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Project: Unity Redux (11 Maps redone from Project: Unity!)

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Project: Unity Redux is now available!


First things first.. Happy New years everyone! Stay safe and here's to 2023!


11 Maps pulled from Project: Unity, redone to be longer, and much more fun than their original counterparts.

This time around, the WAD is complete. No more edits, no more updates. Good to go. I took my time with this WAD to make sure I get everything right. Hopefully I did lol.


Ports needed: As far as I know, anything limit removing should be fine.




Project: Unity Redux is 11 Maps pulled from Project: Unity, redone to be longer, and much more fun than their original counterparts, from new areas to explore and some existing areas expanded! No story was added to the WAD this time around, as I wanted to put more focus on the levels than worrying about story.. Besides, it's Doom...Who needs a story when you have demons to kill?



Console Doom Discord Community (public test wad)


See txt file included with the WAD for more credits!




Google Drive: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1uiDODYnsXGLKynfyHHnKBD6UZrphB9zh/view?usp=drive_link <-- Most updated version.


IDgames: https://www.doomworld.com/idgames/levels/doom2/Ports/p-r/puredux <-- Likely not updated, may have bugs.










Edited by THiEF
Updated download link for google/idgames

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WAD got a small hotfix for map 1, horrible Tutti-frutti effect has been fixed. Please report any issues if you come across them. Happy Dooming! :)

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Had fun with the wad, it has this charm from like a 90's wad but a lot more crowded.

Gotta say tho, Map 10 is such an insane difficulty spike compared to everything else, its up there with some of the hardest maps I've played so far due to how strict it can be to properly beat it.

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On 12/12/2023 at 10:15 PM, FEDEX said:

Yes, it works now

Good to hear!

To those who care, I've also dm'ed this WAD to sponge in hopes of maybe getting it onto the Unity port. Fingers crossed :D

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