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The DWmegawad Club plays: I C H I N I C H I

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What is the DWmegawad Club?

This is a place where we settle down, have a cup of tea (or drink of your choice) and take a month to play through a megawad on our own, together! Any keen observations, criticisms, or frustrated ranting about it goes here in the discussion. As long as you want to say something about what you've played, feel free to speak your mind.


Can I join?

Sure. The only rule is that you have to play at least some of the levels in our monthly megawad to contribute, but you're generally encouraged to finish the whole thing, even if you've played it before.


What levels am I allowed to post about?

Whatever day of the month it is, is the upper limit for the map you can post on. So if it’s the 6th, you may discuss up to MAP06.


Do I have to post an entry every day?

Nope, not at all. This is only for our more enthusiastic members. As long as you play through it with us you’re part of the club.


When do we vote on the next month’s megawad?

Voting begins on the 25th of the current month. Remember to add one “+++” before your vote to make it easier to count. For example:


+++ Ultimate Doom


Note that you can vote for up to three separate nominations in a single month, and every wad must contain at least three maps each. The winning nomination must receive at least four votes for a thread to be made. Ties will be decided by RNG.




Hey there! Wanna play some short, fierce, limit-removing speedmaps? Well you're in luck! I C H I N I C H I by TheMightyWhoosh has just whooshed onto our doorstep and is ready for playing! Each map was made in a 24 hour period, and... that's about all you need to know! So get playing!



MAP01 - “Hello”

MAP02 - “Industry”

MAP03 - “Foundations”

MAP04 - “The Archives”

MAP05 - “Metallic”

MAP06 - “The Host”

MAP07 - “Bay 7”

MAP08 - “Bliss”

MAP09 - “Pinnacle Olive”

MAP10 - “Ed”

MAP11 - “Team Rocket”

MAP12 - “Eetoem”

MAP13 - “Dirty Laundry”

MAP14 - “Around She Goes”

MAP15 - “Diamond Mines”


MAP31 - “Boom!”

MAP32 - “Himitsu”


MAP16 - “Tortured”

MAP17 - “Map UAC”

MAP18 - “Creep”

MAP19 - “The Big Sad”

MAP20 - “C Plus”

MAP21 - “Brisk”

MAP22 - “Embedded”

MAP23 - “Tech Gone Naughty”

MAP24 - “Epping”

MAP25 - “Putrid”

MAP26 - “Aka Desu”

MAP27 - “Regenerations”

MAP28 - “Castle of Corruption”

MAP29 - “Pop”

MAP30 - “Goodbye”








The DWmegawad Club Metathread
















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Hurrah! I’m both nervous and excited to hear all your thoughts on the megawad and watch some exciting YouTube play-throughs also! 

The project was designed to “be played in one afternoon without much thought required - just good old fashioned Dooming”, so I hope this type of gameplay comes across. 

For those that remember KINDa, ‘ichinichi’ is quite similar in feel, but with far less of the vague/frustrating progression that KINDa suffered from, and is also a little more focused as a project generally. 

As the month progresses, I’ll be adding my own thoughts and memories of the projects’ creative process, I hope that’s alright with everybody! :-)

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Thinking if I should play this on HMP or UV as a fairly new player who is finding a bit of early game Speed of Doom on HMP hard (took a while on cliffside siege). Like I simultaneously want a faithful experience but also worried if I get frustrated later on, and I don't know how hard this will be.

Edited by Antiquated

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Woof!, -cl 2, UV, pistol-start


I haven't played anything from TheMightyWhoosh before, though I've seen Ichinichi was nominated for 2023 Cacoward by a couple of people, including MtPain27. 


MAP01: Hello

A short opener that, like in TNT's first map, gives you a berserk pack at the start (though there is a chaingunner not far from here, who can supply you with his weapon). The enemy roster consists of basic monsters, sporadically reinforced by a revenant or two. I think it loses its energy at the end, where you have to backtrack through an empty base, but otherwise it's a solid effort.

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Well well, it's double-whammy for me, as just after Sign of Torment another of my favourite Doom II sets won the nomination - nice!  i have played ICHINICHI's predecessor KINDa both on HNTR and HMP, and this just as it was released on HMP, and now will be doing it on UV.  Of my experience i should say as much that for a long time i was a strict HMP player, and have not yet even finished Doom II on the hardest difficulty - only some Ultimate Doom episodes :D  So obviously am a bit worried, but so was i about my HMP run of SOT (now there's a set i would not manage if it were any harder.)


