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[idgames!] Austrian Avian Association (AAA) - Twelve + Six Levels of 1800s Fun

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Just played the first two maps... wow. Amazing work you did there :) It has a certain Blood vibe, but then it is also very unique. Really love the enemy/weapon re-balancing so far.

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Beated it, very fun stuff! The theme and level of detail for this set is great, and I really enjoyed all the custom content.

Perhaps the first 6 maps are a bit too stingy with the ammo but besides that, good work.

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Played this all the way through yesterday, it's absolutely fantastic. The theme is really interesting and unique (I'm intrigued about just how much of this is based off of the original folklore and how much you made up on top of it) and I really like the custom sprites. I did have a little trouble navigating some of the maps (I'll put some suggestions in the spoiler below alongside some bugs I found), and I do think the wad gets a fair bit easier the further you get through it just because ammo is far more abundant in the later maps, but neither of these spoiled the overall experience for me. I would highly recommend this to anyone who wants to play a really high-quality, fun and unique total conversion, it's great!


Some things I found:


General - Firing the Elephant Gun with 2 shells remaining leaves you with -2 shells. This doesn't seem to break anything else, and picking up shells does still give you the correct amount, it just looks a bit odd.



MAP01 - You can get softlocked by running across the little border of the house into this part.



MAP04 - The sky transfers on the red key hill are a bit messed up, I presume this is because of them being differently tagged and the transfer lines having different offsets. If you set all the sky transfer linedefs' texture offsets to be the same, this should fix this. It might be a bit hard to make out in this picture, it's far more obvious in motion.



MAP06 - These switches are mandatory for progression, but are so dark they blend into the background entirely. I would recommend making these switches much brighter, as I had to look these up in the editor just to find them in the first place.



Entering this room softlocks the player, as there's a line in front of the exit door that has an action on it. If this line (Line #1551) were marked passthrough, this should fix that.



It's also a little weird that the exit in this map is locked behind a Tag 666 door when there's nothing indicating that. Perhaps a sign saying to hunt the Acrochordons could help this, I'm sure you could do it in a non-immersion ruining way.


MAP07 - The red key switch is pretty easy to overlook since it's tucked away in a dark corridor that you're likely to miss as the cave starts off full of monsters :P I would suggest moving the switch so the whole thing is visible from the main cave area, rather than just one side of the skull markers.




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I'd like to echo finnks13's sentiments (some in the spoiler) - this was quite a unique experience, one akin to those classic TCs in my mind, which kinda took me back in a strange way but it was a welcome feeling.



I felt that I had some ammo issues in the early maps but those completely went away in the final maps, and some of the progression issues like the use of a 666 tag with no prior indicator seemed problematic.  The issue with the elephant gun also affects weapon 6 if you have an odd number of bullets by the time you run out.


Regardless, thank you for making and sharing this wad. :)


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Thanks for the heads-up, y'all. I'm planning to release a patch with fixes + a few additions on Friday or the weekend, depending on how work goes. As for the Elephant/Maxim Gun's ammo thing, it seems to be a compatability thing I had no idea about during development. I might be able to fix it by lengthening the frames that do the CheckReload action, but we'll see.


Also, yeah, you need to kill all the Acrochordons in MAP06 to finish it (along with the three keys). I made that way too obscure on reflection, haha!

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4 hours ago, MundyC said:

Also, yeah, you need to kill all the Acrochordons in MAP06 to finish it (along with the three keys). I made that way too obscure on reflection, haha!

I'm glad you said that :D Will check again later if I can find where I missed some enemies (or are those the 'eggs'?).


Edit: Found the last Acrochordons. A hint that those need to be destroyed would be very welcome :) Onto map 7!

Edited by TheCyberDruid

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Checked a map out of this, and this is quality stuff! The death sounds were funny and the premise is entirely unique!



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I love this. So much character and charm to the whole thing. The sound effects and new weapons immediately won me over, and the maps are a genuine joy to explore. 

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Just played a little so far but I'm loving it!


Great work, and more respect for it being a one man project.


Gonna play the rest this weekend.

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A new update appears! v1.1 of AAA fixes 99% of the issues mentioned in this thread, and also adds some new visual flourishes. Go get it.






