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Which map has your favorite smaller living spaces or houses that are set in a broader environment?

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To clarify what I mean by "smaller living spaces or houses that are set in a broader environment." 


*clears throat*


- myhouse.pk3 and myhouse.wad don't count


Neither would A Visit to the Creep Doctor, or most oldschool Myhouse maps.


Those are all, or close enough to, singular houses that are the entire point of the map (diegetically at least, even if not in the editor). 


I don't want to pick on the named maps or anything -- just trying to define the bounds of the thread, and those are some recent very recognizable maps to do it with. This has been on my thread idea list for longer than those three maps have been out.


- For positive examples of what does count, think structures like this group from Avactor, which often are so simple they have only one room: 



Or on the larger end, many of the houses of Lost Civilization, which can be complex but are usually just a small portion of the overall layout: 



This smaller or simpler type of house tends to have a very different purpose and aligns with a different experience than the "whole map is one house" type, and it's these that I have been thinking about lately. 


Out of all the levels you've played that contain them, which level is your absolute favorite at using smaller living spaces like these and why?

Since this is a thread I started, all replies must be 500-word mini-essays minimum. :P (I'm kidding.) 

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The end goal of Map11 of GOODWAD is to climb a mountain so you can return to your cozy shelter at the summit:




Complete with accompanying doomcute outhouse.

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in terms of "what is the best interior space enclosed by the rest of the map", a lot of the examples that come to mind for myself are the ones in the og games. The infamous building w/ an arrow pointing to it in Doom 2 is not the best in that game, though. My money has to go to the bizarre guts house in Suburbs. Here's a clip of BigMacDavis walking through that building: https://youtube.com/clip/Ugkx9mgF7VGEj7_bKhYHx8BFC0PO8ORX91Ml?si=iepYN_67-QJ4TdDd




Idk. This thing has been living rent free in my head for years.


If it has to be a living space of some kind, specifically, Doom has very few examples, if only because there arent a lot of spaces in Doom that are actually like, supposed to be something specific. But the same map as mentioned above does have Sandy Petersen's house. So that's cool (and relatively well known by now).



As for my favorite example of this, it's tricky, but I'd have to take this moment to highlight the entire second act of the DUMP Episode 2 map "throughfare" by mapper eevee (possibly this @Eevee? but im not sure), which is full to the brim with little doom building's interiors and the doomcutes therewithin.

image.png.23222294234a2f14e9279ee6ae0fff81.pngLike this pinky taking a bath lol.


The reason it stands out to me so much is that you teleport into one of these buildings without realizing you'd seen it from the outside before until you find the exit. It's a very striking moment.


Edited by OliveTree

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I don't remember the map name but honestly a lot of the city maps from Hell on Earth Starter pack/ Extermination Day can count.


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Voodoo Guns by Eternal: both levels are big city maps with lots of beautiful buildings you need to explore.

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Nobody wanna live in those lush as fuck Auger:Zenith apartments? Because I would. Without demon infestation, of course.

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The majority of TNT2 Devilution's MAP30 has a bunch of real comfy living spaces in what's essentially a colony built inside a massive organic being:










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Requiem map 13, and many of the Batman Doom levels. There were also some very neat-looking "real" places in Hellcore 2.0, allthough those weren't the best levels to play.

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7 hours ago, baja blast rd. said:

A Visit to the Creep Doctor [does not count]

But what if instead of the Creep Doctor we visit Dr. Marina Katarina Berger, an Austrian-Hungarian bird from 1898?



This is Map 01 of Austrian Avian Association, a Boom total conversion mapset by @MundyC.

Austrian Avian Association has many cozy living spaces! But the house from map 01 is my favorite.

Edited by Azure_Horror

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And also, how could I forget - the house segment from MAP08 (or was it 10?) of A.L.T. - Recall is its name, I think.

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The opening building of Map 02 from Sacrament (no I'm NOT spelling the name out but its a stretch anyway)


Farmhouse in The Farmhouse from Lost Civilization.





Edited by LadyMistDragon

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Thought of these two right away:




This is from Bellatrix by franckFRAG, a beautiful wad with tons of doomcute of the cutest quality I've ever seen. Many you find in isolated places that feel calm, like here. Something that sticks out for me is how you're supposed to grab the soulsphere, it's not obvious at all. This area is secretly hidden so go look for it for yourself :)




I made this. I wanted to make a small building where you can still see the skybox over it, a simple way of faking "realism" in vanilla. It's not cozy at all, in fact a cacodemon will spawn inside at a certain point. The corpses are his collection, and he's proud of it. 

Edited by galileo31dos01

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