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Megawads Where You Like Every Single Map?


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No End in Sight is the closest for me, I only didn't like Vile Cross much, but it can be forgiven, as its a secret slot map.

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Have to say Doom Zero. The comfort food vibe I get from playing the entire thing is unmatched, what with every levels having a good balance between gameplay, visuals and atmosphere.

Edited by TheNoob_Gamer

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Micro Slaughter Community Project. Fun punchy levels that get pretty damn hard by the end. Closest thing it has to a slog is "October Skeleton Appreciation" which holds the kind of weird distinction of being a map that I remember the name but not the number. But that's just because there's a decently long portion where you play it pacifist, using cybers to kill revenants.

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You know what....add Judgment to that list. I honestly can't think of a bad map in that bunch. It was just weird how a secret map concept got repeated in a regular map texturally if nothing else.

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1000 Lines 3. My favorite overall.


- maps that are challenging without being hardcore, beautiful without being overly detailed, and decently sized without devolving into huge epics.

- one of the best custom soundtracks by AD_79 and Psyrus

- interesting and fresh usage of OTEX

- three distinct episodes that avoid ending up in hell for once (Martian city, medieval, and tropics)

- good additions to bestiary, one per episode that are each used prominently

- great tweaks to weapons - instant weapon switching, faster reload for shotgun, assault rifle (best weapon) for chaingun, better pistol

- great secret maps that contrast nicely with the rest of the set (one minimalist, one slaughter)

- great final map that features a memorable boss without an actual boss fight and no IoS bs

- technical marvel considering it's all done in vanilla with dehacked

- interesting but unobtrusive mapping gimmick - all maps are built with no more than 1000 linedefs but you wouldn't know apart from a couple of maps and it never feels like it limits the quality of the maps; in fact it improves the flow since no maps are too long because of this limit but still decently sized

- despite no mapper contributing more than two maps, the whole set feels incredibly consistent in quality and tone

- damn good fun!

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32 minutes ago, Gregor said:


1000 Lines 3. My favorite overall.


Still waiting for idGames release on this one to have a second playthrough — one of the first PWADs I played, loved it, and I’d be really interested to see how my playstyle has improved, would I still struggle with the couple of harder levels. Good choice!

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I would probably say TNT Revilution, Deathless, Doom Zero and Anomaly Report for 30-ish level megawads.


I'd actually say No Rest for the Living for the commercial wads. Doom 2 and also Doom 2 the Way Id Did would actually both be close but there's a handful I don't like. 

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  • 2 weeks later...

It's a funny topic, because my favourite megawads all have that one level that I dislike and it's usually the final one. Eviternity and Struggle were mentioned here before, but I think the boss battle in Struggle is annoying (seriously, replace this sprite with SOMEMONG and it would fit right into a Terry wad), while Archangelus... just no. Epic 2 has a mediocre IoS clone at the end and JPCP has a couple of weak maps sprinkled throught. Then there's Cydonia with MAP31, an archvile jump puzzles feel out of place compared to the rest of the set.


The wads where are actually like are nowhere near my top list: BTSX E2, Valiant, TNT: Revilution are all solid at their worst, but IMHO don't synergise as well as some other megawads.


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Most i could say there are such episodes (both for D1 and D2), not counting as Megawads.  Even my very favourite Megawads have always that one map that i'm not looking forward to playing - doesn't mean bad, just that it's probably a bitch to play.  Except, i probably like every single map of the original Doom!

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On 7/16/2023 at 5:34 PM, Celestin said:

Eviternity and Struggle were mentioned here before, but I think the boss battle in Struggle is annoying (seriously, replace this sprite with SOMEMONG and it would fit right into a Terry wad),

Imagine a high quality megawad that is totally normal for 29 maps and only goes terry at the very last one lmao.

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Speed of Doom. First episode in this megawad is the best from all first episodes of other megawads, fantastic building to atmosphere and punchy gameplay, incredible way of balancing levels for almost every type/skill of players, overall aspect of "every map as a different adventure" done so damn well. Megawad of All Time, hands down.

Second i'd mention Scythe 2, also liked almost every map in this one, maybe some maps are not really memorable but definitely not bad and most importantly - not boring and enjoyable to carry on playing.

Edited by MAN_WITH_GUN

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According to the most recent impressions, I can also add Doom Zero to my list. They didn't deteriorate at all after the second passage. And after the third.

Edited by RaRu Des2122

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Hopefully, larger total conversions count as well.



I think the best slaughter megaWADs succeed to be nearly perfect thanks to the focus on gameplay and tactical choices, just like the megaWADs that are the reachiest visually which have just astounding and stellar color palette and architecture (maybe new techniques as well). For me if at least one of the following is just absolutely outstanding: visuals or gameplay, then the WAD is probably one of the best WADs ever made. Although it should be really on the highest level for that, just like in some of the megaWADs that I mentioned above.


P. S. This thread should probably be in WAD Discussion.

Edited by Geniraul
Added Zeppelin Armada.

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On 7/5/2023 at 8:05 AM, Azure_Horror said:


Very strong contenders (where I like almost every map):

- ...

- Down the Drain

- ...



Though I haven't been able to finish that wad (map 15 was cruel to me, but 16 was just too much hehe), I tend to agree. Up until those maps, I was thoroughly enjoying each one and even getting excited in anticipation of what the next one would have to offer. And even with the maps that made me stop playing, it was mostly because my skill wasn't (and isn't) there yet, but they seem like really fun setups for people better than me at the game. The architecture is mostly simple and pragmatic (as in, it's there to spice up the combat setups) but it gets beautiful and grandiose at times. The combat itself pretty much always either is lethal, or makes you think that it is, so it's a tense and rewarding experience. I also really liked the music choices.


So I just wanted to shoutout Bejogami's work on that set, I was in love with it while playing the first half and I'm looking forward to finishing it down the road, when I get gudder.

Edited by Gravepicker
spelling mistake

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4 hours ago, Geniraul said:

Hell Revealed by Yonatan Donner & Haggay Niv

A bold choice, but one I wholeheartedly agree with! Sure, HR1's gameplay on UV hasn't aged very well at all... But the levels themselves are great. I've even had this idea, in the future if I gain more capacities as a mapmaker to remake HR1 and make it more palatable to modern tastes.

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3 hours ago, DSC said:

A bold choice, but one I wholeheartedly agree with! Sure, HR1's gameplay on UV hasn't aged very well at all... But the levels themselves are great. I've even had this idea, in the future if I gain more capacities as a mapmaker to remake HR1 and make it more palatable to modern tastes.

I really agree as well. I mean, while I acknowledge the HR1 has some hiccups which are very apparent when attempting pistol starts on UV, like I do feel that at times, the problems are more to do with the ammo and monster balancing that occur in some of the maps, case in point taking out groups of the stronger enemies with weak weapons like a shotgun, the levels are well designed, and while Yonatan's earlier maps aren't all that much to laud about, though they're decent at best, his later maps in which he applies Milo Casali's mapping sensibilites are undoubtedly of high quality by 1997 standards, with a good portion of his outdoor scenarios echoing Plutonia. All in all, I don't think HR is that bad as many people like MtPain27 make it out to be. Indeed the maps could have been better, but they're not deserving of the bum rap they get.


Other megawads where I like every single map include Alien Vendetta, Eternal Doom and Requiem, even though they may occasionally throw in a subpar level. Still, the majority of the maps in these megawads are excellent with so much to enjoy.

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