  • Widescreen-compatible graphics! The extended weapon sprites come with the base game, while the ones for the HUD and menus are in a new file, AAA_WS.wad.
  • Updated the Rogue Krampusling sprites to give them the iconic Krampus basket.
  • Updated the Tatzelwurm sprites to give them cat-like features.
  • Added version info to the title screen (and also touched it up a bit)
  • Very slightly increased 7.62mm pickup amounts from 15 to 16 and capacity from 150/300 to 160/320. This was done to increase ammo per level and also fix negative ammo issues when using the Maxim Gun w/ odd ammo amounts.
    • (Elephant Gun still suffers from the same issue, though this can be blamed on how every compat setting from Boom to PrBoom 2.2.X broke the CheckReload action. Thanks guys!)
  • Reduced the Reinigendestulpen's napalm ammo usage to 16 from 20.
  • Gave Der Ritter a new punch impact sound.
  • Minor tweaks and fixes.



  • Fixed a softlock that can occur at the western side of Katarina's house, and added a small ammo stash there.



  • Fixed the graphical issues with the sky over the red key hill. (I did this to every map's skybox, but this is the most apparent case by far.)



  • Added a sign at the top of the castle's main hall to point out the map's secondary objective.
  • Fixed a softlock involving the guest room's exit door.
  • Lightened up the table housing the dungeon's cell door switches.
  • Fixed the text screen's background not showing up in (G)ZDoom.



  • Moved the red key switch so that it's visible from the Leviathan skeleton room.
  • Added brightness property transfers to the ceilings of the lava river rooms.
  • Fixed a pass use action issue with the Factory map scroll secret. (I didn't need to do this as both linedefs can be activated separately, but it looks cooler if they go off at the same time.)



  • Added brightness property transfers to the ceilings of the final arena.


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This is stellar work.  I played the first two maps tonight, and look forward to playing the rest soon.  Unique setting, delightful replacements, gorgeous levels.  Excited to play more!

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  • 2 weeks later...

i can't believe this hasn't been a bigger deal. this is one of the more enjoyable things i've played this decade so far. absolutely positively awesome. great (and very tight) ammo balance, monster health is perfectly tuned, everything feels like a great expansion on doom's groundwork. second last map's progression was a little unclear because of key placement but otherwise everything moved along at a really great pace and i adored the atmosphere. being unable to really unload on enemies until later in the game made it all the more enjoyable to use all the awesome new weapons once i really could. all the new (original?) sprite work is SUPER great, too - all the prerendered lookin' guys. i'd love to see more of that.


the zelda CDi music is a wonderful choice, too.

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Amazing set, I had so much fun with it.


The weapon roster is my favourite thing in here, all the weapons feel so good to use and none of them is redundant. Elephant gun is super powerful, but is wasteful in terms of ammo usage unless used on very heavy foes, so the regular shotgun actually has more use. But this single shotgun also feels great to use. The Maxim gun is now my fav custom doom weapon ever, I can't get enough of it (to the point where I feel like I didn't get to use it enough in the set, I want more). I'm totally stealing this weapon concept thank you :p


Enemy roster is also fun, although some of the creatures are annoying as hell (revenant that spawns lost souls and blows up when dies so you cannot even melee him totally goes to the top of my "holy shit fuck this guy" list). Gameplay is not very doomy and feels a lot like Blood. 


All the TC stuff is great, very cool setting and main character, maps are beautiful and layouts are very neat. Secrets are creative and fun, ++ here.


A few nitpicks I guess:

1. Maps 06 and 07 progressions are too cryptic imo, even though 06 has a neat "tote es" sign, this fucking thing is way too hidden xd:



2. Ammo on maps 02-04 (maybe 05 as well) is way too tight on UV for my tastes (if pistol-started). I think this is especially noticeable because the maps are all sandboxes, so it's way too easy to follow the path that leaves you with no ammo and then too much time is spent running around the maps trying to find some ammo scraps in different corners. IMO all these maps would totally benefit from a few more buckshot boxes and a dozen more throwing axes.

3. Weapon autoswitch is super weird (picking up throwing axe with 0 ammo for all weapons switches you to mosin for example, and other things like that), but that's a limitation of a boom format, so yeah nothing to do about it (mbf21 would have probably handles it better although I'm not sure).


Anyway, super cool set, if anyone wanted to check this out but had doubts - go check it out, this is great. I would recommend playing in continuously though.

