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Mappers you wish to see make a comeback


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Apparently the last time Jan Van Der Veken released a map was 2016, so he's a valid pick, I think.  I'd also like to see Bill McClendon make a return, but I think that's a much longer shot!


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Thomas and Denis Moeller - please please please please  P L E A S E  come back!! i absolutely adore their maps. from the way they constantly criss-crossed their layouts, their tendency to give glimpses into other areas through windows, their obsession with compblu, how their layouts would always be changing and opening up new areas, their vicious traps, thomas's fantastic textures and sprites that he somehow managed to make with a god-awful program that didn't even have a fucking fill tool or a zoom function...they were such wonderful mappers, they really were. they were like german casalis. i wish they'd come back, not only to have more of their stuff to play but also because i wanna ask them a million different questions.



Matthias Worch - he's busy working on fortnite now, but it'd be really cool to see him come back and make a few more maps. he was excellent at making stuff that utilized loads of neat tricks and clever traps, and i really admire how he was able to make the player feel like they were being sadistically toyed with. not to mention how skilled he was at making dynamic layouts, my god...


Anders Johnsen - he's one of the best pre-sunder slaughter mappers out there, imo. they always had really great layouts and some of the best combat of their time; it's a shame he only made stuff for alien vendetta, i would've loved to see where he went from there.


Gusta and Erik Alm - these two are obligatory and don't need much of an explanation


Jens Nielsen - i'm gonna go ahead and agree with jimmy on this one. the guy would always make these maps that honestly played really well, but then he'd go ahead and ruin them with some of the worst switch hunts imaginable, almost as some sort of sick joke. he's far from my favorite mapper, but i think his maps are kind of hilarious in an odd way lol

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American McGee! Given he's now retired, he'd have a lot more spare time and could easily return to making some Doom maps just for fun. Just imagine the cool shit he could make with modern resources.

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People have already (rightfully) brought up Sandy Petersen and American McGee, both of whose talented mapping hands I would also love to see behind the wheel of the beefy builders we have today, but what about Shawn Green? Bloodfalls isn't winning any awards, but E4M3 and E4M8 are still a big chunk of fun today - especially E4M3, which hits the spot for me. One of my favorite IWAD maps.


Also, Leo Martin Lim! Apparently Romero considers Doomsday of UAC the first standout map released by the Doom community. I'm not sure how early it was that Romero played LML's map, but imagine the world today if id Software had taken notice of the map early on and brought his hands on deck for Doom 2. That would have been fuckin' awesome.

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Drake O'Brien and Christopher Buteau of course XD:)


Otherwise......I don't have any good answers. Maybe some of the better folks from Memento Mori (Jens Nielsen, Mattias Worch and Thomas Moeller all come to mind) or something but at a certain point, why?


Oh right, Gusta! Eternal too.:) And Rex Claussen.

15 minutes ago, NuMetalManiak said:

It always interested me that Andre Arsenault made just one level ever (MAP16 Deepest Reaches of TNT) and then he disappeared.

To say nothing of Gregg Anderson who did the map Feeding Frenzy for Icarus, which was kind of well-realized for being his only known map 



Speaking of Kurt Kesler, he actually seems to be planning to release something soon-ish, hard as that was to believe at first.


But I would like to see Tom Mustaine and Mattias Worch make some more Doom maps, perhaps when they retire, like I suppose Sandy would have to. Dario Casali would also be good, but that seems up in the air right now.

Edited by LadyMistDragon

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Speaking of projects, Invasion 3. The Invasion 2 text file lists the cast as 



Invasion 3, in progress by the follwing (in order in which they joined
the project)

Paul Fleschute (coordinator)
Paul De Bruyne (levels)
Roger Ritenour (textures, levels)
Paul Maurone   (textures, levels)
Nick Baker     (textures, levels)
Simon Z.       (levels)
Paul Zimmerman (levels)


I think it's realistic because there are plenty of Pauls in the community.


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Sphagne. Is known mostly for some big but interesting maps in the Community Chest series.


Seconding Bob Evans, B.P.R.D., Sandy Petersen, Sverre Kvernmo (who it seems is still active in the forum and every 5 years or so releases something), Use3D (idem), and the Casalis. I'm not so much a fan of Erik Alm (save some of the later Scythe2 maps) but it would of course be interesting to see what he'd do in a modern context :)

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7 hours ago, LadyMistDragon said:

Drake O'Brien and Christopher Buteau of course XD:)

Christopher Buteau only released two levels, Habitat for TNT and Shuttlecraft for Icarus. Habitat has a lulzy reputation, but the latter is actually a more proper level, showing that he progressed as a mapper. Would be curious to see how better he could get if he managed to stuck around.

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Shit I’m not sure anyone has mentioned Richard R. Ward. He was one of the best mappers and doomcute pioneers in the dawning days of mapping, and RRWARD02.wad in particular stands as one I still draw inspiration from (set in place early on my love of sprawling slow-burn maps). I do wonder what he would do if he came back to it.

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(With respect and thanks.)





Drake. O. Brien.

Edited by Kyka

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Tom Mustaine

Casali brothers

King ReOL

Sandy Peterson

Erik Alm

Damian Pawlukanis

Anthony Soto

And others .....


Dr Sleep

Ty Halderman


Kim André Malde


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18 minutes ago, OniriA said:



Oh, he already came back.



Not that I have released anything since I have been back. Sooooo.... "Comeback... ish?"

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Malcom Sailor! Also it would be great if Azamael and Lainos continued their work. Voyager getting finished would be excellent

Edited by Helm

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Gary Gosson. He caught my interest in Icarus: Alien Vanguard. He did more Deathmatch stuff after in his career, but I am curious as to how he'd continue if he stuck to levels?

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Rand and Steven Phares, Creators of Cleimos 1 & 2. Those wads show a lot of love and passion into doom mapping, surerly the Phares duo would do an awesome job with moddern mapping software

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Anybody I could think of has already been listed.


I had a different thought: How many mappers do you wish would go back to the style of their first output?

There's tons of maps from people who are still around but they changed their style in later maps quite extensively and it's often their first works that get remembered.


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regarding the japanese community: yes they started working on a new wad a year ago, toooooasty, manbou (aka burabojunior), yullie and tatsurd-cacocaco are back at it with other new designers (you can check cacocaco's website to find the developpement thread)


edit: outside of all the people that have already been mentioned, i would love to see paul noble (who worked on memento mori 2) and kildeth (who worked on nova: the birth) do more stuff, i like their levels a lot, and i think in general i'd love to see people who design doom maps i like work on some little games of their own <3

Edited by elborbahquarama

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I'm kinda curious what someone like "arma kero" -Armadosia's mapper- would bring to the table nowadays, what with or without the influence of anything that came afterwards, because that's one wad that always read as coming from its very own cosmos.

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I'd love to see more vanilla compatible maps from the amazing Russell D. Pearson.


If you happen to be a vanilla connoisseur, and you haven't played his maps yet, DO IT NOW!

His most famous contribution to the community is probably NULL SPACE.

But be sure to also check out his LEGO BASE.


Total classics.


Also, +1 for Anders Johnsen.

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