It's regrettable Moonblood has been played by the Club years ago before i even knew of its existence :P


MAP01 Hello - K: 100% / S: 100% (UV, continuous)


Both KINDa and this in general have more in common with TNT: Evilution, but openers for both are distinctly Plutoniaesque.   The gameplay too is very similar with each other, with everyone up to Revenant present.  The Chainsaw and Berserk-pack are immediately offered, and against the plethora of Imps and Pinkies they work much better than the pistol.  i was mindful enough to save the Berserk for health, though, and it turned out prudent, as while the map isn't downright stingy with health - and there is a non-secret Mega Armor - it's hard to avoid taking some meaningful damage.


The layout is complex and intricate, much more so than in KINDa's opener (which did have some trickery, however) or anything in Plutonia, and the progression revolves around a central inner yard housing also the familiar blue exit pad.  The two toughest ambushes of the map occur there, the first teleporting in some Imps and Pinkies, and second two Revenants and Chaingunners.  The only thing that slightly irks me is the convenience of the teleporter behind the RK door where stairs to the exit are raised, which plumps the player neatly next to it to avoid confusion - personally i'd rather run around the map a few times wondering what happened :D  Mind you, no SSG here, only the shotgun and Chaingun.  The easy secret offers the ever-welcome backpack.


Packs a punch.  Got through deathless on my blind HMP run, but on UV needed a second attempt.

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MAP01: Hello

UV | Pistol start | Saves not needed

K: 97% | I: 100% | S: 0%

It was pretty fun going Tyson for the first bit of the map until I found the shotgun (and despite that I boxed one of the revenants for fun). Getting the megaarmor might've been unnecessary, but I still like having it on in any case. The one pain elemental at the end wasn't a pain (haha) to deal with since he's boxed in a room and I had enough bullets to chaingun him to death, and the small room also helped in dealing with the 1 lost soul. Solid first map.

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Map 01: Hello


HMP first, then UV replay.


Reminded me of an episode 1 map with walking through a pretty compact, but also somewhat non-linear intricate base, just with some harder gameplay, doom 2 monsters, a bit smaller map, and different texturing. I liked the strange hell walls and the revenant fight was neat. It does its job as a map01 but also has little to stick out in the mind outside of the revenant + chaingunner ambush.



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MAP01 thoughts, comments and spoilers below: 



‘Hello’ was created rather late in the order of maps, replacing a map that just didn’t fit an opening slot. The beginning room actually survives in map 11.


I knew I wanted the MIDI to be ‘The Imps Song’, so I based the theme and feeling of the map purely on this piece of music, and what you are playing is the result of that, so it’s fair to say that the vibe of ‘Congo’ was an inspiration here, despite no major visual links.  

Pretty happy with the map generally, giving the player a couple of routes to take and options of either berserk, chainsaw or a (via a sneaky switch) Chaingunners weapon to storm their way through the brick base until they arrive at the shotgun. 

My only mapping regret here is I feel the red key area is a little underwhelming and perhaps could have improved somewhat with a better fight/bigger arena. 


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I'll post short thoughts - as the maps are generally short.


MAP01: Hello (UV, PS, Saveless)

Scythe II - textured and Scythe-sized, this map is nothing special. Grab the Zerk and the Chainsaw and go through the map's 50-odd inhabitants. The texturing is utilitarian with no special detailing. Not much to say.


I played 15-odd maps today and it reminds me of TVR!, but TVR IMO had a cuter design, even if the gameplay was weaker.

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MAP02 Industry  - K: 100% / S: 100% (UV, continuous)


We find ourselves now in one of those techbases that produces sludge (fortunately non-toxic)!  This non-linear map starts in a central hall against light opposition, venturing into side-areas to effect the progression to obtain the YK required for exit, while in combat against similar enemies as in MAP01.  To my surprise i survived this on my blind run, and now again, so it's in some way easier than the first map having more space, less of difficult to avoid surprise hitscanners and most heavier enemies are easier to handle through the doors.  This map also has the easiest secret in the whole set, a readily visible and available medikit - a bit weird to be honest :D  The SSG is available in one of the side-rooms.


i agree with @Pechudin, and this map is a great example, on the utilitarian texturing, only that for me it's generally a virtue unless there's real thematic reason to have more detailing (i am first and foremost a fan of classical aesthetics in Doom and find a lot of modern sets overdone and garish for no reason but to dazzle, or to adhere to some 'modern' standard.)  i'm stuck on the roots of this being in KINDa and TNT, but also have to agree that Scythe is an excellent comparison - which also happens to be a set that i particularly like (apart from the excesses of some of the final maps.)


