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1x1 [MBF21] (Final Release)

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1 minute ago, General Rainbow Bacon said:

map 13 you just die upon entering immediately

that's a known gzdoom issue, we couldn't maintain the intended effect outside of cl21 accurate ports (dsda, woof), and the rest of the map is broken regardless, thanks to tight voodoo closet timing.
if you are playing in dsda or woof and you can't move at all, let me know

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This looks extremely sick. Congrats to all involved for seeing the project through to completion. I kind of wish all the maps had the 10x10-style entry room, but it looks like a fun set all the same.

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10 hours ago, ryiron said:


I am making some progress: 1x105-progress.zip. Really fun map. 

Nice attempt. I like your strategy of running past the first fight and then using arachnotron to infight in the next room. I think you died mostly because you missed the green armor which is right near the lift after the plasma fight, that should help for sure.

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I'll try this once I get around updating my ports. I know I won't be able to beat a room of this but I'm going to walk around and admire the architecture and texturing  -- or texture alignment, more like. The idea of this is fantastic in my opinion, and I'm def going to make a few large areas with just one texture for a wad I'm planning... The screenshots look amazing and I've seen that one map played by Kinetic and that raised my curiosity instantly.

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What an amazing set so far, also @msx2plus your mapping style/music choices are so unique and evocative. Always look forward to playing your maps.




@akolai, MAP13 is such a work of art. Wow.

Edited by Bank
additional praise

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I've played up to map 12 so far on HNTR, been having a blast! It's insane how well the maps look with such strict limitations, well done to everyone.

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@El Inferno I already mentioned this to you in brendan's server, but just to broadcast this message publicly, Map21 has one of the coolest endings to a map I've ever seen, honestly up there with the end of Mag03 and fcff07 to me, just an insane thrill and quick escalation into insanity. A map has not forced me to smile uncontrollably like that in a long time and maps often don't. The whole map concept was great as well and feels like a giant amorphous scramble, one of the best maps I've ever played. And no I don't think the ending needs to be made any harder, it's perfect the way it is.

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Hi folks, 


played Maps 1-4 and really enjoyed them! 

I am absolutely not the pedigree of player for anything past this these on UV (I had to save/load about 100 times in Maps 3&4 haha) so I'll try these more casually on lower difficulties for the time being.


Well done, Map 2 was an early highlight for me!



Here's a ol' UV-Max of Map 1:




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On 8/20/2023 at 10:26 PM, mancubian_candidate said:

Well done, Map 2 was an early highlight for me!



Glad you enjoyed the map :D My focus was definitely more around aesthetics and themeing than combat and gameplay, happy to be one of the easier maps in the set since im not exactly the greatest doomer myself.

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RC3 is out! Be sure to check the (laughably long) changelog in the OP!


Once again, massive thank you to everyone who played the wad so far <3 <3 <3


RC3 (link removed as of 9/12/2023)

Edited by brendondle

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  • 3 weeks later...

Man this release is awesome!

Usually I am not quite fond of those put-some-restriction-on-a-projects-and-call-it-a-day, but this one does not seem to be at all bogged down by these restrictions. Great design. Great ambushes (so far) and decent weapon placement.

The only thing that bums me out (a bit) is the focus on certain mapping tricks that need certain ports to work properly. You might loose out on a lot of people with those compability issues. I think D64D2 dealt with that issue quite well, adding vanilla versions of those maps inside of the megawad that could cause such issues. I found that approach quite elegant ;). 


However this seems to be a great release and I would love to give you more detailed feedback as soon as I find time to play more thoroughly (playing RC3 right now)

Edited by kyo

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RC4 is out! This should hopefully be the last version before uploading to idgames. If no one finds any issues in the next week or two then this should be final :)


RC4 (link removed as of 9/28/2023)

Edited by brendondle

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  • 3 weeks later...

um btw, holy shiz for real. I booted it up and just cycled through the maps, and man... yea this is gonna be something when i get to it. So many rich concepts.


thanks so much for it :)

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  • 2 months later...

Wanna thank @Kinetic for listing El Inferno's map here as one of their favs in that memorable maps thread. I was already pretty receptive to playing more Inferno maps after sampling Dance on the Water (up to map03, which is taking time for obvious reasons), and this is as great as promised. The end sequence isn't as demanding as I've come to expect from this author's levels, but it's still quite cool anyway and acts as a neat bit of catharsis after a rather grueling sheepdog exercise.


Also, what's with those two cells in that one secret? Great to know that the effectively infinite BFG at the end can use an extra shot!


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Thank you @Catpho :) That ending sequence was a very spontaneous idea and I'm glad people ended up liking it so much


Re the secret:


The 2 cells there is mostly a meme, I didn't really want to reward player in that secret, that wouldn't really be in the map character to do so. But that extra bfg shot can come in handy if you get bfg first and then backtrack to the secret area. You'll then have 3 shots instead of 2 - quite a difference :p


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  • 1 month later...

Great wad! Thank you! 

I was wondering who made the music for map3 and if it's original or is something like Radiohead... it's damn good. I couldn't find a music list.

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13 minutes ago, kain967 said:

Great wad! Thank you! 

I was wondering who made the music for map3 and if it's original or is something like Radiohead... it's damn good. I couldn't find a music list.

Check out the Doomwiki article on 1x1 for a complete soundtrack list. I added it a few days ago.

Edited by Gregor

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