Edited by Ravendesk

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Just to add my two cents here since I see other folks suggesting the ammo is too limited, I played what I believe is the latest version and found the balance to be quite good. Ammo is definitely a problem in the first half, but in a good way that furthers the sense of scarcity and exploration befitting the setting. Every last throwing axe carries tremendous value. Maybe you could add more secrets -- to force players who run out of bullets to take some time poking around for hidden caches -- but personally I would not recommend adding too much extra ammo to the critical path. The other wonderful thing that the ammo deprivation does for this mapset is give the player immense satisfaction when they're finally given mountains of ammo to let loose and tear into the bigger monster counts at the end. In my opinion it all works out perfectly.


One issue I did notice was that the background flat for the text intermission is missing (or possibly just misspelled).


Delightful and unique little wad. Thank you for sharing it.

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5 hours ago, scwiba said:

Ammo is definitely a problem in the first half, but in a good way that furthers the sense of scarcity and exploration befitting the setting.


The other wonderful thing that the ammo deprivation does for this mapset is give the player immense satisfaction when they're finally given mountains of ammo to let loose and tear into the bigger monster counts at the end.

agreed - in a continuous play it worked out more or less excellently for me with a couple tight spots. i think to hurt that by balancing more for pistol start would actually be to the detriment of the experience here.

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9 hours ago, msx2plus said:

agreed - in a continuous play it worked out more or less excellently for me with a couple tight spots. i think to hurt that by balancing more for pistol start would actually be to the detriment of the experience here.

Ok, so I will elaborate a bit on my ammo experience as well.


For me when pistol-starting the maps, ammo was uncomfortably scarce (until around map 06) and made me spend a lot of time just running around the map in search of ammo. Or I would need to reload every time I missed an Elephant gun shot, but this is not fun.


But when playing continuously ammo stops being a problem at all, the ammo you can carry between maps solves all the issues. This is especially noticeable in map 05 because you can carry a Maxim gun from map 04, and as much as I love this gun, it is incredibly overpowered for how ammo efficient it is. Once you have it, ammo problems become non-existent. And using Mosin once you have Maxim is just a waste of ammo basically.


This also makes maps 05-07 ten times easier when played continuously. They don't give Maxim early when pistol-starting and you have to make do, but continuously you just shred through everything on these maps.


So yeah, it is ultimately up to wad creators what game experience they want to cater to more, and I'm not saying "noo, add ammo or the maps are unplayable". But currently I think continuous play experience is almost universally better than pistol-starting. Which is fine, but I wanted to give feedback on how pistol-starting feels as well.

Edited by Ravendesk

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Oh, just to be clear my feedback is also from the perspective of a pistol-starter. I do agree that the latter maps are easier than the earlier maps mostly due to ammo balancing, so they could definitely be tuned to be harder to account for that.

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Thanks for the recent comments. The MAP06 text screen does have a BG, I just removed the last letter of the texture by accident and thought it not displaying was a GZDoom error (and not a mistake I made).


Regarding ammo distribution - the WAD was designed for pistol starts, with a lower amount of ammo/health in levels to give it a survival horror feel. I do agree that it needs to be evened out, so I'll give a small bump in supplies to the daylight levels (MAP02 to MAP04) and strengthen the forces in MAP06 and MAP07 (especially the latter).


I am working on a six-map epilogue for this WAD, so there'll likely be a small update (v1.1.1?) with fixes once I get the original maps tweaked.

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There's something simultaneously adorable and terrifying about it all. The ammo scarcity (not something I'm typically a big fan of) and snipers work so well counterposed against the lunacy of batting off axe-wielding warriors with a broom as some sort of raven woman. And that contrast is hammered home with the carnival atmosphere and maddening music of the second map, all the little pens trying to entice you to gaze in wonder at the majestic beasts (I assume that's what they're doing: I don't speak corvid). It's all completely daft, but I'm terrified because there are dark hooded figures wielding flintlocks in dark hidden places and it's a TC so I have nfi what any of these creatures are capable of and oh shi- how much of my health did that harpy just take with a single hit?


@TheCyberDruid is on the money: this isn't just a bit like Blood because "axes and hooded cultists", it's a bit like Blood because it's bursting with personality, dragging you off to its own demented universe. Whole lot of fun to be had here - thank you, Mundy.