All in all, this map is a nice uncomplicated romp - nothing special, never boring, and just good gameplay with moderate threat, at least when playing a bit carefully as i do.  Thematically speaking: first map to introduce the mysterious peeping skull.  And lastly, the fact that the sludge is non-damaging is a source of constant confoundment for me as i keep instinctivelly avoiding stepping on it :D

Edited by espilka
improving inglese

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Hello again, all! I haven't done one of these in a while (I took a ~year long break from DooMing) so bite sized speedmaps seems like a perfect spot to jump back in. 


MAP01: Hello (UV Pistol Start)

Not much to say here. 1-3 punches per enemy until you get a not-pistol and then exit. I do like the green brick texture here which is rare for me, and the blur sphere on top of the red rock is a morsel of eye candy.


This wad seem like it'll make a good warm up/cool down for whatever "main" wad I'm playing. I'm looking forward to jumping back into the community.

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Sure why not!

(UV Pistol Start 100%


MAP01: A pretty "punchy opener (haha) nice and short to get you a bit warmed up for a bit. I did punch every enemy in honor of TNT MAP01 (including the chaingunners.

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I'm very happy to see this win. My first dozen or so posts on Doomworld were participation in DWMC when we were playing KINDa. I think I was too harsh on the wad at the time, I liked a lot of the experimentation and uniqueness in its design, but I got frustrated with the difficulty some of the combat and with the obscure progression in some maps, and ended up abandoning my first DWMC (and promising myself that from then on, if I start on a wad with the Club, I would stick with it all the way barring real-life getting in the way). I'm excited to see what this outing has in store, especially with promises of short maps and more lenient difficulty. @TheMightyWhoosh thank you for the map commentary, I personally love reading these and will be very happy to get your author's perspective as we go. Thank you for the wad and I'm really looking forward to playing through it!


GZDoom, Doom strict compat, software, HNTR, blind, continuous with saves. (I'm guessing Doom strict is the best since there's no mention of needing a port, if anyone knows otherwise please let me know!)


MAP01 - “Hello”

I'm not usually a fan of Tyson maps but this one feels a bit more gentle, at least at first, with enemies only coming in small numbers. The chainsaw is perfect against pinkies and spectres and the pistol does a good job dispatching the humanoids. The blue key fight is tricky but I had luckily found the secret chaingun and so it only took a couple of reloads to get the revenants to behave so I could dispose of everyone before taking too much damage. Progression so far is easy but it's fun ping-ponging back and forth across the small map. A promising opener!

Edited by brick

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I played the first 2 maps when this wad was released, so it won't be a blind playthrough until map 3. I'm playing UV pistol-start, using dsda-doom. Vaguely going for 100% kills, but I won't go too far out of my way to acheive that.


Map 1: Hello

I'm a sucker for maps that start off by giving you a berserk pack, and presenting players with a choice of both berserk and chainsaw to suit their preferences was a nice touch. This is a very interconnected map, with simple but effective texture work. The visuals remind me of plutonia, but the difficulty (so far) is milder. Solid opener to a megawad.

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I forgot to say earlier - for those that downloaded the megawad on first release - there has been an update since that rectifies a few soft blocks, early key grabs and the such. 

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MAP01 - Hello
(Ultra-violence, continuous)
Welcome to the new wad everyone! This first level is very appropriately named.
A berserk pack AND a chainsaw right at the start. Nice way for the player to choose what they want. Music's just from standard doom. The combat is pretty good, with a wide variety of enemies spaced out to not overwhelm you and a couple ammo and health packs. The decoration is a bit meh and browny, reminds me of plutonia, but I'll excuse that. An intriguing opening to the wad.

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Let's see if I can do more than 4 maps for this month before something comes up. DSDA-Doom, UV pistol starts with saves, and short writeups.


MAP01 - “Hello”



Despite a very modest monster count, this map has a good variety of indoor and outdoor areas with some interesting shapes. It seems the author was inspired by Plutonia's opener, and I can see that from the enemies used, although the traps aren't nearly as mean. Pretty straightforward and satisfying combo or Berserk and Chaingun gaming.


MAP02 - “Industry”



Not a huge fan of this hot start but the map does get more enjoyable after grabbing the SSG and blue armour. I like the clean aesthetic and functional detailing.

