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LUNACY (on idgames!) (cl-9, UMAPINFO)

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Played through the first 3 maps, and they're pretty cool! That 3rd map got surprisingly hard. The look of these maps have been top-notch so far, and those cheese textures are pretty silly. Definitely looking forward to playing the rest!

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Just sent a quick hotfix as I somehow messed up all instances of a texture in the wad...fortunately, this texture was only used twice, and both times in my MAP01 and 02, so I updated that. 

9 minutes ago, TJG1289 said:

Played through the first 3 maps, and they're pretty cool! That 3rd map got surprisingly hard. The look of these maps have been top-notch so far, and those cheese textures are pretty silly. Definitely looking forward to playing the rest!

Thanks! There are certainly a few challenging ones in here, but I think with the hard monster limit I put on it, it doesn't get too bad.

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It ain't gonna slide down easy, if it ain't cheesy!


Lovely screenshots, quality content as always from you guys. Will definitely play this soon.

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I am glad of being part of this project!
I was a little out from Doom in the past months but I always return. Maybe in the next months I will be part of the mapping team of PUSS again!

So many amazing maps made by all the team, congratulations to everyone. Stay cheesy!

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Wait, I am confused: is a spacesuit required to survive in exterior areas or not? At first, I noticed I was taking damage without it at the beginning on MAP01, but as soon as I entered the teleporter, I appeared to be fine. Is it there just for show?

Edited by Rudolph

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1 hour ago, Rudolph said:

Wait, I am confused: is a spacesuit required to survive in exterior areas or not? At first, I noticed I was taking damage without it at the beginning on MAP01, but as soon as I entered the teleporter, I appeared to be fine. Is it there just for show?

Outside Lunar areas are damaging, yes.

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7 hours ago, Death Bear said:

Outside Lunar areas are damaging, yes.

Then how come the area you get teleported to is not? I went ahead and rushed to the cheese without grabbing the space suit and I stopped taking damage. Do the areas with cheesy surfaces not count as outside areas?

Edited by Rudolph

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2 hours ago, Rudolph said:

Then how come the area you get teleported to is not? I went ahead and rushed to the cheese without grabbing the space suit and I stopped taking damage. Do the areas with cheesy surfaces not count as outside areas?

Correct. Cheese-only areas should not be damaging. That isn’t an oversight, and that’s why I did it that way in the first map.

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Whoooa looks cheesy! And I love it! Gonna try this out later today. I really love the PUSS series!  Congrats on the RC1.

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Ayyy!!! Everyone give a big ass congratulations to @Death Bear and the team for wrapping this bad boy up!!


By the way, giving a congratulations to the team means I get some congrats too cause I’m on the team. Gotta beg some to get some if you know what I’m saying. 

Regardless, Lunacy is a top shelf delivery from our team and I am super proud to have seen it finally earn its own release thread! The backlog shortens HUZZAH!!! 

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2 hours ago, Death Bear said:

Correct. Cheese-only areas should not be damaging. That isn’t an oversight, and that’s why I did it that way in the first map.

Oh, okay. I was just confused for a moment, because cheesy areas still look like they are in open air (no pun intended).


Keep up the good work!

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Sorry for the rad suit tint, but I believe this should be red not yellow since the door uses the red key (map 09). Only issue I've seen so far.Screenshot_Doom_20230612_171442.png.3e087cafdcb798c68ae1565ba1304cfb.png

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Played the first eight maps so far and must say this is hard mapset. Atm my favorite is map05. Love that feeling of motion when you're being forced to not stay at one place - it forces you to act recklessly sometimes ;) Will continue to play

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Been on a big Doom break, but I think this is precisely what's needed to ease myself back into the fold: balls-out, goofy, and more than a little bit spicy. You could tell it was gonna go hard when Shotgun Shwarma was the intermission theme. Big thanks to the bear of death and his woodland associates for this delightful slice of melty, lunar goodness.


I'm only a couple of levels deep (HMP, just finished the first cyber fight), but I felt compelled to do a video review nonetheless. I'm no Biomechanical, Sandwich or Stapley Stapleford, so apologies if this is a little rough:





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I've finished all the maps except for the secret ones earlier today. Been enjoying the speedmaps!

Upon starting from DSDA-Doom, a list of P_InitSwitchList messages popped up in the prompt:

P_InitSwitchList: unknown texture SW_MARX1
P_InitSwitchList: unknown texture LOVESW1
P_InitSwitchList: unknown texture LOVESW2
P_InitSwitchList: unknown texture LOVESW1W
P_InitSwitchList: unknown texture LOVESW2W
P_InitSwitchList: unknown texture OSWTCHC1
P_InitSwitchList: unknown texture OSWTCHD1
P_InitSwitchList: unknown texture OSWTCH01
P_InitSwitchList: unknown texture OSWTCH02
P_InitSwitchList: unknown texture REDSW01
P_InitSwitchList: unknown texture REDSW02
P_InitSwitchList: unknown texture SW1GOTH2
P_InitSwitchList: unknown texture SW2GOTH2
P_InitSwitchList: unknown texture SW1ADEL
P_InitSwitchList: unknown texture SW2ADEL
P_InitSwitchList: unknown texture SW1HELL
P_InitSwitchList: unknown texture SW2HELL

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Secret map (map42) is something, it literally blew my mind. But after i figure out what actually trying to say author, i was delighted by how it is consistent and logical map.

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Found this untextured platform in map 16. A small, very specific nitpick for progression in this map as well: Since I play continuous, I came from the secret maps with full shells and didn't try to pick up the SSG at the start. I then became very confused to why I couldn't get out of this starting room. I spent a good couple of minutes trying to figure out what was going on. Turns out, grabbing the SSG opens some stuff. Again, small nitpick that only a small percentage of players would probably experience. 


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Played the first half of this on stream yesterday, had a total blast!  Really amazing work, everyone, looking forward to continuing.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Playlist of my playthrough of "PUSS XXV: Lunacy" (currently as of July 7th there's 6 maps, I'm releasing them 3 a day every other day up to August 2nd when the journey ends) - link... 


@Death Bear Additionally, I run across a few cases of missing monsters, twice monsters didn't teleport from monster closet (MAP15 and MAP34), and one curious case of a Rev that got MIA during a fight (got stuck inside a pillar), details - screenshots and a vid in the "spoilered" section below.


Map11 To Brie or Not to Brie - Shadow Sparkle and Death Bear
- run across a case of missing monster, Revenant on a pillar disappeared right after 5 minute mark mid-fight, went looking for the monster later at around 8:00

- managed to replicate it once more but only once, it doesn't happen every time

Link to video with the MIA Revenant:


Map15 Can't See the Forest for the Cheese - Death Bear
- several monsters didn't teleport from monster closet


MAP34 - A Grate Journey - CyberosLeopard
- several monsters didn't teleport from monster closet



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2 hours ago, DemoGorgonZola said:

Playlist of my playthrough of "PUSS XXV: Lunacy" (currently as of July 7th there's 6 maps, I'm releasing them 3 a day every other day up to August 2nd when the journey ends) - link...

I appreciate that. I'll take a look into these.

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