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Maps which are similar to each other


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Sometimes while playing on a Classic Doom map or on some level in another game, you can notice: this map looks similar to a Doom level; and in case you're playing on a Doom level, sometimes you can also notice that it resembles a map from another game. 🗺️


For me a great sample of this is the map 03: 2 Useless Keys by @DynamiteKaitorn of the Doom II 15 speedmaps megawad The 12 Days of Doommas compiled by @BluePineapple72. I'm usually not a big fan of speedmaps, but I definitely like this one (as well as other maps in this wad). Because of the fact that the map represents a maze with the walls slightly higher than the player, it reminds me of a Quake 3 level, basically made for the DeFRaG mod, STONEMAZE by Pan-(G). And I really like this one as well. What I also find funny is the fact that both these maps were made as labyrinths, where Stonemaze would set a goal to test the player's speedrunning skills, while 2 Useless Keys would concentrate on being created fast itself. In my opinion, both levels' palettes are almost ideally suitable for Christmas.


In this case it's only 2 particular areas, but still, the cafeteria on another Quake 3 map CITY1 by KRAFTWERK2K1 seems somewhat similar to me in it's concept to MikeDonalds on the Doom 2 map Doom Center by @Doorhenge. Both levels have a skeleton as the only employee, and both those skeletons are supposed to serve burgers 😅 It may be just a coincidence, but still, I find very cool the fact that Classic Doom and Quake 3 mappers have spiritually similar ideas, it shows the unity in the way of thinking in our communities, even if it's unintentional.


And of course, not to forget to mention E3M1: Hell Keep and the secret map E3M9: Warrens from the original Doom. Warrens was literally built upon E3M1, it feels like Hell Keep's upgraded version.


If you can come up with some other examples like that, no matter if it's both Doom maps or only one of them, please feel free to share it here :)

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I've always felt that Doom 2 Map26: The Abandoned Mines, and Descent 1 Map 26: Pluto Military Base, were kind of similar because of the catwalks and grates. And that they were both the 26th maps makes it even more interesting.



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1 hour ago, Captain POLAND said:

I've always felt that Doom 2 Map26: The Abandoned Mines, and Descent 1 Map 26: Pluto Military Base, were kind of similar because of the catwalks and grates. And that they were both the 26th maps makes it even more interesting.

Hahah, nice observation) And the fact that this map has the words "military base" in its name makes it even more doomish ;)

Edited by Geniraul

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1 hour ago, Guff dotD said:

Literally any Dead Simple clone, there are too many examples to list them all.

I know that there's one in Generations Arena for Quake III.


from https://quake.fandom.com/wiki/Generations_Arena

My favorite recreation of Dead Simple would be this one. But this is already rather this thread:



P. S. Should have multiquoted, noticed too late.

Edited by Geniraul
should've multiquoted, noticed too late

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Funnily enough, I've never realised a possible Q3 reference. XD

Than again I've only played a bit of Quake 3 and whilst I have gone through the story mode once on the lowest difficulty, most of the maps have left my memory.

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Plutonia has quite a few 'tributes' to D2 maps, like two for the Abandoned Mines (map04 Caged, map15 Twilight), two for the Living End (map24 The Final Frontier, map27 Anti-Christ), and one for The Innmost Dens (map 18 Neurosphere).  

EDIT: And one for Circle Of Death/O! Of Destruction (map21 Slayer)

Edited by Maximum Matt
John Romero

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  • 2 weeks later...

Two more levels with similar colors that come to mind are Star Trek - Doom Invasion by Thomas Spaulding & Grant Jacobs and COMPLEX (Goldeneye's Complex) by SMKnight, which is a custom map for Quake 3. These ones are similar in the color palette that was applied to them: red, white and black. Furthermore, both of these two maps contain mazes in them and a reference in the title (GoldenEye and Star Trek).

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Plutonia MAP04: Caged always reminds me of Battle Fort from Super Mario 64 DS and vice versa whenever I play those levels. In reality they're not similar at all, but they have similar textures, a "cross" layout, and both maps were designed with multiplayer in mind, so I guess it's close enough for my brain to automatically give off the same feelings.

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Eternal Doom Map 12: Darkdome, and Epic 2 Map 28: Ogdoad are similar. They both share the switch hunt gimmick and have similar architecture in places.

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  • 2 months later...

I know that at some point I might be considered as quite a fan of all of these maps, but MyHouse.pk3 by @Veddge really reminds me of both



Doom Center by @Doorhenge and Altered States by @40oz from the Auger;Zenith megawad.


  • Why Doom Center: The abundance of Doomcute, some of which is food and can be picked up as items; cola machines; retro games' sounds; changing MIDIs; new mechanics; custom monsters; alternative realities; unexpected unusual ways to get from one place to another; transport; this Cerberus-like creature and that Street Fighter II gladiator being fast, heavy and difficult to beat bosses and having the close attack only; manipulations with the skyboxes.


  • Why Altered States: the atmosphere of spookiness; cursed stuff; that narrow corridor with the exact same texture; the police tape; lots of dark zones; two versions of toilets appearing on the same map, one of which has some blood on the wall on both levels; blinking lights on the ceiling; unexpected and direct transitions between different locations; alternative realities; at some point the inability to reach the exit, despite the exit being close to the player; some of the map elements repeating each other.

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  • 1 month later...

I came up with the realization that these two levels are similar while commenting on this thread:



Map 31: Grey Dwarf by @stewboy from Ancient Aliens and Comm Satellite from Quake 2.


Both these levels are secret and feature narrow corridors and larger areas with big fights. Another thing that they have in common is the space theme and aliens involved in the game story.

Edited by Geniraul
At first the post was sent too early.

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