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DBP60: Eldritch Voyage

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I'll check this out tommorrow, looks neat! Would be interesting to go deeper into an Eldritch theme. Maybe some shadow over Innsmouth.

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Feels like Zeppelin Armada just released! I like this this theme too. Haven't played much yet, but I like the reflective water effect in the first map (inspired by KDiKDiZD?).

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Very good stuff, I'm on MAP05 at the moment but can't figure out how to get back to the yellow door after the floors have raised. Is this supposed to be played with crouch or am I just dumb and missed something?

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49 minutes ago, DreadWanderer said:

Very good stuff, I'm on MAP05 at the moment but can't figure out how to get back to the yellow door after the floors have raised. Is this supposed to be played with crouch or am I just dumb and missed something?


What do you mean? You cannot exit from the yellow key area after getting the key even if you press the switch in the small cave between the stationary arachnotrons?


Edited by MortisCausaDonatio

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1 hour ago, MortisCausaDonatio said:
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What do you mean? You cannot exit from the yellow key area after getting the key even if you press the switch in the small cave between the stationary arachnotrons?


Hi, thanks for the reply. No, I mean that after I got the yellow skull key, I can't go back to the yellow skull door because Doomguy doesn't fit through. Screenshot attached.


EDIT: Worth mentioning the fact that the door behind the yellow key (where the arachnotrons presumably are) has not opened. More screens attached.




Edited by DreadWanderer

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48 minutes ago, DreadWanderer said:

Hi, thanks for the reply. No, I mean that after I got the yellow skull key, I can't go back to the yellow skull door because Doomguy doesn't fit through. Screenshot attached.


Weird. Don't remember touching that door but might've accidentaly lowered it during the finalising. I check it out.

Edit. I think i found it. An unused WR line i missed causes all the ground tagged 0 raise up. I submitting a fix. Sorry.

Edit2. in the final phrase I tested the map with the wrong complevel. I trying to get around it. Sorry for the inconvience

Edited by MortisCausaDonatio

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20 minutes ago, MortisCausaDonatio said:

Weird. Don't remember touching that door but might've accidentaly lowered it during the finalising. I check it out.

I think i found it. An unused WR line i missed causes all the ground tagged 0 raise up. I submitting a fix


Cool, thanks a lot, will post updates once the fix is ready and I replay the level.

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1 hour ago, MortisCausaDonatio said:

I fixed the accidental softblocks in MAP05. Until further update i put it here. https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/7g9e40hg6svif7gxm3h3j/DBP_60.wad?rlkey=uyxox2pygpbs9e8wita9al4ud&dl=0


Can confirm that the level is now completable. I guess I always had the feeling that the raising of the floors was a bit weird. Thank you for the hotfix!

Edited by DreadWanderer

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14 hours ago, matador said:

MAP01: "Trial of Cthaat"

MAP14: "Eldritch Voyage"

These are misspelled in dbp_60.txt, UMAPINFO, DEHACKED. Tsk, tsk.

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On 8/2/2023 at 10:21 AM, matador said:


10 seconds of the game and immediately the question is: what happened to the liquid?

Why does it look like single static texture, which is just moving?

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Just finished playing, S tier wad! Damn the dbp themes are allways so cool including this one. wouldn't it be cool if the theme was ''Liminal spaces'' sometime, *blinkblink* just a suggestion :)

Edited by natashanightmare

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Always enjoy playing these. Attached fdas for the first six maps. Map03 has some monster-in-floor traps that don't spring approaches from some directions. It's possible to softlock by killing the monster in them and then falling into the pit. I downloaded the wad before the fix for map05, so got couldn't play it properly sadly.


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So far I enjoy DBP60 immensely, I am up to MAP08.

Wonderful architecture and texturing. Thank you.


In MAP05 I came across a small hom in this sector






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I've updated the OP with version 1.1, which should fix all of the bugs reported so far.





- Fixed txt file typos, misspellings, and misattributed music tracks.

- Updated COLORMAP that fixes the red range.

- Various fixes for Maps 3, 4, 5, 6, 10 and 14.

- Dehacked/UMAPINFO fixes.



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What's the comp level intended for this project? Going to play this soon :)


Edit: also, is this UV focused?

Edited by nobleflame

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10 minutes ago, nobleflame said:

What's the comp level intended for this project? Going to play this soon :)


Edit: also, is this UV focused?


The wad is Vanilla compatible, so use complevel 2.

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