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MAP02: Industry

UV | Pistol start | No saves

K: 100% | I: 96% | S: 0%

When I first started the map I kinda just went around killing any enemies that I saw (I enjoyed using the pistol on one of the shotgunners before grabbing his weapon and using it to help with the rest of the first room), not realizing that I needed to push a specific switch. Before then, the map felt pretty standard if a little tight on ammo; after pressing a specific switch though, things heated up a little bit with the baron spawning with hell knights and revenants, but nothing too crazy. I think this was all prior to finding the SSG (I killed the one pain elemental with the regular shotgun); I left the baron room to comb through any explored rooms which was how I found the SSG). Once I got the SSG though, killing the remaining enemies was pretty smooth sailing. I enjoyed the map, but it definitely felt shorter than I expected. Also, I had an expectation that the sludge would be a damaging liquid since I feel like I've come to expect that from other unrelated maps and stuff, but luckily that's not the case here.

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MAP02 thoughts, comments and spoilers below:



The first couple of rooms are the only carryover from ‘KINDa’. I created these towards the end of that project; however the theme didn’t really fit at the time, so I came back to this map at the beginning of ‘ichinichi’ and decided to fiddle about with the layout along with adding another couple of areas. 

The map originally had more of a switch-hunt theme in order to acquire the yellow key; however remembering how annoying these were in ‘KINDa’, I took away the majority of switches and left just the two. 

Definitely TNT-inspired, probably from the wonderfully outrageous texturing in the latter part of ‘Crater’.   


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8 hours ago, TheMightyWhoosh said:

I forgot to say earlier - for those that downloaded the megawad on first release - there has been an update since that rectifies a few soft blocks, early key grabs and the such. 

Thanks for letting us know, is the latest version the one on idgames now?

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MAP02: Industry


The map starts in an open room, where you are assaulted by wandering enemies. After eliminating a nearby shotgunner, you can start the killing. Industry is pretty much a loop, where you have to make it to the other side, press a switch to unlock the yellow key and get to the exit. This task can be made easier if you enter a side room with a super shotgun first, as you'll be against revenants, cacodemons and a pain elemental by the exit. 


Now, one peculiar thing I've noticed is the blue outline around some doors. It was present in MAP01, where it indicated the need to have a blue key, but here, those doors can be opened without key, switch or anything. I won't lie, this puzzled me for a while. Still, I think it's a good dose of action.

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MAP 02: Industry

(UV Continuous)


The beginning is rather high energy, with the hot start, number of hitscanners, and the revenants all leading to a fairly exciting opening. But once you finish that, the level slows down a lot in pace, as I found myself shotgunning a baron (Although I could have gotten the revenant to help more). When I got to the end, I was confused, as I was expecting to find the blue key, not the intermission screen. Turns out though by the comments that there isn't a blue key and the "blue key" doors are actually normal doors? I never even had to check that part of the level, but apparently there's an SSG behind it that would have probably helped a lot of my criticisms regarding the second half. Beginning is good and I like the layout but personally, the indication issues regarding the doors that were blue key doors in MAP01 bothers me and led to the level losing its heat by the end to me.


Personal first playthrough rating: 5.5/10 (whether rating is high, medium, or low though, I appreciate the presence of all maps on doomworld)

Edited by Antiquated

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MAP03 Foundations - K: 100% / S: 100% (UV, continuous)


Another design showcasing the unique creativity at work in this set - positive insanity of TNT without the inanity, while Scythe has nothing this complex.  The layout is crowned for me by the hallway around the central hub, and open corruption has started to creep in the installation in form of lava, bowels and flesh.  It's nothing too difficult but if you waste the Invulnerability sphere you're in trouble (there is a helpful sign for it but i only noted it subconsciously on both runs, being mostly lucky to make proper use of it...in KINDa there's also an Invul sphere for one Cyberdemon fight (or at least that's what i've decided it's best used on) but it's quite a running distance away, so am glad one needs to travel only a small distance for the relevant encounter with this one! :D  Still, what gave me the most trouble on account of my usual undecisive gameplay was the Arachnotron added to the enemies, ha-ha - nah, she's not really even threatening (unless you run heedlessly forward), but i somehow managed to get almost torn to shreds by her fire (and i realize there's actually quite a similar situation in KINDa.) 


The only secret i remembered, but it's not hard to find.  Thus far the secrets are really the weakest part of the set, but there will be some nice ones in near future :)

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MAP02: Industry (UV Pistol start)


This might be the coldest hot start I've played. It makes sure you're paying attention but there's tons of room to run and if you're caught with your pants all the way down you can just leave. Green means go (in a circle) here so hit the switches, watch out for any "how are they not dead yet" hitscanners, and move on to MAP03. And next time maybe give the Baron time to answer the door before you go knocking it down.


The annoying amount of doors is slightly mitigated here since they open automatically. I assume the levels are set up this way early to keep fights small and contained but I'm getting Demonfear flashbacks and that's no bueno. Hopefully things open up.