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Hello! I played this for the last two days and had a great experience all throughout. Here's several assorted thoughts:



- Maps both looked fantastic, compelling and cohesive to the story, and were fun to explore, read and clean up from bad guys. I especially loved how the passage of time was indicated through via the sky getting darker with each map. All the interactive mini stuff like the carnival games or the pictures in m06 were appreciated. I might add that perhaps there could have been some more little fun things to do with objects, imo.


- New arsenal is great - I found most each weapon served its purpose and delivered satisfying results, that I naturally thought of using them all in different scenarios (highly important to me). A big part of that was because of the low ammo in general, so that I was constantly cycling through all slots. The scissors (+cocaine power) were my favorite, one-shot cutting bulls and crocodile things. Big difference with the broom which as not affected by the powerup I must have only swept one creature and ditched it forever. Axes reminded me of REKKR's arrows, in that they're both projectiles, both of red colour, and much better than doomguy's pistol. The maxim gun was top notch and I'm glad it wasn't a rarity to find. The winchester and mosin never disappointed, surprising despite being mechanically alike their doom counterparts (the winchester mainly giving me good kills, wow!). Flamethrower was cool. Gauntlets, can't say much as there were only two instances to use them alone -- one as a final shot to the boss which literally obliterated her, lol.


- As for the elephant gun, very powerful indeed, while also wasteful as fuck, that your shells economy goes down drastically with only a handful shots. Now this is a fair trade. My only gripe came from autoswitch, as often times I would run out of mosin ammo then autoswitch to elephant. This happening in front of hitscan cultists or anything with little HP left did become a slight inconvenience after time. Not sure if this can be changed in dehacked though...


- About enemies, aside from close-to-instant attack (kinders, harpies), which I'm personally not a fan of, I quite liked what they got to offer. The crocodile thing... knochenmund minor, was the most amusing thing. They're visibly large yet physically much smaller, fitting through narrow gaps while the tail clips through walls. The major one was devastating, worse than a mancubus. The gold knight, krampus, axe shooters, tatzelwurm and harpy are among my favorites. I liked that the troglobite one had a melee attack apart from its archvile spell. The skeleton was one to keep a serious distance, and the skulls were a pain in the ass, interesting twist you gave them. I'll always like whatever reminds me of the arachnotron, but this kinder thing felt a little anti-reaction to me, for something that burps an ultra fast fireball (harpy's light bolt is at least slow enough to react to if rng tells them to shoot as soon as it sees me). Surprising to find out the hitscan humans don't have their facetarget time reduced, I thought they reacted quicker than the doom zombies, but nope, they're just equally cheap bastards. The boss and her arena changes were spectacular.


- Loved the new items. In real life I don't like sausages, and rarely ever drink wine. Here you take them to make sure your character stays strong and healthy, which is funny to me. 


- The low ammo economy's been mentioned already. I personally only experienced ammo starvation in map 03 on a first attempt, going through the tunnels where there were many knoch minors and single priests, so running out of ammo in front of those was logically awkward. The real issue was the beginning of map 04, and to a certain extent map 05, though I want to attribute that to a lack of accessible armor in sight, in order to tone down at least the inevitable hitscan and maybe skull hits in the back, since those added rng annoyance if exploring in the wild for ammo. On HMP I found the start of map 04 less abrasive, thankfully, while on UV I had to be extremely cautious and take it little step by little step. Not a fan of that personally speaking. Early and latter maps flowed more smoothly on that regards.  


- Like Ravendesk, this damn flower also took me a long time to spot lol. It was barely visible on my end, and only noticed thanks to hearing something grunt nearby, no idea what made the noise. Pro tip: don't change it :p


- Lol


- Damn that's fucking dark. I completely missed that sign all the time. As part of a secret hint, it's fair game I guess.


- In map 01, in one of the secrets, these two priests were stuck on the chairs. Intentional?


- At the final room in map 06, these teleport flashes were nonstop spawning all the time. I take that it was for additional chaos effect, which is cool. It's funny that you can block one spot to reduce the noise :p


- The "minimalist" secret in the same map was one of my favorite things to find. I hope to see more of that if someday you'll plan on a sequel or something.


- This is how the intermission text screen looks like in dsda-doom btw.


- The status bar is awesome. May I suggest recoloring the tiny skulls to match the actual pickups? it's a minor detail though...


Hope I didn't miss anything...



Thanks for making this!

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