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DBP57: Shatter Realm

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MAP09 breaks in complevel 2:



I think the two zombiemen in the following room are stuck in the ceiling, preventing the sector they're standing in from lowering.

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Ive maybe had issues on lvl 6, lzdoom default comp, the 2 pillars that rise up to get to the button that allows access to the yollow key rise up too far and i cant seem to figure out how to get across then... maybe im just dumb but it seems like a problem

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Updated the OP with a quick hotfix. An old version of MAP07 was included in the previous upload - the hotfix contains the most recent version.

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Hi folks, just finished Map 1 and I think I found an issue:


In the 2nd room (you take the slow elevator down to it), there looks to be 2 Monster Closets that don't open. On UV, they have a Revenant and 3 Imps each. 

I'm playing on dsda-doom on complevel 2, I also tested on Woof and got the same




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missing texture in map05 just outside the balcony in the secret area c:


love the spacious areas and ample monster mosh pits on this one ccc:

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Oozing with atmosphere. Maybe it's just me but this one seems to be a bit more on the tougher side than previous entries -- not that that's a problem, mind, but the difficulty of this one reminds me more of the earlier entries.


Not exactly a complaint or really even a nitpick, but with the changes to the palette making reds and pinks darker and the greens more toxic-looking, the blue range sticks out a bit like a sore thumb. It'd be nice if this were made brighter or a little more purplish, perhaps, to complement the green. I do adore the laser-focus on visuals that DBPs often have and this one isn't an exception.

Edited by segfault

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Map 5 has some visual glitches.  Linedef 11258 has a missing texture.  There are also some slime trails due to node builder problems scattered across the map.  Also, some of the door tracks need to be unpegged.

Edited by A.o.D.

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MAP03 is my favorite this far, the secrets are very "liminal space" stylized and it encourage well the player to find them.


This one particularly gave me creepy sensations :





I wasn't aware at all about finding this type of aesthetic since I was focused about eventual traps and the fact that it contrast highly with the map by itself.


Secrets out of question, the map is very cool and I like the gameplay.


Of cours the other maps are also top-tier.

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Noticed a missing texture in the first secret of MAP05 :





(here on the automap) :





Edited by Bri0che

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Absolutely incredible screenshots! The DBP crew continues to blow us all away - I'm looking forward to playing this one. (Although as the resident periodic table enjoyer, I feel compelled to be that guy and say it's spelled Bohrium.)

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Posting my playthru for the devs. It's just a casual play of map01-07, but there could be some valuable info for ya, maybe.
I had to skip map05, took too long to find doors switches and keys for my taste. but i couldve maybe just been too "tired" ;) Had a great time though, great work

i'll probably finish it today but at least this is most of it



Edited by fuGue_tv

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Wanted to pop in and show some love for all of you at DBP. Shatter Realm was a really fun set and took me about 3 and a half hours to complete. The color scheme was excellent and the levels were very aesthetically pleasing and the soundtrack included tracks that I found myself vibing to while performing acts of slaughter on those poor unsuspecting demons. 


Thank you DBP for all your efforts in creating all the levels we get to enjoy!

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Updated the OP with v3.



MAP01: Fixed the broken imps/revenant trap after the elevator. 
MAP05: Should have all of the bugs reported for this fixed, other than the doortrak pegging which was a creative choice by the mapper. 
MAP06: Fixed the issues with the pillars as well as various other changes.
MAP08: Updated version with various changes.
MAP09: Fixed the HOM/floor lowering bug and some softlocks.


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Hi all, revved up version v3 and loving it so far. My standout so far has to be Map 3 but it goes without saying that they are all amazing so far


Sorry to be a killjoy but I found an issue on Map 5:


There is an inescapable pit where a Cacodemon Rises from. They don't appear to get alerted unless you go really close to it so you have a risk of falling in





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mucho thanks for all the bug reports. They are being noted and squashed.

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Howdy Folks, I'm on Map 7 and hoping you could help me, been stuck on this for an hour (I hate asking as I love Exploration in Doom but I'm at a loss)



How do I access the Secret Fight? I've found the Door I need to open, the official Secret with the message and 2 shootable switches in the Opening area. However I'm completely lost!


Update: Ignore this - Found it eventually, thanks anyway :)

Edited by mancubian_candidate

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Finished this set tonight in a single sitting, UV pistol start, and was really impressed by it.  Maps 3, 6, and 7 were the standouts for me, and the visuals throughout were really on point.  I should play Map 8 again, because it didn't click with me, and I totally failed to find any of the secrets.  It felt to me like map 7 would've made a better final map with its more high impact action, but that's really just my preference.  Great work to all involved!

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Map 01 has one of the most crappiest secrets in a DBP wad had to noclip other than that good gameplay and a bit tight on ammo



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  • 5 weeks later...

Updated the OP with v4. Probably the final update, assuming no more bugs are reported.




MAP05: Fixed a softlock in the slime.
MAP07: Fixes a softlock, some texture anomalies, fixed things stuck in walls and fixed walls eating rockets.
MAP08: Fixes a softlock and an HOM


Also, for those who may be wondering where DBP58 is - it's delayed due to technical issues. Expect to see it in May 2023.

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  • 2 weeks later...

This is now finalized and up on idgames and the OP has been updated accordingly. Thanks for playing and thanks for the bug reports!

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