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I've now downloaded the most recent version of the wad.


Map 2: Industry


I remembered this map had a hot start, but that didn't save me from having my ass kicked by it in the beginning. I'm personally not a fan of hot starts, and never seem to be able to handle them well. My only other issue with the map was the switch that gave access to the yellow key. Maybe it's just me being a moron, but whenever a switch has no visible effect because it's triggered something in another room, my progress comes to a halt, as I spend some time wandering around trying to find out what's changed.


Aside from that, the map is nice. Once I got over the hot start and gathered my thoughts, the combat turned out to be very managable. Texture work continues to be good. I think I liked the visuals of this map better than the first one, though the gameplay of the first was more enjoyable to me.


I'm also starting to already notice there's a severed head watching from somewhere outside of each map. Or maybe I'm just paranoid.

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GZDoom, Doom strict compat, software, HNTR, blind, continuous with saves.


MAP02 - “Industry”
Nothing says Plutonia more than a small map with low enemy number in deadly encounters, and of course revenants and chaingunners. The hot start is manageable on continuous, but I guess pistol starters will have to pry a shotgun from a guy's hands as soon as possible. The yellow key is in plain sight but I really advise exploring first, trying to get it before the SSG is asking for trouble. Just like the first map there's the one big combat setpiece, with everything else being more incidental. The yellow key fight is actually not too hard, there's plenty of space to move and convenient pillars to dispose of homing rockets.


MAP03 - “Foundations”
This is an interesting map. The starting area is enclosed by lifts that don't function much differently from doors, but it's an unusual setup. The blue key sits there in the open on the west side, tantalizing, but I went the other direction first; turned out to be an excellent idea. Most of the rest of the map involves getting the yellow key, going through the yellow door and to the Invulnerability. I was wondering what I'd need it for, and got my answer very quickly when the teleport there took me to the blue key and an army of chaingunners. I wonder if it's possible to win this without the sphere, it looks like murder but the potential for infighting is also huge. I loved the way the puzzle unfolds.

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MAP02 - Industry

Pretty difficult for the second level. Small map, few enemies, but they're dangerous, already bringing out the hell knights and barons of hell. I sure as shit didn't find the SSG that was apparently there, so that made it worse. What I really liked about this map is that you can't really run past monsters and not have to deal with them, they'll either follow you to the next room and bite you in the ass or you'll have to go back anyway. Fun as hell!

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MAP03: Foundations


UV Continuous (but try not to use weapons until I pick them up in the map)


In the name: with the name and brown texturing, I see this map as being in the underbelly of a building, within the stone supports below. Perhaps there is a demonic growth at the base of it which is causing problems? Maybe this is right below the factory of Map02, Industry. The skylights go against that, but oh well.


A confusing, but interesting and good beginning lead to a lot of initial damage, before I figured out that I should run out of the main room asap when lowering the doors. From there, you have to be careful with the density of enemies in the cramped space, although it gets a lot easier when you find the somewhat-hidden-but-not-a-secret SSG. The Mancubus was very passive in my playthrough, which made things easier. The aesthetics of the map look good despite their usage of heavy beiges, but I didn't find much memorable about the map other than the interesting beginning room and the invincibility chaingunner ambush that whilst a little scary, is mainly an odd gimmick fight that's almost anticlimactic to me. Kudos to the indication for the blue key revealing teleporter.


Personal review on first playthrough: 6.75/10

Edited by Antiquated

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MAP03 - “Foundations”



Fun map and I really like the aesthetics of the final area.


However, I will take this opportunity to rant about weapon placement in general. This map gives you 3 main paths leading out of the starting room, and the SSG is sitting away in the small hallway behind the player. It's in an optional section of the map, that's not linked to progression, but picking it up early heavily influences the experience. It's more enjoyable taking out Pinkies and mid-tiers with the SSG than grinding them down with the regular Shotgun. Why not just place the SSG in the starting room or on the left path, which you're supposed to take first. This kind of placement essentially griefs the player if they don't happen to check that hallway early on. And it happens all the time in Doom maps, both classic and modern. I've seen streamers describe this as "find the good gun", where you run around a non-linear map avoiding enemies until you find something better than a Shotgun or Chaingun.


Now this is a short and easy map, so it's not a big deal, but I've played longer and harder maps where I ended up finding a Rocket Launcher or Plasma Rifle after most enemies were dead. It's a symptom of the old school Pistol Start balance of the IWADs, and I much prefer how later games just spawned you with all the weapons you're supposed to have acquired at that point when choosing to clean start a chapter from the menu.


Finally, I noticed that this Imp was stuck.

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