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Looking for wads with multiple short episodes

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Hey y'all, as the title says I'd love to hear some recommendations for megawads with multiple varied episodes, that either throw you out to the main menu at the end of one episode or let each episode end with an death exit. I love the feelingof playing through a few maps continous and then getting reset after a few levels, after a certain thematic conclusion is reached. Of course, a few examples are appropriate: Valiant and Eviternity, to mention two modern classics, but also The Lost Magic and Temporal Tantrum for two more recent examples. I've probably played more wads in this style and structure but right now those four come to my mind.

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Tarnsman's Projcetile Hell technically has four episodes, though thematically it really has eight, plus a few out-of-theme secret maps. TPH is basically Valiant's evil cousin - expect a similar sort of high-octane gameplay, but with several extra helpings of evil traps and an utterly insane narrative on the side (yes, even more insane than Lunatic).

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Scythe 2 is the originator of this formula and probably the most obvious omission given that Valiant, Eviternity, and TPH have already been mentioned.


If you're willing to go beyond megawads, Scythe X and my own Vanguard have the same short-episode structure, but are techinically unfinished megawads. They are 10 and 12 maps long, respectively.


If you're willing to extend episode length a bit, Unholy Realms and Ancient Aliens have only 3 episodes (with a forced pistol start between each) stretched across 32 maps.


There are tons of short, highly thematic episodes, and you're welcome to play them back to back and pretend it's a megawad. I bet it'd be pretty fun. Here's a few ideas:


Mayan Mishap




Edited by skillsaw

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