with some progress with decorate updates. See the full changelog below, and download the newest version here (Same link as OP).





Lost Soul damage has increased by 1
Lost Soul is now translucent
Sphere powerups are no longer translucent
Imp fireballs now have a speed of 12
Cyberdemon pain chance has increased from 1 to 5
Cyberdemon now has 6 randomized pain animations, all of which last 18 frames, with blue being the most common (Sprites posted below)
Cyberdemon death animation is now full bright (New sprites below)

Map 7: Added 2 Cyberdemons (Normal/Medium), 8 Barons (Easy)
Map 9: Visual changes after the blue door
Map 13: Visual changes in the northwest room
Map 14: Visual changes in the rocket launcher room
Map 19: Enemies now spawn in the 4 wings of the map after all switches are pressed and can lower the lifts, replaced 2 Arch Viles with Hell Knights, added invulnerability under the Cyberdemon.
Map 23: Moved the automap and made a new secret for it
Map 24: The start room closes once you leave it, added 2 Arachnotrons and 2 Arch Viles
Map 25: Visual changes to the red key and exit areas.
Map 29: replaced all FIRELAVA textures with purple versions, flat changes in the yellow key and chainsaw room

New Sprites:















A decent amount of progress has been made in updating the GZDoom decorate, missing the new cyberdemon animations and a spawner for an enemy, but is otherwise mostly caught up to the dehacked. The Zandronum version has not received any updates and won't until everything is working properly on GZDoom.

Also, for progress on Map 34, a new area is currently being worked on, the map is probably like 45% done or so.



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1 hour ago, Evil_Ascended said:

Almost same error as with pampoo79, except I am running with GZ 4.10

Thanks, got it fixed, link has been updated.

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